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New Hampshire

Freshwater Fishing

Freshwater Fishing

Fish Identification

Landlocked Atlantic salmon

Landlocked Atlantic Salmon

Brown trout

Brown Trout

Rainbow trout

Rainbow Trout

Brook trout

Brook Trout

Lake trout

Lake Trout

American shad

American Shad

Rainbow smelt

Rainbow Smelt

Chain pickerel

Chain Pickerel

Northern pike

Northern Pike

Round whitefish

Round Whitefish

Lake whitefish

Lake Whitefish

White perch

White Perch

Yellow perch

Yellow Perch





Brown bullhead (Horned pout)

Brown Bullhead (Horned Pout)

Cusk (Burbot)

Cusk (Burbot)

Largemouth bass

Largemouth Bass

NOTE: May be referred to as “black bass” on the regulatory pages.

Smallmouth bass

Smallmouth Bass

NOTE: May be referred to as “black bass” on the regulatory pages.

Rock bass

Rock Bass



Black crappie

Black Crappie

Illustrations, this page: Landlocked Atlantic salmon, American shad, Rainbow smelt ©NHFG Victor Young; Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Chain pickerel, Brook trout, White perch, Largemouth bass, Yellow perch, Smallmouth bass, Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, Brown bullhead, Black crappie ©Duane Raver; Cusk, Walleye, Rock bass, Northern pike, Round and Lake whitefish ©Ellen Edmondson (Image courtesy of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. All rights reserved.); Lake trout ©Timmothy Knepp.