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Licenses & Fees

Licenses & Permits



For anyone 17 years old and younger.

Resident Adult

For Ohio residents age 18-65.

Nonresident Adult

For all nonresidents 18 years old and older.


For residents and nonresidents accompanied by a licensed hunter.

Resident Senior

For Ohio residents age 66 and older born on or after January 1, 1938.

Resident Free Senior

For Ohio residents born on or before December 31, 1937.


An Ohio resident is a person who has resided in the state of Ohio for the past six consecu- tive months. All others are considered non- residents and must purchase a nonresident license. Nonresident students who are ac- tively enrolled in an Ohio college or universi- ty alsoqualify for a resident Ohio license.


Ohio’s annual hunting licenses are valid from March 1 to the last day in February. Multiyear licenses are valid from the date of purchase to the same date in three, five, or ten years, whichever applies. All costs include a writing fee. All sales are final. No refunds.

All hunters, regardless of age, must carry a valid hunting license to hunt or trap game in Ohio. Hunting deer, turkey, waterfowl, or hunting or trapping of furbearers re- quires the hunter to possess an additional game-specific permit.

Licenses and permits purchased at retail outlets or at home will be printed on plain white paper. The paper may be trimmed and folded down. It is highly recommend- ed to protect your licenses and permits from the elements. Customers must be present to purchase a license or permit.


A permanent customer identification num- ber will be assigned to all applicants of hunting or fishing licenses.

Every customer who applies for a license or permit is required to provide their Social Security Number (SSN). Federal Statute 42 requiresthe SSN of any individual to whom the state issues a recreational hunting or fishing license. Applicants who do not have an active SSN must affirm their status at the time of application. Applicants must also declare their residency and provide their full name, date of birth, gender, mailing address, height, weight, hair color, and eye color. Once provided and recorded in the licensing system,applicants will only be re- quired to update their information on file if it changes.


Visit an authorized agent, the HuntFish OH mobile app, or to purchase a license or permit. Authorized agents are located inevery county in Ohio. Visit wildo- or call 1-800-WILDLIFE (1-800-945- 3543) to find an agent.


Licenses and permits may also be pur- chased on a mobile device or through the Division of Wildlife's mobile application, HuntFish OH. Hunters must carry their li- censes and permits at all times while hunt- ing, and must present their license upon request. Licenses and permits may be dis- played on a mobile device.


Lost, stolen, or destroyed licenses and per- mits may be re-issued at any license sales lo- cation or at Reprints are free at and cost $4 at a license agent.


The Ohio Conservation Card is available with the purchase of a lifetime or mul- tiyear license. Lifetime licenses are only sold at Division of Wildlife offices, online at, and through a mailed appli- cation. Multiyear licenses are available for purchase at license agents.

Licenses & Cost

Youth Licenses


Resident & Nonresident Youth 1-Year Hunting License


Resident & Nonresident Youth 1-Year Apprentice License


Resident Youth 3-Year Hunting License


Resident Youth 5-Year Hunting License


Resident Youth 10-Year Hunting License


Resident Youth Lifetime Hunting License


Adult Licenses


Resident 1-Year Hunting License


Resident 1-Year Apprentice License


Resident 3-Year Hunting License


Resident 5-Year Hunting License


Resident 10-Year Hunting License


Resident Lifetime Hunting License


Nonresident 1-Year Hunting License


Nonresident (Tourist) 3-Day Hunting License

Nonresident 3-day license not valid for deer, turkey, or furbearers


Nonresident 1-Year Apprentice Hunting License


Senior Licenses - Residents Only


Resident Senior 1-Year Hunting License


Resident Senior 1-Year Apprentice License


Resident Senior 3-Year Hunting License


Resident Senior 5-Year Hunting License


Resident Senior Lifetime Hunting License


Resident Free Senior Hunting License


Permits & Stamps

Either-Sex Deer Permits


Adult Permit: Resident


Adult Permit: Nonresident


Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Senior Permit: Resident Only


Free Senior Permit: Resident Only


Deer Management Permits


Adult and Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Senior Permit: Resident Only


Free Senior Permit: Resident OnlyFREE

Fall Turkey Permits


Adult Permit: Resident


Adult Permit: Nonresident


Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Senior Permit: Resident Only


Free Senior Permit: Resident Only


Spring Turkey Permits


Adult Permit: Resident


Adult Permit: Nonresident


Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Senior Permit: Resident Only


Free Senior Permit: Resident Only


Migratory Bird & Waterfowl Stamps


Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp


Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp: Resident & Nonresident


Free Senior Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp: Resident Only


Fur Taker Permits



Adult Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Senior Permit: Resident Only


Free Senior Permit: Resident Only


Apprentice Adult Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Apprentice Senior Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Apprentice Youth Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Shooting Range Permits


One-Year Permit: Resident & Nonresident


One-Day Permit: Resident & Nonresident


Annual Permit & Hunting License Combo: Resident - Valid until Feb. 29, 2024


Annual Permit & Apprentice Hunting License Combo: Resident - Valid until Feb. 29, 2024



All first-time hunting license buyers, except apprentice license buyers, must success- fully complete a hunter education course before purchasing a hunting license. The hunting course is designed to instill a code of ethics and responsibility, as well as pro- vide instruction on guns and how they work, types of ammunition, gun handling, field care of game, wildlife identification, wildlife management, hunting regulations,and other topics. Statistics show that hunter education has helped reduce the number of hunting related injuries and incidents.

Anyone applying for a hunting license is required to successfully complete a hunter education course. Applicants must do one of the following:

  • Present a previously held hunting license.
  • Present evidence of having successfully completed a hunter education course (from any state).
  • Attest they are 21 years of age or older and previously held a legal hunting li- cense (from any state).
  • Obtain an apprentice license.

The trapper education course, taken af- ter successful completion of a hunter ed- ucation course, covers trap set making, trapping equipment, pelt preparation, furbearer life history, identification, and management. These courses provide an opportunity for adults to introduce anoth- er person to hunting and trapping and to share the excitement that goes with it. To obtain a fur taker permit for trapping, ap- plicants must do one of the following:

  • Present a previously held trapping li- cense (from any state).
  • Present evidence of having successfully completed a trapper education course.
  • Attest they are 21 years of age or older and previously held a legal trapping li- cense (from any state).
  • Obtain an apprentice permit.


Ohio residents and nonresidents may pur- chase an apprentice hunting license or ap- prentice fur taker permit without having taken ahunter or trapper education course.

Apprentice hunting licenses and appren- tice fur taker permits allow new hunters and trappers, both adults and youth, to sample the experience of hunting and trapping under the mentorship of a li- censed adult prior to completing a hunter or trapper education course.

To hunt or trap, apprentice license and permit holders must be accompanied by a licensed hunter or trapper 21 years old or older. The licensed hunter may not accom- pany more than two apprentice license holders at the same time.

Accompany means to go along with anoth- er person while staying within a distance from the person that enables uninterrupt- ed, unaided visual and auditory communi- cations.

Having previously held an apprentice li- cense does not qualify the holder to pur- chase a regular hunting license or fur taker permit. To obtain a regular hunting license, a hunter education course must be suc- cessfully completed. To obtain a regular fur taker permit, a hunter education course and trapper education course must be suc- cessfully completed. Apprentice licenses and fur taker permits are available to both Ohio residents and nonresidents, youth and adults.


Ohio is a member of the agreement be- tween states that if a person loses their hunting, trapping, or fishing privileges in one of those states, they may lose those privileges in all of the member states. If you lose your right to hunt, trap, or fish in Ohio, it is your responsibility to check with anyother state before you hunt, trap, or fish there to ensure you have not lost your privileges in that state as well.


Certain categories of persons are exempted from buying licenses, permits, and stamps.

  1. Ohio resident landowners, spouses, and their children are not required to have a hunting license, fur taker permit, ei- ther-sex deer permit, deer management permit, spring or fall turkey permit, or Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp when hunting or trapping on land theyown.
  2. A nonresident landowner, and the spouse and children living with the landowner, may hunt on that property without a license, either-sex deer per- mit, deer management permit, spring or fall turkey permit, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp, or fur taker permit if the nonres- ident’s home state allows residents of Ohio owning property in the nonresi- dent’s home state, and the spouse and children living with the Ohio property owner, to hunt without a license, deer permit, spring or fall turkey permit, wet- lands habitat stamp, or fur taker permit.
  3. A member of a limited liability company or partnership is a landowner provid- ed the member is an Ohio resident and the limited liability company or limited liability partnership consists of three or fewer individual members or partners, or the beneficiary or trustee of a trustthat has three or fewer trustees and ben- eficiaries.
  4. Tenants and their children on land on which they reside, pay rent, and from which they derive the majority (more than 50 percent) of their income from agricultural production on that land are not required to have a hunting license, fur taker permit, either-sex deer permit, deer management permit, spring or fall turkey permit, or Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp when they are hunting or trap- ping on land where they reside.
  5. Ohio resident landowners’ grandchil- dren who are under 18 years of age are not required to have a hunting license or an Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp while hunting on their grandparents’ land. All other licenses and permits are required.
  6. Members of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty while on leave or furlough are not required to purchase a huntinglicense, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp, or fur taker permit. All other licenses and permits are required.

Members of the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty stationed in Ohio, but NOT on leave or furlough are required to pur- chase a residentOhio hunting license and other applicable permits before hunting deer, turkey, or hunting and trapping fur- bearers, and an Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp for hunting waterfowl.


Free licenses may be obtained from a li- cense agent and must be carried while hunting. License applications are available at or by calling 1-800-WILD- LIFE (1-800-945-3543).

  1. Ohio residents born on or before Dec. 31, 1937 will receive a free fishing license, hunting license, either-sex deer permit, deer management permit, spring and fall turkey permits, Ohio Wetlands Habi- tat Stamp, and fur taker permit. Ohio res- idents age 66 and older who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1938 are eligible for reduced-cost licenses and permits.
  2. Ohio residents who are holders of a vet- eran’s license plate displaying the inter- national wheelchair symbol must apply in writing for a free hunting license, fur taker permit, either-sex deer permit, spring or fall turkey permit, and an Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp endorsement. Applications must be certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  3. Permanently and totally disabled veter- ans who receive pension or compensa- tion due to their service-related injuries and who are Ohio residents must apply in writing for a free hunting license, fur taker permit, either-sex deer permit, tur- key permit, and Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp. Applications must be certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  4. Ohio residents who are former prison- ers of war must apply in writing for a free hunting license, fur taker permit, and Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp. All other licenses and permits are required to be purchased. Applications must be certified by the U.S. Department of Vet- erans Affairs.