Regulations by Location
Species | Seasons | Minimum Size | Daily Limit | ||
ALL SPECIES OF TROUT Additional regulations may apply | Statewide Opening Day of Trout Season - April 6 at 8 a.m. through Sept. 2 | 7 inches | 5-streams, lakes, and ponds (combined species) | ||
Extended Season: Stocked trout waters Jan. 1 through Feb. 18 and Sept. 3 through Dec. 31 | 7 inches | 3 (combined species) | |||
Extended Season: Waters not managed as stocked trout waters. Jan. 1 through Feb. 18 and Sept. 3 through Dec. 31 | NO HARVEST - Catch and immediate release only | ||||
BASS - Lakes, Rivers, and Streams Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted Additional regulations may apply | Jan. 1 through April 12 and Oct. 1 through Dec. 31 | 15 inches | 4 (combined species) | ||
April 13 through June 7 | NO HARVEST - Catch and immediate release only (no tournaments permitted) | ||||
June 8 through Sept. 30 | 12 inches | 6 (combined species) | |||
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge* | Open year-round | 40 inches | 1 (combined species) | ||
Pickerel* | 18 inches | 4 | |||
Northern Pike* | 24 inches | 2 | |||
Walleye and Saugeye (Hybrids) | Jan. 1 through March 14 and May 4 through Dec. 31 | 15 inches | 6 | ||
Sauger | Jan. 1 through March 14 and May 4 through Dec. 31 | 12 inches | 6 | ||
American Shad** | Open year-round | No minimum | 3 | ||
American Shad | Open year-round -Lehigh River, Schuylkill River*** and tributaries | NO HARVEST - Catch and immediate release only | |||
American Shad River Herring** | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND Susquehanna River and tributaries | ||||
Hickory Shad** | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | ||||
Herring, Gizzard Shad | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) | ||
American Eel | Open year-round | 9 inches | 25 | ||
Striped Bass and Striped Bass/ White Bass Hybrids | Open year-round | 20 inches | 2 (combined species) | ||
Sunfish, Yellow Perch, White Perch, Crappies, Catfish, Rock Bass, Suckers, Carp, White Bass, Bowfin, and other gamefish not otherwiselisted | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) | ||
Baitfish/Fishbait****(except Mudbugs/includes Crayfish) | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) | ||
Mudbugs (Dragonfly Nymphs) | Open year-round | No minimum | Unlimited if taken from lakes, ponds, swamps, and adjacent areas. 50 per day if taken from moving waters (rivers and streams). | ||
Mussels/Clams | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | ||||
Paddlefish, Spotted Gar, and other threatened and endangered species | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND |
SEASONS, SIZES, AND CREEL LIMITS – Except for trout season, which begins at 8 a.m., all regulatory periods in the fishing regulations are based on the calendar day, one of which ends at midnight and the next of which begins immediately thereafter.
* Except those species in waters listed in the Brood Stock Lakes Program.Tiger Muskellunge is a muskellunge hybrid.
** Unlawful to take, catch, or kill American Shad in the Susquehanna River and all its tributaries. River Herring (Alewife and Blueback Herring) has a closed year-round season with zero daily limit applied to Susquehanna River and tributaries, Lehigh River and tributaries, Schuylkill River and tributaries, West Branch Delaware River, Delaware River, Delaware estuary, Delaware River tributaries upstream to the limit of the tidal influence, and Conowingo Reservoir.
*** Lehigh River upstream of the first dam in Easton, Pennsylvania and its tributaries and the Schuylkill River upstream of the I-95 Bridge and its tributaries.
NOTE: It is not a violation of the bass regulations if a bass is imme- diately returned unharmed to the waters from which it was taken. It is unlawful for an angler to cast repeatedly into a clearly visible bass spawning nest or redd in an effort to catch or take bass.
NOTE: For bass regulations, power dam pools and recreational dam pools on the Susquehanna River and navigational dam pools on the Ohio River drainage are “rivers.” It is unlawful to conduct a fishing tournament on the North Branch, West Branch, or main stem of the Susquehanna River that allows a tournament angler to harvest bass.
NOTE: Stocked trout waters are closed to fishing from February 20 to the opening day of the regular trout season in April, unless included in the Stocked Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing Program.
NOTE: Landlocked Alewife less than 8 inches in length taken from inland ponds, lakes, or reservoirs that are collected by legal means may be harvested for use as baitfish.
NOTE: It is legal to fish for trout in Class A trout streams year-round, with no harvest beginning the day after Labor Day through the opening day of trout season the following year. The exception is those stream sections designated as both Class A Wild Trout Streams and Stocked Trout Waters. These stream sections are closed to fishing from February 20 until 8 a.m. on the opening day of trout season.
**** BAITFISH includes all forms of minnows; suckers, chubs, Fallfish, lampreys; Gizzard Shad 8 inches or less; and all forms of darters, killifishes, and stonecats (except those listed as threatened or endangered species). Legally taken gamefish may be used as bait. It is unlawful to use or possess goldfish, comets, koi, and Common Carp as baitfish while fishing. FISHBAIT includes crayfish, crabs, and the nymphs, larvae, and pupae of all insects spending any part of their life cycle in the water.
For all crayfish species, the head must be immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture unless used as bait in the water from which taken.
Species | Seasons | Minimum Size | Daily Limit |
Walleye and Saugeye (Hybrids) | Open year-round | 15 inches | 6 (combined species) |
Bass: Largemouth, Smallmouth | Open year-round | 12 inches | 5 |
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge (Hybrids) | Open year-round | 30 inches | 2 (combined species) |
Crappie** | Open year-round | 9 inches | 20 |
All Other Species | Open year-round | No minimum | None |
Baitfish/Fishbait* See page 8 for definitions | Open year-round | No minimum | None |
Frogs and Tadpoles | July 1 through Oct. 31 | No minimum | 15 |
Snapping Turtles | July 1 through Oct. 31 | No minimum | 15 daily limit 30 possession limit |
Turtles (all species other than Snapping Turtles) | Open year-round | No minimum | 2 |
Mussels/Clams | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | ||
Threatened and endangered species | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND |
- Lights or firearms may not be used to take frogs.
- Hooks used to take turtles shall be at least 3.5 inches long with at least 1 inch space between the point and shank.
- Spears, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows may ONLY be used to take carp and suckers. • Minnow seines and dip nets are restricted to 4 feet in size; mesh must measure not less than 1/8 inch, nor larger than 1/2 inch on a side.
- ICE FISHING – An Ohio or Pennsylvania fishing license is recognized anywhere on the lake. It is unlawful while ice fishing to use more than five fishing devices, which may consist of rods, hand lines, tip-ups, or any combination. Each device shall contain a single fishing line with no more than three hooks attached to each line. Holes cut in ice may not exceed 10 inches between the farthest points as measured in any direction. All lines, rods, or tip-ups shall be under the immediate control of the person using them.
NOTE: See this page for reciprocal fishing privileges between Pennsylvania and Ohio.
*For all crayfish species, the head must be immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture unless used as bait in the water from which taken.
** As per Panfish Enhancement Special Regulations
Species | Seasons | Minimum Size | Daily Limit |
All Species of Trout | Open year-round | No minimum | 2 (combined species) |
Bass: Largemouth, Smallmouth | Jan. 1 through Feb. 29 and June 16 through Dec. 31 | 12 inches | 5 (combined species) |
Northern Pike | Open year-round | 30 inches | 2 |
Walleye | Open year-round | 15 inches | 5 |
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge (Hybrids) | Open year-round | 36 inches | 1 |
Pickerel | Open year-round | 14 inches | 5 |
Striped Bass and Striped Bass/ White Bass Hybrids | Open year-round | 18 inches | 2 (combined species) only one of which may exceed 30 inches |
Sunfish, Bluegill, Rock Bass | Open year-round | No minimum | 15 (combined species) |
Crappies | Open year-round | No minimum | 15 |
Carp | Open year-round | No minimum | 15 |
Channel Catfish | Open year-round | No minimum | 5 |
Suckers | Open year-round | No minimum | 30 |
American Eel | Open year-round | 9 inches | 25 |
Yellow Perch | Open year-round | No minimum | No daily limit |
Baitfish/Fishbait* See page 8 | Open year-round | No minimum | 35 |
All Other Fish Species | Open year-round | No minimum | No daily limit |
American Shad and Hickory Shad, River Herring (Alewife and Blueback Herring), Bivalves/Shellfish (Mussels/Clams) | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND includes all threatened and endangered species |
*It is illegal to: catch or process any species of crayfish unless the head is immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture; use any species of crayfish as bait unless the head is removed behind the eyes; catch and possess a female crayfish with eggs attached to the underside of the abdomen.
Fishing Privileges in Boundary Waters
The following fishing license agreements apply to boundary waters. You must abide by all other rules and regulations of the state in which fishing and where you launch or retrieve your boat.
A PENNSYLVANIA or MARYLAND LICENSE is valid on the Conowingo Reservoir or Youghiogheny River Lake when fishing from a boat (excluding coves and tributaries). DOES NOT INCLUDE SHORE FISHING.
A PENNSYLVANIA or NEW YORK LICENSE is valid on the Delaware River (including West Branch) between New York and Pennsylvania when FISHING FROM A BOAT OR FROM EITHER SHORE.
A PENNSYLVANIA or NEW JERSEY LICENSE is valid on the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylvania when FISHING FROM A BOAT OR FROM EITHER SHORE. A Pennsylvania fishing license is required to fish in all other waters identified as being part of the Delaware Estuary.
A PENNSYLVANIA or OHIO LICENSE is valid on the Pymatuning Reservoir when fishing from a boat. DOES NOT INCLUDE SHORE FISHING.
A PENNSYLVANIA LICENSE is required to fish Kinzua Reservoir in McKean and Warren counties. No agreement has been established with New York.
NO FISHING AGREEMENTS have been made on any other boundary waters.
Saltwater Angler Registry: Delaware River and Estuary
Anglers who target or catch shad, striped bass, and river herring from the Delaware River below Trenton Falls or in the Delaware Estuary are required to register for free with the PFBC using the QR code on this page, register, for a fee, with the National Saltwater Angler Registry administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), or meet the saltwater angler registration requirements of another state. Anglers do not need to register if they meet one of the following exceptions:
- Are under the age of 16.
- Hold a Highly Migratory Species Angling Permit.
- Fish commercially under a valid license.
- Possess a valid registration with the National Saltwater Angler.
- Registry administered by NOAA or from another exempted state.
Pennsylvania fishing license holders may choose to register for free with the PFBC. Go online for registration details.
Anglers may also register with the National Registry website at with NOAA by clicking on the Angler Registry link or calling the tollfree registration line NATIONAL SALTWATER ANGLER REGISTRY: DELAWARE RIVER AND ESTUARY at 1-888-MRIP-411 (1-888-674-7411). Please note that registered anglers must still possess a valid state fishing license.
DELAWARE RIVER AND ESTUARY (including tributaries to limits of tidal influence)
The following seasons, sizes, and creel daily limits apply to the Delaware River, West Branch Delaware River, and Delaware River tributaries, from the mouths of the tributaries upstream to the limit of the tidal influence and the Lehigh River from its mouth upstream to the first dam in Easton, Pennsylvania. The Delaware River estuary waters are listed at the right. ATTENTION: Non-offset (inline) circle hooks are required when fishing with bait for any species of fish in the Tidal Delaware Estuary including tributaries from the mouths of the tributaries upstream to the limit of the tidal influence. The definition of a non-offset (inline) circle hook is a non-offset hook where the point is pointed perpendicularly back towards the shank. The term 'non-offset' means the point and the barb are in the same plane as the shank.
ATTENTION: It is unlawful for any person to gaff or attempt to gaff any Striped Bass at any time when fishing.
Species | Seasons | Minimum Size | Daily Limit | |
Trout | April 1 at 8 a.m. through Oct. 15 | North of I-84: 14 inches | 1 (combined species) | |
South of I-84: No minimum | 5 (combined species) | |||
West Branch Delaware River * 12 inches | 2 (combined species) | |||
Bass Largemouth Smallmouth | Jan. 1 through April 12 and June 7 through Dec. 31 | 12 inches | 5 (combined species) | |
April 13 through June 7 | NO HARVEST - Catch and | immediate release only | ||
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge (Hybrids) | Open year-round | 40 inches | 1 | |
Northern Pike | Open year-round | 24 inches | 2 | |
Pickerel | Open year-round | 12 inches | 5 | |
Walleye | The portion of the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylvania - open year-round. The portion of the Delaware River between New York and Pennsylvania - Jan. 1 until midnight, March 14 and May 4 until midnight, Dec. 31 | 18 inches | 3 | |
American Shad** | Open year-round | No minimum | ● 2 | |
American Eel | Open year-round | 9 inches | 25 | |
Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass† **** | From the Pennsylvania state lineupstream to Calhoun Street Bridge; Jan. 1 through March 31 and June 1 through Dec. 31† | 28 to less than 35 inches† | 1† | |
April 1 through May 31† | 21 to less than 24 inches† | 2† | ||
From Calhoun Street Bridge upstream - open year-round † | 28 to less than 35 inches† | 1† | ||
† It is unlawful to fish with bait for any species of fish in the tidal Delaware Estuary including tributaries from the mouths of the tributaries upstream to the limit of tidal influence using any hook type other than non-offset (inline) circle hooks. The definition of a non-offset (inline) circle hook is a non-offset hook where the point is pointed perpendicularly back towards the shank.The term "non-offset" means the point and the barb are in the same plane as the shank. For more information, consult: | ||||
Baitfish/Fishbait* See page 8 for definitions | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) | |
River Herring*** | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | |||
Hickory Shad, Sturgeon, and other threatened and endangered species | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | |||
Mussels/Clams | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | |||
Other Species | Inland seasons, sizes, and creel limits apply except for waters under special regs. |
* A special no-kill season with the use of artificial lures only has been established on the West Branch Delaware River (see page 16 for details).
** American Shad is catch and release in the Schuylkill River from I-95 upstream including all tributaries and three (3) American Shad in all other Delaware River tributaries, including those above tide.
*** River Herring (Alewife and Blueback Herring) has a closed year-round season with zero daily limit applied to Susquehanna River and tributaries, Lehigh River and tributaries, Schuylkill River and tributaries, West Branch Delaware River, Delaware River, Delaware estuary, and Delaware River tributaries upstream to the limit of the tidal influence.
**** It is unlawful for any person to gaff or attempt to gaff any Striped Bass at any time when fishing
For all crayfish species, the head must be immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture unless used as bait in the water from which taken.

The Delaware River estuary consists of the water areas listed below to their upper tidal limits:
Water Area | Upper Tidal Limit |
Chester Creek | Kerlin Street (Chester-city) |
Crum Creek | U.S. Route 13 (Eddystone) |
Darby Creek | Pine Street (Darby-borough) |
Delaware River | From the PA state line upstream to the U.S. Route 1 bridge |
Frankford Creek | U.S. Route 13 (Frankford Avenue) |
Marcus HookCreek | U.S. Route 13 (Marcus Hook-borough) |
Neshaminy Creek | Hulmeville Falls |
Pennypack Creek | U.S. Route 13 (Frankford Avenue) |
Poquessing Creek | State Road |
Ridley Creek | MacDade Boulevard (Chester-city) |
Schuylkill River | Fairmount Dam |
Delaware River Blue Crabs
Female Blue Crabs bearing eggs or from which the egg pouch or bunion has been removed may not be possessed.
Crab Pots are limited to no more than two pots per person when taking crabs. In addition, two handlines may be used.
Unattended Crab Pots must be labeled with the name and address of the owner or user.
Disturbing Unattended Crab Pots is unlawful, except by the owner, user or members of the immediate family, and officers or representatives of the PFBC.
Horseshoe Crabs are unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or purchase. It is unlawful to import into or transport in this Commonwealth horseshoe crabs for the purpose of sale.
Harvesting blue crabs from the Delaware River and its estuary waters is permitted pursuant to the regulations below.
Season | Minimum Size | Daily Limit |
Open year-round | 4 inches * (hardshell) 3.5 inches * (softshell) | One (1) bushel (combined - hard shell and soft shell) |
The following seasons, sizes, and daily limits apply to Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and peninsular waters, all Lake Erie tributaries in their entirety, which include Cascade Creek, Conneaut Creek, Crooked Creek, East Branch Conneaut Creek, Eightmile Creek, Elk Creek, Fourmile Creek, Middle Branch Conneaut Creek, Marsh Run, Mill Creek, Mud Run, Raccoon Creek, Sevenmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, Sixteenmile Creek, Stone Run, Temple Run, Turkey Creek, Twelvemile Creek, Twentymile Creek, Walnut Creek, West Branch Conneaut Creek, and all waters that flow into these tributaries.
Species | Seasons | Minimum Size | Daily Limit |
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge (Hybrids) | Open year-round | 40 inches | 1 |
Northern Pike | Open year-round | 24 inches | 2 |
Walleye | Jan. 1 through March 14 and May 4 through Dec. 31 | 15 inches | 6*** |
Bass* Largemouth Smallmouth | Jan. 1 through April 12 and June 8 through Dec. 31 | 15 inches | 4 (combined species) |
April 13 through June 7* | 20 inches | 1 | |
Yellow Perch | Dec. 1 through April 30 | 7 inches | 30*** |
May 1 through Nov. 30 | None | ||
Sunfish, Crappies, Catfish, Rock Bass,Suckers, Eels, Carp,White Bass, Bowfin, and other gamefish not otherwise listed | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) |
Burbot (when taken by scuba divers by use of nonmechanicalspears or gigs at a depth of at least 60 feet) | June 1 through Sept. 30 | No minimum | 5 |
Burbot (when taken by hook and line) | Open year-round | No minimum | 5 |
Smelt (when taken by hook and line) | Open year-round | No minimum | None |
Brook and Brown Trout** | 8 a.m. the opening day of the regular season for trout until midnight Labor Day | 9 inches | 5 (combined species)**** |
12:01 a.m. the day after Labor Day until 12:01 a.m. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular trout season | 15 inches | 3 (combined species)**** | |
Rainbow Trout and Salmon** | 8 a.m. the opening day of the regular season for trout until 12:01 a.m. the Friday before the opening day of the regular sea- son for trout the following year | 15 inches | 3 (combined species)**** |
Lake Trout** | 8 a.m. the opening day of the regular season for trout until 12:01 a.m. the Friday before the opening day of the regular sea- son for trout the following year | 15 inches | 2**** |
Baitfish/Fishbait See page 8 for definitions | Open year-round | No minimum | 50 (combined species) |
American Eel | Open year-round | 9 inches | 25 |
Mussels/Clams | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND | ||
Sturgeon, Spotted Gar,and other threatenedand endangeredspecies | CLOSED YEAR-ROUND |
Transportation of VHS-Susceptible Fish Out of the Lake Erie Watershed
An infectious fish disease, caused by a variant of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS), has caused fish mortalities in the Great Lakes. The initial list of fish species that are susceptible to VHS includes Black Crappie, Bluegill, Bluntnose Minnow, Brown Bullhead, Brown Trout, Burbot, Channel Catfish, Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Emerald Shiner, Freshwater Drum, Gizzard Shad, Herring, Largemouth Bass, Muskellunge, Northern Pike, Pink Salmon, Pumpkinseed, Rainbow Trout, Redhorse Sucker, Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, White Bass, White Perch, Whitefish, and Yellow Perch.
It is unlawful to transport or cause the transportation of VHS-susceptible species of fish out of the portion of the Lake Erie Watershed in this Commonwealth into other watersheds of this Commonwealth except when certain conditions are met. It is illegal to use VHS-susceptible fish species, fish parts, and eggs taken from the Lake Erie Watershed as fishbait in Commonwealth waters outside the Lake Erie Watershed except when the fish are certified as VHSnegative. It is legal to transport dead recreationally caught fish out of the Lake Erie Watershed solely for the purpose of human consumption. Because of diseases and invasive species, the Commission recommends as a good conservation practice that anglers not transport any live fish out of the Lake Erie Watershed and introduce those fish into other watersheds. For more information on invasive species, please see “Aquatic Invasive Species” on page 18. For more information on VHS, please contact the Commission’s Northwest Region Office or visit
* It is unlawful to conduct or participate in a fishing tournament for bass on Lake Erie or Presque Isle Bay during the period from the second Saturday in April until midnight the second Saturday in June.
** It is unlawful to fish or possess trout in or along any Lake Erie tributary stream from 12:01 a.m. on March 31 until 8 a.m. on April 1 (32 hours total).
*** Adaptive management for daily limits: After the PFBC Executive Director establishes the daily limit for the year, the information will be available from any PFBC office and posted at
**** The daily limit for all species of trout and salmon (combined) is 5 from 8 a.m. the opening day of the regular season for trout until midnight Labor Day. The daily limit for all species of trout and salmon (combined) is 3 per day from 12:01 a.m. the day after Labor Day until 12:01 a.m. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular season for trout.
Special Regulations–Lake Erie Tributary Streams •
- Designated as Nursery Waters are Trout Run and its tributaries, Godfrey Run, Orchard Beach Run, and Crooked Creek (where posted). It is unlawful to fish, wade, or possess fishing equipment while in or along Lake Erie tributary streams designated as Nursery Waters.
- Archery fishing or spear fishing is prohibited in or along Lake Erie tributary streams.
- From September 5 until the opening day of trout season in April, all Lake Erie tributary streams are closed to fishing from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day except for Walnut Creek north of Manchester Bridge Road and Elk Creek north of Route 5.
- It is unlawful to fish from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day within 50 yards of the mouth of both Trout Run and Godfrey Run while fishing the Lake Erie shoreline.
Lake Erie Permit
All anglers fishing in the waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay, and their tributaries including waters that flow into those tributaries are required to possess a valid Lake Erie permit or Combination Trout Lake Erie permit.
The main tributaries where a permit is required are: Cascade Creek, Conneaut Creek, Crooked Creek, Eightmile Creek, Elk Creek, Fourmile Creek, Mill Creek, Raccoon Creek, Sevenmile Creek, Sixmile Creek, Sixteenmile Creek, Turkey Creek, Twelvemile Creek, Twentymile Creek, and Walnut Creek. A permit is also required for all of those waters that flow into these main tributaries.
Anglers fishing the East and West Basin ponds (Waterworks Ponds, Presque Isle State Park) are not required to possess a Lake Erie Permit.
Anglers fishing inland ponds, lakes, and reservoirs in Erie County are not required to possess a Lake Erie Permit.
For all crayfish species, the head must be immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture unless used as bait in the water from which taken.
Miscellaneous Waters with Special Regulations
These special regulations apply to fish species identified for each location and regulation. Fish species not covered by a special regulation in these locales– inland regulations apply unless otherwise designated for these species.
BEAVER: Hopewell Township Park Lake
- Bass – 15-inch minimum size, creel limit 2 per day. Panfish – Creel limit 10 combined species per day. Use of live fish for bait is prohibited. Refer to Big Bass Program for NOHARVEST dates
- The daily creel limit of Rock Bass is 10; open season year-round; no minimum size limit.
BUTLER: Glade Run Lake
- All species except trout – catch and release/no har- vest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish except trout. All fish caught other than trout must be imme- diatelyreturned unharmed. This miscellaneous special regulation will remain in effect until further notice.
Trout – inland regulations apply.
CENTRE: Bald Eagle Creek – from 0.38 miles upstream of Steel Hollow Run to 0.48 miles downstream of Steel Hollow Run.
- Trout (all species), all other species, inland regulations apply. Open to fishing year-round.
- From June 15 through Labor Day - the daily creel limit for trout is 3 (combined species). Trout must be at least 9 inches in length to be killed or possessed.
- From the day after Labor Day through June 14, no trout may be killed or possessed.
- All tackle types are permitted.
CENTRE: Foster Joseph Sayers Lake
- Black and white crappie: Daily creel limit is 10 (combined crappie species). No more than 5 may be greater than 9 inches in size. Total panfish daily creel limit may notexceed 50 when other panfish species are in the creel.
CLARION: Beaver Creek Ponds
- Closed to fishing from January 1 through opening day of bass season.
- Bass – 15-inch minimum size, creel limit 2 per day on entire project area. Panfish – Creel limit 10 per day combined species on entire area.
COLUMBIA AND NORTHUMBERLAND: South Branch of Roaring Creek – from the bridge on State Route 3008 at Bear Gap upstream to the bridge on State Route 42 – This is a catch and release/no harvest fishery for all species. It is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish. All fish caught must be immediately returned unharmed.
CRAWFORD: Paden Creek, Linesville Creek, and Shenango River
- Nursery waters closed to all fishing March 1 through May 1. Waters involved are Paden Creek (Finley Creek) from the mouth upstream to “Finley Bridge” on U.S. Route6, Linesville Creek from the mouth (Pymatuning Sanctuary) upstream to the Conrail Railroad bridge north of U.S. Route 6 in Linesville, and the Shenango River, from the Pymatuning Lake Sanctuary boundary at the Route 285 bridge, locally known as Blair Bridge, upstream 100 yards.
CRAWFORD/ERIE: Conneaut Creek
- Lake Erie Tributary Regulations apply for entire stream in Crawford and Erie counties.
ERIE: Lake Pleasant
- It is unlawful to use any fish, live or dead, as bait while fishing at Lake Pleasant except for "salted minnows." Fur- ther, it is unlawful to release any fish into Lake Pleasantexcept for those caught while fishing.
HUNTINGDON: Raystown Lake and Raystown Branch – From dam downstream to Juniata River.
- Trout (all species) no closed season. Creel limit 5 per day during regular season; 3 per day from the day after Labor Day to 8 a.m. on the opening day of the next regular season,minimum size – 7 inches.
- Raystown Lake and Tributaries – Smelt may be taken with a dip net from the shore or by wading only. Dip net may not exceed 20 inches in diameter or square. Daily limit– 200 smelt or one gallon by volume, whichever is greater.
HUNTINGDON: Whipple Lake
- All species, except trout–catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish, except trout. All fish caught other than trout must be immediately returned unharmed. For trout, inland regulations apply. This regulation will remain in effect until further notice.
LUZERNE: Harveys Lake
- Open year-round to fishing. The daily limit is 3 trout (combined species) during the period from 8 a.m. on the opening day of trout season through the last day inFebruary. Only 1 of the 3 trout daily limit may exceed 18 inches in length. No trout may be killed or had in posses- sion from February 20 to the opening day of trout season. Inlandregulations apply for other fish species.
Water Gap National Recreation Area -The use of eel chutes, eel pots, and fyke nets is prohibited. The taking of the following fishbait is prohibited: Crayfish or crabs, mussels,clams and the nymphs, larvae and pupae of all insects spending any part of their life cycle in the water. The taking, catching, killing, and possession of any species ofamphibian or reptile within the boundaries of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is prohibited.
Anglers are advised that the National Park Service 2016’s Superintendent’s Compendium of Designations, Closures, Permit Requirements, and Other Restrictions states: “The use of crayfish, clams, mussels, reptiles, or amphibians as fishbait is prohibited, unless it is a commercially produced, preserved and packaged product.” – Duration untilfurther notice within Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
- All species, except trout – catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish, except trout. All fish caught other than trout must be immediately returned unharmed. For trout, inland regulations apply. This regulation will remain in effect until further notice.
ALLEGHENY: Youghiogheny River – From the confluence with the Casselman River downstream to the confluence with Ramcat Run and Youghiogheny River from the PA Route 381 bridge at Ohiopyle downstream to the mouth of the river.
- No closed season on trout. Daily limit – Opening day of the trout season through Labor Day – 5 trout; the day after Labor Day through the opening day of the troutseason of the following year – 3 trout. For all other species, inland regulations apply. See All Tackle Trophy Trout regulations on.
WARREN: Allegheny River – 8.75 miles from the outflow of the Allegheny Reservoir downstream to the confluence of Conewango Creek.
- From 8 a.m. on the opening day of the regular trout season through Labor Day, the minimum size for trout is 14 inches and the daily limit is 2 (combined species).
- From the day after Labor Day until 8 a.m. of the open- ing day of the trout season of the following year, no trout may be killed or had in possession.
WARREN: Chapman Dam Reservoir
- All species, except trout–catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish, except trout. All fish caught other than trout must be immediatelyreturned unharmed. For trout, inland regulations apply. This regulation will remain in effect until further notice.
WAYNE: West Branch Delaware River – From thePennsylvania/New York border downstream to the confluence with the East Branch of the Delaware River.
- Artificial Lures Only season runs from October 16 until 8 a.m. on the opening day of the trout season.
- Fishing may be done with artificial lures only, con- structed of metal, plastic, rubber, or wood, or with flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materi- als.All lures may be used with spinning or fly fishing gear.
- The daily creel limit of trout is zero (0) during the artificial-lures-only season.
- All species, except trout–catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill, or possess any fish, except trout. All fish caught other than trout must be immediately returned unharmed. For trout, inland regulations apply. This regulation will remain in effect until further notice.