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Rules for Specific Waters

Utah Code § 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-20

The rules below take precedence over the general rules listed earlier in this guidebook. The seasons, limits and other restrictions in this section apply only to the waters listed below. General rules apply to all of the waters NOT listed in this section. (See Daily limits to learn more about catching and harvesting fish at waters that are NOT listed in this section.)

American Fork Creek, Utah County

See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Anderson Meadow Reservoir, Beaver County

    • Fishing from a boat with a motor is unlawful.

    Annabella Lake, Sevier County

    • Limit of 8 trout from Aug. 15–Dec. 31.

    Ashley Creek, Uintah County

    From Steinaker (Thornburg) diversion upstream to the water treatment plant near the mouth of Ashley Gorge.

    • Limit 2 trout.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Aspen-Mirror Lake, Kane County

    • Fishing from a boat or float tube is unlawful.

    Badger Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Barney Lake, Piute County

    • Limit 2 trout.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • Fishing from a boat with a motor is unlawful.

    (BR) Bear Lake, Rich County

    See license requirements.

    • Limit 2 trout.
    • Anglers may keep snagged Bonneville cisco that are taken through normal, legal fishing activities.
    • Cisco may be taken with a handheld dipnet. Net opening may not exceed 18 inches in any dimension. When dipnetting through the ice, the size of the hole is unrestricted.
    • When ice fishing for fish other than cisco, the size of the hole may not exceed 18 inches.
    • Any angler who possesses a valid Utah or Idaho fishing or combination license may fish within both the Utah and Idaho boundaries of Bear Lake. An angler may fish with up to two poles on all areas of the Utah portion of Bear Lake that are open to fishing. Anglers must comply with Idaho regulations if they want to use more than one pole when fishing on the Idaho portion of Bear Lake.
    • A person may not possess a multipoint hook with a weight permanently or rigidly attached directly to the shank—or a weight suspended below a multipoint hook—unless the hook is on an unweighted dropper line that is at least three inches long.

    Bear Lake tributaries, Rich County

    • Big Spring Creek from Lamborn Diversion (approximately 500 yards below SR-30) downstream to Bear Lake and that area extending from the mouth out into the lake 1,000 feet, or as buoyed.
      • CLOSED April 15 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.
      • Catch and release only and artificial flies and lures only (Jan. 1 through April 14 and from 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July through Dec. 31).
    • Swan Creek from the headwater spring downstream to Bear Lake and that area extending from the mouth out into the lake 1,000 feet, or as buoyed.
      • CLOSED April 15 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.
      • Catch and release only and artificial flies and lures only (Jan. 1 through April 14 and from 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July through Dec. 31).

    Beaver Creek, Cache County

    See Logan River.

    Beaver Creek, San Juan County

    Tributary to La Sal Creek.

    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • All cutthroat trout must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Beaver Dam Reservoir, Wayne County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Beaver River, Beaver County

    From Minersville Reservoir upstream to the bridge at Greenville.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Beer Creek, Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Benches Pond tributaries, Sanpete County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Bicknell Bottoms, Wayne County

    This area is along the Fremont River.

    • Open to fishing, except where posted CLOSED.

    Big Lake, Sevier County

    • Aug. 15–Dec. 31: Limit 8 trout.

    Big Sand Wash Reservoir, Duchesne County

    • Limit 10 yellow perch and 20 walleye (no size restrictions).

    Big Spring Creek, Rich County

    See Bear Lake tributaries.

    Blacksmith Fork River, Cache County

    From the first highway bridge (at the mouth of the canyon) of State Road 101 (Blacksmith Fork Canyon Road) to the headwaters.

    Only one fish may be over 15 inches.

    • Bonus limit of 4 brown trout (total limit of no more than 8 trout if at least 4 are brown trout).

    Blue Lake, Tooele County

    • No limit for pacu or tilapia. Anglers must not release any pacu or tilapia they catch. All pacu and tilapia must be immediately killed.
    • Underwater spearfishing is allowed for pacu, tilapia and carp only.

    (BR) Boulder Mountain lakes and reservoirs, Garfield and Wayne counties.

    • See specific water restrictions for individual waters. Statewide regulations apply to those waters not specifically identified.
    • Fishing from a boat with a motor is unlawful, except at Wide Hollow Reservoir, Pine Lake and Lower Bowns Reservoir.

    Broad Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Bryants Fork, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Bulberry Lakes, Wayne County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Burraston Ponds, Juab County

    • Fishing from a boat with a motor of any kind is prohibited.

    (BR) Calder Reservoir, Uintah County

    • Limit 1 trout over 22 inches.
    • All trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Causey Reservoir, Weber County

    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon, and no more than 1 may be a lake trout over 22 inches.
    • All lake trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.

    Causey Reservoir tributaries, Weber County

    Right and left forks of the South Fork Ogden River, from Causey Reservoir upstream to the headwaters.

    • CLOSED Aug. 15 through 6 a.m. on the last Saturday of September.

    Chicken Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Chipman Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Clyde Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Co-op Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Coal Canyon, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Colorado River, Garfield, Grand, San Juan and Wayne counties

    • From the Colorado state line downriver to the Hite bridge on SR-95.
      • No limit for channel catfish.
      • No limit for burbot, northern pike, smallmouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.
      • Species of threatened and endangered fish occur in the Colorado. If you catch one of these fish, you must release it immediately.
    • From the Colorado state line downriver to the confluence of the Dirty Devil River.
      • Limit 2 roundtail chub.

    Colorado River tributaries, Garfield, Grand and Wayne counties

    • Dolores River (Grand County) from the confluence with the Colorado River upstream to the Colorado state line; Mill Creek (Grand County) from the confluence with the Colorado River upstream to headwaters; Dirty Devil River (Garfield and Wayne counties) from the SR-95 bridge upstream to the Hanksville Diversion.
      • No limit for channel catfish.
      • No limit for burbot, northern pike, smallmouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.
    • Dolores River from the Colorado state line downriver to the confluence of the Colorado River.
      • Limit 2 roundtail chub.
    • Escalante River from the confluence of Pine Creek downriver to the confluence of Lake Powell.
      • All roundtail chub must be immediately released.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Cow Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    (BR) Currant Creek, Wasatch County

    From the confluence with Water Hollow Creek upstream to the headwaters, including all tributaries to Currant Creek Reservoir, but not the reservoir itself.

    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Cutler Reservoir, Box Elder and Cache counties

    • Limit 4 channel catfish

    Cutler Reservoir tributaries, Cache County

    Little Bear River and all tributaries to Little Bear River upstream to Mendon Road (600 S); Logan River and all tributaries to Logan River upstream to Mendon Road (600 S); Bear River and all tributaries to Bear River upstream to Highway 218.

    • Limit 4 channel catfish.

    Deep Lake, Sevier County

    • Aug. 15–Dec. 31: Limit 8 trout.

    (BR) Deer Creek Reservoir, Wasatch County

    • No limit on white bass or black bullhead catfish. Anglers must not release any white bass or black bullhead catfish they catch. All white bass or black bullhead catfish must be immediately killed.
    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.

    Deseret Reservoir, Tooele County

    The reservoir is located at Deseret Chemical Depot, a U.S. Army facility.

    • Open to fishing on the first Saturday of May through Oct. 31 during daylight hours. (A gate will be closed and locked from dusk to dawn.)

    Facility CLOSED Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 through April 30.

    Fishing at Deseret Reservoir requires an onpost fishing permit. You can obtain one at the following locations: the Outdoor Recreation Shop (Building 1011, 435-833-3100) or the TEAD Physical Fitness Center (Building 1002, 435-833-2159).

    • Shore fishing only.

    Dolores River, Grand County

    See Colorado River tributaries.

    Donkey Lake, Wayne County

    • Limit 16 brook trout.

    Dougherty Basin Lake, Garfield County

    Boulder Mountain—the lake and outflow from the dam downstream one-quarter mile.

    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Dry Creek, Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Duck Creek Springs Lake, Kane County

    • Fishing from a boat or a float tube is unlawful.

    Duck Fork Creek and other tributaries to Duck Fork Reservoir, Sanpete County

    • Limit 2 tiger trout.
    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    (BR) Duck Fork Reservoir, Sanpete County

    • Limit 2 tiger trout.
    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.

    (BR) East Fork Boulder Creek, Garfield County

    From the confluence with West Fork Boulder Creek upstream to theheadwaters.

    • Limit 4 trout, excluding brook trout.
    • No limit for brook trout.

    East Fork Little Bear River and its tributaries, Cache County

    From Porcupine Reservoir upstream to the headwaters.

    • CLOSED Aug. 15 through 6 a.m. on the last Saturday of September.

    East Fork Little Bear River, Cache County

    From Porcupine Dam downstream to the Avon-Paradise road (SR-165), second stream crossing below reservoir.

    • Limit 2 trout and salmon (a combined total).
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    East Fork Sevier River, Garfield and Piute counties

    • Feeder canal from the diversion near Antimony down the channel to Otter Creek Reservoir:
      • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Echo Reservoir, Summit County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.
    • No limit for walleye. Anglers must not release any walleye they catch. All walleye must be immediately killed.

    Escalante River, Garfield and Kane counties

    See Colorado River tributaries.

    Fish Creek Reservoir, Wayne County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31.

    (BR) Fish Lake, Sevier County

    • No limit on yellow perch
    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon (a combined total), only 1 may exceed 24 inches, regardless of species
    • Underwater spearfishing is permitted from 6 a.m. on the first Saturday of June through Sept. 9.
    • When ice fishing, the size of the hole may not exceed 18 inches.

    Fish Lake tributary, Sevier County

    See Twin Creek.

    (BR) Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Daggett County

    See General rules: Licenses and permits for license and permit requirements.

    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon (a combined total), excluding lake trout.
    • Limit 12 lake trout/mackinaw, only 1 may exceed 28 inches.
    • Linwood Bay, west of a line from the easternmost point of the south shore of Linwood Bay (mouth of canyon) to easternmost point of the north shore of Linwood Bay (Lucerne Point), CLOSED to nighttime angling (sunset to sunrise) from Oct. 15 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of December.
    • Limit 6 catfish.
    • Limit 3 smallmouth and largemouth bass (a combined total).
    • No limit for burbot. Anglers must not release any burbot they catch. All burbot must be immediately killed.
    • Anglers may use dead burbot as bait.
    • When ice fishing, the hole size may not exceed 18 inches.
    • A person may use up to six lines when fishing through the ice. If the angler is using more than one line, the angler’s name shall be attached to each line, pole or tip-up, and the angler shall check only their lines.
    • Open to taking burbot by means of underwater spearfishing from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 24 hours each day. Artificial light is permitted while engaged in underwater spearfishing for burbot. Artificial light may not be used to take other fish species with spearfishing techniques. No other species of fish may be taken with underwater spearfishing techniques between official sunset and official sunrise.
    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.

    Gooseberry Creek, Sanpete County

    From the confluence with Upper Fish Creek upstream to Gooseberry Dam.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Gooseberry Reservoir tributaries, Sanpete County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Grandaddy Lake tributaries, Duchesne County

    Located in the Uinta Mountains.

    • All tributaries to Grandaddy Lake CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Grantsville Reservoir, Tooele County

    • No limit for smallmouth bass. Anglers must not release any bass they catch. All bass must be immediately killed.

    Grassy Trail Reservoir, Carbon County


    (BR) Green River, Carbon, Daggett, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Uintah and Wayne counties

    • From the Flaming Gorge Dam downriver to the confluence of the Colorado River:
      • No limit for channel catfish.
      • No limit for burbot, northern pike, smallmouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.
      • Species of threatened and endangered fish occur in the Green River. If you catch one of these fish, you must release it immediately. See list of prohibited fish.
    • From the Colorado state line in Browns Park upstream to Flaming Gorge Dam, including Gorge Creek, a tributary entering the Green River at Little Hole:
      • Limit 3 trout (2 under 15 inches and 1 over 22 inches).
      • All trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.
      • No limit for burbot, northern pike, smallmouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED to fishing from a boat with a motor between the Utah-Colorado state line and Flaming Gorge Dam.

    Green River tributaries, Carbon, Duchesne, Emery and Uintah counties

    Ashley Creek (Uintah County) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to the town of Vernal; Brush Creek(Uintah County) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to Red Fleet Dam; Duchesne River (Duchesne and Uintah counties) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to the Knight Diversion; White River (Uintah County) from the confluence with the Green River to the Utah-Colorado border; Willow Creek (Uintah County) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to the conflu- ence with Hill Creek; Price River (Carbon and Emery counties) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to the Farnham Dam/ Diversion near Wellington; San Rafael River (Emery County) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to the Hatt’s Ranch Diversion near SR-24; Range Creek (Carbon and Emery counties) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to headwaters; Nine Mile Creek (Carbon and Duchesne counties) from the confluence with the Green River upstream to headwaters.

    • No limit for channel catfish.
    • No limit for burbot, northern pike, small- mouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.

    Green River tributaries (continued)

    • San Rafael River
      • Limit 2 roundtail chub.
    • White River from the Colorado state line downriver to tribal land boundary.
      • Limit 2 roundtail chub.

    (BR) Gunlock Reservoir, Washington County

    • Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be over 12 inches.
    • No limit on smallmouth bass. Anglers must not release any smallmouth bass they catch. All smallmouth bass must be immediately killed.

    Hobble Creek, Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Hobbs Reservoir, Davis County

    • Limit 2 trout 15 inches or smaller.
    • All trout over 15 inches must be immedi- ately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Holmes Creek Reservoir, Davis County

    • Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be over 12 inches.

    Honeymoon Lake, Wayne County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Horse Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Huntington Creek, Emery County Below Electric Lake.

    • Right Fork (from Flood and Engineers canyons upstream to Electric Lake Dam):
      • Limit 2 trout.
      • Artificial flies only
    • Left Fork (from the top of the USFS camp- ground, near the confluence with Right Fork, to the headwaters, including all tributaries: Scad Valley Creek, Rolfson Creek, Lake Creek, Staker Creek, Millers Flat Creek and Paradise Creek):
      • Anglers are encouraged to harvest brown trout.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Huntington Reservoir, Sanpete County

    Near the top of Huntington Canyon.

    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.

    Huntington Reservoir tributaries, Sanpete County

    Near the top of Huntington Canyon.

    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • Anglers are encouraged to harvest tiger trout.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Huntington North Reservoir, Emery County

    Near the city of Huntington.

    • Limit 6 bass, only 1 may be over 12 inches.

    Indian Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    (BR) Joes Valley Reservoir, Emery County

    • Limit 4 trout, only 1 trout may be over 18 inches.

    Jones Hole Creek, Uintah County

    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Jordanelle Reservoir, Wasatch County

    • Limit 6 bass
    • CLOSED to spearfishing.

    Kolob Reservoir, Washington County

    • Limit 2 trout under 15 inches or over 22 inches.
    • All trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only from Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday in May, and from the second Saturday in September through Dec. 31.

    Kolob Reservoir tributaries, Washington County

    From Kolob Reservoir upstream to the headwa- ters.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    (BR) Lake Canyon Lake, Duchesne County

    • Limit 2 trout, only 1 may be a cutthroat trout over 22 inches. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Colorado River cutthroat trout.
    • All cutthroat trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED near the inlet stream, as posted for spring spawning operations.

    (BR) Lake Powell, Garfield, Kane and San Juan counties

    See Bait for the use of dead shad as bait in Lake Powell.

    • Limit 20 smallmouth bass.
    • Limit 5 largemouth bass.
    • Limit 10 crappie.
    • Limit 25 channel catfish.
    • No limit on striped bass.
    • No limit on walleye.
    • Fish may be filleted at any time.
    • Anglers may possess filleted fish.
    • Anglers may use dead striped bass as bait.
    • Chumming is allowed, but you may chum only with legal baits or dead striped bass, as specified in Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-12.
    • Gaffs may be used to land striped bass only.
    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfish- ing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.
    • Archery and underwater spearfishing are prohibited within all of the following areas:
      • One-quarter mile of all existing developed areas, including shoreline campgrounds, docks, launch ramps, breakwaters and trailheads
      • One-quarter mile of any structure, including any building, shed, pump-out, boat dock, breakwater, permanent harbor fixture, camper, motor home, trailer, tent or vehicle
      • Rainbow Bridge National Monument
      • One-quarter mile of Dangling Rope Marina, including any land- or harbor-based structures
      • One hundred yards (300 feet) of any boats (unless the person owns, rents, leases or lawfully occupies the boat), or another boat moves into the 100-yard perimeter after the bow or spearfishing activity has commenced

    LeBaron Reservoir, Beaver County

    • Fishing from a boat with a motor is unlawful.

    Little Co-op Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Little Creek Reservoir, Rich County

    • Aug. 1–Oct. 31: Limit 8 trout.

    Little Dell Reservoir, Salt Lake County

    • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
    • All cutthroat trout must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Little Reservoir, Beaver County

    • Fishing from a boat with a motor is unlawful.

    (BR) Logan River, Cache County

    • From Card Canyon Bridge upstream to the highway bridge at Red Banks Campground, including all tributary streams in between, but not including Tony Grove Lake:
    • Limit 2 trout and whitefish (a combined total).
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Long Willow Bottom, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1 through

    Dec. 31.

    Lost Creek, Morgan County

    From the bridge (culvert) approximately one-quarter mile above Lost Creek Reservoir upstream to the headwaters, EXCEPT Squaw Creek.

    • Catch and release only.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Lost Creek Reservoir, Morgan County

    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon (a com- bined total). Kokanee salmon of any size may be harvested as part of the limit.
    • No more than 3 trout may be under 15 inches.
    • No more than 1 trout may be over 22 inches.
    • All trout between 15 and 22 inches must be immediately released.

    Trout and salmon may not be filleted, and their heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.

    • CLOSED to spearfishing.

    Lower Fish Creek (Price River), Carbon and Utah counties

    From the railroad bridge (approximately one mile below the Scofield Reservoir dam) downstream to the confluence with the White River.

    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    Mammoth Creek, Garfield County

    From the canal diversion (about three miles upstream from the Mammoth Creek Fish Hatchery), upstream 7.5 miles to the end of Hatch Meadow and the beginning of summer home sites.

    • Limit 2 trout between 10 and 15 inches.
    • All trout less than 10 inches or over 15 inches must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Manning Meadow Reservoir, tribu- taries and spillway, Piute County

    • Limit 2 trout, regardless of species.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    McElmo Creek, San Juan County See San Juan River tributaries.

    McGath Lake, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31.

    Mill Meadow Reservoir, Sevier County

    • Limit 8 tiger muskie (no size restrictions).

    (BR) Minersville Reservoir, Beaver County

    • Limit 1 trout over 22 inches.
    • All trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • Cement outlet channel between the dam and spillway pond, approximately 55 feet long, is CLOSED.

    Mona Reservoir, Juab County

    • Limits for all species are double the statewide limits listed.

    Moon Lake, Duchesne County

    • Limit 4 trout, only 2 may be splake.

    Mountain Dell Creek, Salt Lake County

    • From Mountain Dell Reservoir upstream to Little Dell Dam:
    • From Little Dell Reservoir upstream to the headwaters:
      • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.
      • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Mountain Dell Reservoir, Salt Lake County


    Mud Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Navajo Lake, Kane County

    • Limit 4 trout or Arctic grayling (a com- bined total), only 1 fish may exceed 22 inches.

    Newcastle Reservoir, Iron County

    • Limit 2 wiper.
    • Underwater spearfishing is allowed for wipers and rainbow trout only.

    Newton Reservoir, Cache County

    • CLOSED to the possession of tiger muskie. All tiger muskie must be immediately released.
    • Unlawful to use whole fish for bait. Cut baitfish must not be larger than one inch in any dimension and no more than one piece perhook.

    Oak Creek Reservoir (Upper Bowns Reservoir), Garfield County

    • Limit 16 brook trout.

    Ogden River, Weber County

    From Pineview Dam downstream to the first bridge, approximately one-half mile.


    Otter Creek Stream, Piute County

    From Otter Creek Reservoir upstream to the Angle Diversion.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Pacer Lake, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    (BR) Panguitch Lake, Garfield County

    • Limit 4 trout (a combined total).
    • No more than 2 may be cutthroat or tiger trout under 15 inches, and no more than 1 may be a cutthroat or tiger trout over 22 inches.

    All cutthroat and tiger trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.

    • Trout may not be filleted and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.
    • Any trout with cutthroat markings is considered to be a cutthroat trout. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout at this waterbody, see the Bear Lake cut- throat trout description and graphic.

    Panguitch Lake tributaries, Garfield County

    Excluding Blue Springs Creek upstream from Bunker Creek Road Bridge. (The bridge is ap- proximately one mile upstream from Panguitch Lake.) Also excluding Clear Creek upstream from the Panguitch Lake North Shore Highway, located approximately one-quarter mile upstream from Panguitch Lake.

    • Limit 4 trout (a combined total).
    • No more than 2 may be cutthroat or tiger trout under 15 inches, and no more than 1 may be a cutthroat or tiger trout over 22 inches.

    All cutthroat and tiger trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.

    Panguitch Lake tributaries (continued)

    • Any trout with cutthroat markings is considered to be a cutthroat trout. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of cutthroat trout.
    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Paragonah (Red Creek) Reservoir tribu- taries, Iron County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Parleys Creek, Salt Lake County

    • From Mountain Dell Reservoir upstream to SR-65.
    • From SR-65 upstream to the headwaters.
      • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.
      • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Pelican Lake, Uintah County

    • Limit 15 bluegill, only 5 may exceed 7 inches.
    • Limit 50 bullhead.
    • No limit for common carp. Anglers must not release any common carp they catch. All common carp must be immediately killed.

    Pine Creek Reservoir, Wayne County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Pine Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Pine Lake inflow, Garfield County Inflow, including the spawning channel.


    Pine Valley Reservoir, Washington County

    • Fishing from a boat or float tube is unlaw- ful.

    (BR) Pineview Reservoir, Weber County

    • Limit 20 crappie.
    • CLOSED to the possession of tiger muskie. All tiger muskie must be immediately released.
    • Tiger muskie may not be taken by means of underwater spearfishing.
    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfish- ing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.
    • Unlawful to use whole fish for bait. Cut baitfish must not be larger than one inch in any dimension and no more than one piece per hook.

    (The) Pond at Willard Bay, Box Elder County

    See Willard Bay Pond.

    Porcupine Reservoir, Cache County

    • Limit 12 trout and salmon, only 4 may be rainbow, cutthroat or brown trout (a

    combined total). To take 12 fish, you must possess at least 8 salmon.

    • See East Fork Little Bear River.
    • Operating a boat above wakeless speed is prohibited.

    (BR) Price River (Lower Fish Creek), Carbon and Utah counties

    From the railroad bridge (approximately one mile below the Scofield Reservoir dam) downstream to the confluence with the White River.

    • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Provo River, Summit, Utah and Wasatch counties

    • From Center Street Bridge (entrance to Utah Lake State Park) upstream to I-15 (Utah County):
      • All suckers must be immediately released.
      • CLOSED to the possession of walleye from March 1 through 6 a.m. on the first

    Saturday of May.

    • No limit on northern pike. Anglers must not release any northern pike they catch. All northern pike must be immediately killed.

    CLOSED to nighttime bowfishing (sunset to sunrise) from the first Saturday of May through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday ofJuly.

    • From Olmstead Diversion Dam upstream to Deer Creek Dam (Utah and Wasatch counties):
      • Limit 2 trout under 15 inches.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • From Legacy Bridge on Midway Lane (SR-

    113) in Midway upstream to Jordanelle Dam (Wasatch County):

    • Limit 2 trout under 15 inches.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • From Jordanelle Reservoir upstream to the confluence of the north and south forks of the Provo River (Wasatch County):
      • Limit 2 brown trout under 15 inches.
      • CLOSED to the possession of cutthroat and rainbow trout and their hybrids. All cut- throat and rainbow trout and their hybrids must be immediately released.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.

    (BR) Quail Creek Reservoir (Quail Lake), Washington County

    • Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be over 12 inches.
    • No limit on smallmouth bass. Anglers must not release any smallmouth bass they catch. All smallmouth bass must be immediately killed.

    Red Butte Creek and Red Butte Reser- voir, Salt Lake County

    • Upstream of entrance to Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area to the headwaters: CLOSED TO FISHING.

    Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.

    Limit 50 bluegill, green sunfish, black crap- pie and yellow perch (a combined total) and no more than 20 of those fish may be black crappie.

    Right Fork of Logan River, Cache County

    See Logan River.

    Road Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Rockport Reservoir, Summit County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfish- ing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday of June.

    Round Willow Bottom, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Sage Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    (BR) Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington County

    • Limit 6 largemouth bass, only 1 may be over 12 inches.
    • No limit on smallmouth bass. Anglers must not release any smallmouth bass they catch. All smallmouth bass must be immediately killed.

    San Juan River, San Juan County

    From Lake Powell to the Utah-Colorado state line.

    • No limit for channel catfish.
    • No limit for burbot, northern pike, small- mouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.

    San Juan River tributaries, San Juan County

    • Comb Wash (San Juan County) from the confluence with the San Juan River upstream to headwaters; Montezuma Creek (San Juan County) from the confluence with the San Juan River upstream to headwaters; Recapture Creek (San Juan County) from the confluence with the San Juan River upstream to the Recapture Reservoir dam.
      • No limit for channel catfish.
      • No limit for burbot, northern pike, small- mouth bass or walleye. Anglers may not release any of these fish, which must be immediately killed.
    • McElmo Creek (San Juan County) from the Colorado state line downriver to the confluence of the San Juan River.
      • All roundtail chub must be immediately released.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.

    San Rafael River, Emery County

    See Green River tributaries.

    Santa Clara River, Washington County

    • No limit on smallmouth bass.

    Scofield Reservoir, Carbon and Utah counties

    • Limit 4 trout (a combined total).
    • No more than 2 may be cutthroat or tiger trout under 15 inches, and no more than 1 may be a cutthroat or tiger trout over 22 inches.
    • All cutthroat and tiger trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.
    • Trout may not be filleted, and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.
    • Any trout with cutthroat markings is considered to be a cutthroat trout. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this wa- ter, please see the description of cutthroat trout on.

    Scofield Reservoir tributaries, Carbon, Sanpete and Utah counties

    Including Gooseberry Creek.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Scout Lake, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1–Dec. 31.

    Sheep Creek, Daggett County

    From Flaming Gorge Reservoir upstream to the Ashley National Forest boundary.

    • CLOSED Aug. 15 through 6 a.m. on the last Saturday of November.

    Sheep Creek Lake, Daggett County

    • Limit 2 trout, only 1 may be a cutthroat trout over 22 inches. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Colorado River cutthroat trout.
    • All cutthroat trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.
    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED near the spawning trap and portions of the lake and canal, as posted during spring spawning operations.

    Soldier Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Solitaire Lake, Garfield County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the third Saturday of April and Nov. 1 through Dec. 31.

    Spanish Fork River, Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Spring Creek, Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Spring Run Creek Utah County

    See Utah Lake tributaries.

    Squaw Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    (BR) Starvation Reservoir, Duchesne County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday ofJune.
    • Limit 10 bluegill, green sunfish, black crappie and yellow perch (a combined total).

    Stateline Reservoir, Summit County

    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon, and no more than 1 may be a lake trout over 22 inches.
    • All lake trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released.

    Bonus limit of 4 kokanee salmon (total limit of no more than 8 trout if at least 4 are kokanee salmon).

    Steinaker Reservoir, Uintah County

    • Closed to the use of underwater spearfishing to take largemouth and smallmouth bass from April 1 through the fourth Saturday ofJune.

    (BR) Strawberry Reservoir, Wasatch County

    • Limit 4 trout or kokanee salmon (a combined total).
    • No more than 2 may be cutthroat trout under 15 inches, and no more than 1 may be a cutthroat trout over 22 inches.
    • All cutthroat trout from 15 to 22 inches must be immediately released.
    • Trout and salmon may not be filleted, and the heads or tails may not be removed in the field or in transit.
    • Anglers are encouraged to voluntarily release all cutthroat trout.

    Any trout with cutthroat characteristics (not necessarily jaw slashing) is consid- ered to be a cutthroat trout. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Bear Lake cut- throat trout review the graphic.

    Strawberry Reservoir tributaries,

    Wasatch County

    • Indian Creek and all tributaries to Indian Creek, Squaw Creek, the Strawberry River from Strawberry Reservoir upstream to USFS Road 124 (Bull Springs Road), Co-op Creek from the confluence with the Strawberry River upstream to US-40, and the Central Utah Project Canal (commonly known as the “steps” or “ladders”) from the fenced-in upper concrete step struc- ture upstream to the tunnel at US-40.
    • The Strawberry River and its tributaries upstream from USFS Road 124 (Bull Springs Road) to the headwaters, Co-op Creek and its tributaries upstream from US-40 to the headwaters, Soldier Creek, Coal Canyon, Cow

    Hollow, Sage Creek, Chicken Creek, Little Co-op Creek, Clyde Creek, Mud Creek, Bryants Fork, Horse Creek, Chipman Creek, Trail Hollow, Broad Hollow, Pine Hollow, Badger Hollow and Road Hollow.

    • Catch and release only. (All fish must be immediately released. It is illegal to fish if you have any fish in possession.)
    • Artificial flies and lures only. (The use or possession of bait while fishing is illegal.)
    • CLOSED May 15 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Strawberry River, Duchesne and Wasatch counties

    From the confluence with Red Creek, near Pin- nacles, upstream to Soldier Creek Dam.

    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • No overnight camping on Division land.

    Swan Creek, Rich County

    See Bear Lake tributaries.

    Temple Fork, Cache County

    See Logan River.

    Tony Grove Lake, Cache County

    • Aug.15–Dec. 31: Limit 8 trout.

    Trail Hollow, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Trout Creek, Wasatch County

    See Strawberry Reservoir tributaries.

    Twin Creek, Sevier County

    Tributary to Fish Lake.


    (BR) Uinta Mountains lakes and streams, Daggett, Duchesne, Summit, Uintah and Wasatch counties

    • Beaver Lake, Bridger Lake, Marsh Lake, Quarter Corner Lake and Teapot Lake:
      • Jan. 1–Aug. 14: Limit 4 trout with addi- tional bonus limit of 4 brook trout (total limit of no more than 8 trout if at least 4 are brook trout).
      • Aug.15–Dec. 31: Limit 8 trout with additional bonus limit of 4 brook trout (total limit of no more than 12 trout if at least 4 are brook trout).
    • All other streams and lakes in Utah within the boundary beginning on I-80 at the Utah- Wyoming state line southwest of Evanston, Wyoming and continuing southwest along I-80 to US-40 (near Park City); then east along US-40 to Vernal, Utah; then north along SR-44 to Manila, Utah; then west on SR-43 to the Wyoming state line; and then west and north along the Wyoming state line back to the beginning point at I-80:
      • Limit 4 trout.
      • Bonus limit of 4 brook trout (total limit of no more than 8 trout if at least 4 are brook trout).

    UM Creek, Sevier and Wayne counties

    From Forsyth Reservoir upstream to the head- waters, including the right and left forks.

    Artificial flies and lures only.

    Upper Bowns Reservoir (Oak Creek Reservoir), Garfield County

    • Limit 16 brook trout.

    Upper Kents Lake inflow, Beaver County

    Inflow, approximately 900 feet, from the mouth up to the waterfall.

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Utah Lake, Utah County

    • Limit 6 largemouth or smallmouth bass (a combined total), only 1 may be over 12 inches.
    • No limit on northern pike. Anglers must release any tagged northern pike they catch. All untagged northern pike must be immediately killed.
    • All suckers must be immediately released.

    Utah Lake tributaries, Utah County

    • Including but not limited to tributaries west of I-15: American Fork Creek, Beer Creek, Dry Creek, Hobble Creek, Spanish Fork River, Spring Creek and Spring Run Creek:
      • All suckers must be immediately released.
      • CLOSED to the possession of walleye from March 1 through 6 a.m. on the first Saturday of May.
      • No limit on northern pike. Anglers must not release any northern pike they catch.

    All northern pike must be immediately killed.

    • CLOSED to nighttime bowfishing (sunset to sunrise) from the first Saturday of May through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday ofJuly.

    Virgin River, Washington County

    • No limit on smallmouth bass.

    (BR) Weber River, Summit County

    • From the first I-80 bridge upstream from Echo Reservoir (near Exit 164) upstream to the I-80 bridge near Wanship (near Exit 156):
      • Limit 2 trout.
      • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • From the Great Salt Lake to Echo Reservoir dam:
      • All cutthroat trout—or trout with cutthroat markings—must be immediately released. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Bonneville cutthroat trout.
      • Common carp are the only nongame fish allowed to be taken.

    (BR) West Fork Duchesne River, Duchesne and Wasatch counties

    From the confluence with Wolf Creek upstream to the headwaters, excluding Wolf Creek.

    Limit 4 trout, only 2 may be cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings. To learn how to identify cutthroat trout in this water, see the description of Colorado River cutthroat trout.

    • Artificial flies and lures only.
    • CLOSED May 15 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Wheeler Creek, Weber County

    From the confluence with the Ogden River upstream to SR-39 (approximately one-quarter mile).


    White River, Uintah County See Green River tributaries.

    Whitney Reservoir tributaries, Summit County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Willard Bay Pond (The Pond at Willard Bay), Box Elder County

    • Limit 5 bluegill
    • Limit 1 channel catfish
    • Limit 1 largemouth bass

    (BR) Willard Bay Reservoir and inlet channel, Box Elder County

    • Limit 10 crappie.
    • Limit 6 walleye, only 1 walleye may be over 24 inches.
    • Possession and use of commercially sold and preserved gizzard shad is allowed. Otherwise, possession of gizzard shad, dead or alive, is unlawful.

    Yankee Meadow Reservoir inlet, Iron County

    • CLOSED Jan. 1 through 6 a.m. on the second Saturday of July.

    Yuba Reservoir, Juab and Sanpete counties

    • Limits for all species, except for tiger muskellunge, are double the statewide limits listed.
    • Limit 1 tiger muskellunge over 40 inches.
    • All tiger muskellunge 40 inches or smaller must be immediately released.

    (BR) Indicates this waterbody is a Blue Ribbon Fishery

    Community fishing waters

    The following rules apply to all the fisheries listed below:

    • The daily limit is 2 fish. (Common carp do not count toward the daily limit.)
    • Closed to the possession of tiger muskie. All tiger muskie must be immediately released. (For information on how to properly catch and release tiger muskie, see
    • Anglers are encouraged to voluntarily release all largemouth bass.
    • Waters are open to fishing only when the community parks are open to the public.

    Box Elder County: Mayors Pond, Pioneer Park Pond and Willard Creek Pond

    Cache County: Skylars Pond (West Willow Pond) and Wellsville Reservoir

    Carbon County: Carbon County Community Fishery, Gigliotti Pond and Knight-Ideal Community Fishing Pond

    Davis County: Andy Adams Reservoir, Bountiful Lake, Clinton Park Pond,

    Farmington Pond, Jensen Nature Park Pond (Syracuse Pond), Kaysville Ponds, Mabey Pond and Steed Pond

    Emery County: Huntington Game Farm Ponds

    Iron County: Bristlecone Pond (Brian Head Pond), Leigh Hill Reservoir, Parowan Pond and Woods Ranch Pond (Kids Pond)

    Juab County: Burraston Ponds

    Rich County: Garden City Community Fishery, Laketown Reservoir

    Salt Lake County: Big Bend-West Jordan (scheduled to open in 2022), Cove Pond, Fairmont Park Pond, Kidney Pond, Midas Pond, Millrace Park Pond, Riverfront Pond, Riverton City Pond, Sandy Community Fishery, Sunset Pond and Willow Park Pond

    Sevier County: Monroe Community Fishery and Salina City Pond

    Summit County: Deer Valley Lakes

    Uintah County: Old Fort Ponds

    Utah County: Bartholomew Pond, Canyon View Park Pond, Dry Creek-Highland (scheduled to open in 2022), Highland Glen Park Pond, Jordan River Reservoir, Manila Creek Pond, Pole Canyon Pond, Salem Pond, Spanish Oaks Reservoir, Spring Lake and Vivian Park Pond (Note: Spanish Oaks Reservoir and Manila Creek Pond are closed Dec. 1 through 6 a.m. on the last Saturday of February.)

    Wasatch County: Wasatch Mountain State Park Pond

    Washington County: Grandpa’s Pond (Stratton Pond), Razor Ridge Pond, Skyline Drive Pond, Sullivan Virgin River Park Pond and Tawa Ponds (Upper and Lower)

    Weber County: Fort Buenaventura, Glassmans Pond, Goode Ski Lake (21st Street Pond), Meadow Creek Pond and Smith Family Park Pond