Eastern Fishing District
The Eastern Fishing District includes all waters lying east of the Central Fishing District.
Note: Roadways that are used as boundaries between the Central and Eastern Fishing Districts are interpreted to be in the Central Fishing District.
Eastern District Exceptions Standard Regulations
Fort Peck Reservation - Tribal Boundary Water Regulations: Non-tribal members licensed through the State of Montana and/orFort Peck Tribes that are fishing in waters that form the exterior boundaries of the Reservation -- Big Muddy Creek, Missouri River and/orMilk River -- are permitted to harvest the following limits:
Burbot (Ling) - 5 daily and in possession
Channel Catfish - 10 daily and 20 in possession
Northern Pike - 10 daily and in possession
Paddlefish - 1 per season and in possession
Sauger/Walleye - 5 daily and 10 in possession
Pallid Sturgeon - 0 (all waters are closed to fishing for pallid sturgeon) Shovelnose Sturgeon 5 daily and in possession
These harvest limits cannot be exceeded, even if the angler possesses both tribal and state licenses, and fishes on and/or off the reservationon the same day. Non-tribal members licensed through the State of Montana and/or the Fort Peck Tribes, that are fishing in exteriorboundary waters — Big Muddy Creek, Missouri River and/or Milk River — are limited to a maximum of 6 lines with 6 hooks per line.Unattended lines are required to be identified with the angler’s name and/or an individual identifying number issued by the department. Setlines shall not be attached to jugs or floating devices.
Transporting Live Fish
An import permit is required to bring live fish of any kind into Montana (see page 17). It is unlawful to possess or transport any live fishaway from the body of water in which the fish were taken with the following exceptions:
- Possession and transport of live fish for authorized commercial purposes (e.g. Bait Seining Permit, Commercial Fish Ponds, Commercial Fishing, permitted Fishing Contests).
- Use of live bait subject to restrictions for the taking, possession, transport and use of live baitfish (see “Bait Regulations” on page 75);
- Within the boundaries of the Eastern Fishing District. It is unlawful to possess or transport live fish, other than live non-game bait fish,on roadways that form the boundary between the Eastern and Central fishing districts; or
- Possession and transport of live non-game bait fish to and from areas contaminated with Eurasian watermilfoil (Fort PeckReservoir, Fort Peck Dredge Cut Ponds, and the Missouri River from Fort Peck Dam to the mouth of the Milk River) is allowed ONLY in clean water (e.g. transport bait fish in well water).
Eastern District Exceptions to the Standard Regulations
Methods of Taking Fish
Hook and Line Limits
Open Water
Rivers and Streams
- 6 lines with 6 hooks per line. The line(s) must be attended and in the angler’s immediate control unless they are used as setlines.
Lakes and Reservoirs
- 2 lines with 2 hooks per line or as noted under Exceptions to Standard Regulations. All lines must be attended and in the angler’s immediate control unless they are used as setlines.
Ice Fishing
Lakes, Reservoirs, Rivers and Streams
- 6 lines with 2 hooks per line through the ice. When a line is used through the ice, the angler need not be in immediate control but must be in the vicinity and in visual contact with the line unless they are used as setlines. See regulations for Setlines.
Identification: Attended shelters at Bearpaw Lake and Beaver Creek Reservoir must also be identified.
Removal After the Season: The owner of an ice fishing shelter shall remove it from the ice before it becomes irretrievable at the end of the season, or by March 1. Shelters may remain on the ice after March 1 but must be removed daily if not occupied overnight.
Bow and Arrow: Unless otherwise noted in the exceptions to the standard regulations, all waters open to angling are open to taking non-game fish by bow and arrow. Paddlefish can be harvested by bow and arrow anglers with a valid paddlefish tag and during an openpaddlefish harvest day (see General and Standard paddlefish Regulations).
Hoop Nets
- The use of hoop nets is permitted in certain areas of the Eastern Fishing District.
- The use of hoop nets is limited to licensed resident anglers.
- A permit is required. Permit applications and rules are available at FWP offices in Billings, Miles City and Glasgow.
- Closed statewide March 1 through May 15.
Snagging Allowed for: 1) chinook salmon on Fort Peck Reservoir only from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30; 2) paddlefish by anglers with a valid paddlefish tag/ license during an open paddlefish season (see General and Standard paddlefish Regulations); and 3) non-gamefish on all open waters in the Eastern District except on the Missouri River downstream from Fort Benton to the North Dakota border, theYellowstone River downstream from the mouth of the Bighorn River, and Powder River downstream of Highway 10 bridge.
Spearing: In all waters open to fishing, non-game fish, northern pike, burbot (ling), walleye and whitefish may be taken with rubber or spring-propelled spears by persons swimming or submerged. spears or gigs may be used through the ice for non-game fish, northern pike,walleye, sauger and burbot (ling).
Bait Regulations
- Game fish, including yellow perch, may not be used as bait except as authorized below under Dead Bait. See “Game Fish” indefinitions (page
- for complete list of game species.
- It is unlawful to release live bait of any kind into Montana waters; do not empty any live bait containers at your fishing site.
- Collection Methods: Non-game fish may be taken for use as live bait in the following manner:
- with hook and line; or
- with seines no larger than 12 feet x 4 feet; or
- with minnow traps (the dimensions shall not exceed 24 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches); or
- with cast nets (maximum 6-foot radius) and dip nets (no larger than 3 feet x 3 feet).
- See “Dead Bait” and “Live Bait” sections below for details on possession and use of non-game bait fish.
- Non-game fish may be taken from:
- waters where live fish may be used as bait (see water list on page 76);
- all rivers and streams;
- all irrigation ditches, canals and associated infrastructure; or
- public and private ponds with fathead minnows.
- Landowner permission is required to capture live bait from privately owned ponds or irrigation systems for personal use. A Commercial Fishing License (page 16) and a Commercial Pond License is required to sell bait from a privately owned pond.
- All unattended fishing devices (crayfish traps, minnow traps, fish traps, setlines, etc.) must have the angler’s name and phonenumber or name and an individual identifying number issued by the department attached.
- Areas within the Eastern Fishing District that have been identified as contaminated with Eurasian watermilfoil have additional baitrestrictions as described below.
Dead Bait
- Non-game fish (see “Collection Methods” above) that are freshly killed or have been preserved by freezing, salting or pickling maybe used as bait on all waters not restricted to artificial lures only. Heads and entrails of non-game fish may also be used as bait.
- Whole game fish may not be used as bait.
- Parts/pieces of bass, burbot (ling), channel catfish, crappie, northern pike, paddlefish, sauger, shovelnose sturgeon, walleye, oryellow perch may be used as bait if edible portions are not wasted.
- The eggs of Salmonids (char, cisco, arctic grayling, salmon or trout) may be used as bait. Other parts/pieces of Salmonids may notbe used as bait.
Live Bait
- Live bait fish may not be imported into Montana.
- Live animals such as meal worms, red worms, night crawlers, leeches, maggots, crayfish, reptiles, amphibians and insects maybe used as bait on all waters not restricted to artificial lures only. Transport of invasive species is unlawful.
- Leeches may only be imported into Montana from FWP-approved leech dealers. Anglers who import leeches must have in theirpossession a bill- of-sale (a receipt) from the approved out-of-state leech dealer when fishing with leeches in Montana. A list of approved out-of-state leech dealers may be obtained from FWP by calling 406-452-6181.
- Non-game fish species that may be collected, possessed, and used as live bait in the Eastern Fishing District include only the following: fathead minnow, flathead chub, western silvery minnow, plainsminnow, emerald shiner, longnose dace, lake chub, creek chub, longnose sucker, and white sucker. All other non-game fishspecies (not listed above) must be released immediately at the collection site or killed prior to transporting away from the collection site (see “Dead Bait” on page 75). See pages 87-88 for live bait fish identification. Be proactive, bait fish that cannot be positively identified should not be used as live bait.
- The non-game fish species listed above may be used as live bait only in the following waters:
- Lakes, Reservoirs, Ponds and Impoundments (listed by County):
- Big Horn Co. – Tongue River Reservoir (see exceptions to standard regulations)
- Blaine Co. – Cow Creek Reservoir, Dry Fork Reservoir, Anita Reservoir, Reser Reservoir
- Carter Co. –Doug Gardner #2 Reservoir, Talcott Pond
- Custer Co. – Spotted Eagle Pond, Haughan Pond
- Daniels Co. – Whitetail Reservoir
- Dawson Co. – Hollecker Pond, Johnson Reservoir, Lindsey Reservoir
- Fallon Co. - Baker Lake, South Sandstone Reservoir
- Garfield Co. – Fort Peck Reservoir, Whiteside Reservoir
- Hill Co. – Beaver Creek Reservoir, Bailey Reservoir
- McCone Co. – Flat Lake, Fort Peck Reservoir, Hedstrom Reservoir
- Petroleum Co. – Fort Peck Reservoir, Petrolia Reservoir
- Prairie Co. – Grants Reservoir, Homestead Reservoir
- Phillips Co. – Bison Bone Reservoir, Big McNeil Slough, Cole Ponds, Ester Reservoir, Fort Peck Reservoir, Frenchman Reservoir, Little Warm Reservoir, McChesney Reservoir, Nelson Reservoir, Wildhorse Reservoir
- Richland Co. – Buxbaum West Reservoir, Gartside Reservoir, Kuester Reservoir
- Roosevelt Co. – Bainville Railroad Ponds
- Rosebud Co. – Castle Rock Lake, Lee Pond
- Sheridan Co. – Box Elder Reservoir, Engstrom Reservoir, Medicine Lake Nat. Wildlife Refuge, Raymond Reservoir
- Valley Co. – Fort Peck Dredge Cut Trout Pond, Fort Peck Reservoir, Grub Reservoir, Gut Shot Reservoir, Shoot Reservoir, Triple Crossing Reservoir, Valley Reservoir, VR2 Reservoir, Wards Res., and all BLM reservoirs in the Willow Creek Drainage
- Wibaux Co. – Wibaux Pond
- Rivers and Streams: All streams and rivers in the Eastern Fishing District except:
- Milk River and its tributaries upstream from Fresno Dam. Beaver Creek upstream from Beaver Creek Reservoir.
- Milk River and its tributaries upstream from Fresno Dam. Beaver Creek upstream from Beaver Creek Reservoir.
Bait Restrictions in Eurasian Watermilfoil Contaminated Areas
Eurasian watermilfoil is an invasive aquatic plant species that has become established in some Montana waters. This water weed iseasily spread from one body of water to another primarily by plant fragments. Areas within the Eastern Fishing District that have beenidentified as contaminated with Eurasian watermilfoil are:
- Fort Peck Reservoir
- Fort Peck Dredge Cut Ponds
- Missouri River from Fort Peck Dam to the mouth of the Milk River The additional bait restrictions within the contaminatedareas are:
- Commercial collection of bait animals is not permitted.
- Transport of live aquatic bait animals to and from these contaminated areas is allowed only in clean water (e.g. transport minnowsand leeches in well water).
Anglers shall inspect all bait buckets and live wells to ensure that NO PLANT FRAGMENTS are present when leaving a body of water. Ittakes only a small fragment of Eurasian watermilfoil (less than 2 inches) to start a new plant and infest a body of water.
Paddlefish Season Summary by River and River Section
River | River Section | Color | SeasonDates | Harvest Days | C&R Days |
Missouri River | Ft Peck Dam to Ft Benton | white | May 1 - Jun 15 | all | all |
Ft Peck Dredge Cuts - no snagging | blue | July 1 - Aug 31 | all - bow & arrow harvest only | none | |
Ft Peck Dam to ND Line | yellow | May 15 - Jun 30 | Tue,Wed,Fri,Sat | none | |
Yellowstone River | Big Horn R to Intake Dam | yellow | May 15 - Jun 30 | Tue,Wed,Fri,Sat | none |
Intake FAS | yellow | May 15 - Jun 30 | Tue,Wed,Fri,Sat | Sun, Mon, Thur | |
Downstream of Intake FAS to ND Line | yellow | May 15 - Jun 30 | Tue,Wed,Fri,Sat | none | |
FAS = Fishing AccessSite | C&R = Catch-and-Release |
General Paddlefish Regulations for ALL Areas
- Each angler must cast for, hook and reel in his or her own paddlefish. It is unlawful for another person to do so. It is unlawful to loan tagsor use another angler’s tag.
- It is unlawful to snag paddlefish via boat trolling; casting from an anchored or drifting boat is lawful.
- Any fish other than paddlefish caught while paddlefishing must be immediately released alive.
- Bow and Arrow: lawful on harvest days in sections of river open to harvest or in a bow fishing only area; unlawful for catch-and-release.
- Hook size is limited to 8/0 and smaller for all paddlefish snagging.
- Gaffs, no longer than 4.5 feet in length, may be used to land a paddlefish that will be harvested. Gaffs may not be used to land a paddlefish that will be released.
- Any angler tag locked shut prior to attachment to a paddlefish shall be void and is not replaceable. Any altered or modified tag shall be void. Voided or lost tags are not replaceable.
- Paddlefish must be tagged immediately upon harvest.
Tagging a Paddlefish
- Cut a small hole in the base of the dorsal fin.
- Insert the metal loop portion of the plastic self-locking tag through this hole and seal tag.
- The metal loop must penetrate the fish so as to make the plastic self- locking tag non-removable when tag is sealed.
- The plastic self-locking tag must be completely sealed so it cannot be reopened. Any fish not tagged in accordance with these instructions shall be considered to be untagged.

- When a paddlefish is captured and tagged, the fish must be removed from the river by the end of the day (9:00 p.m. MST).
- Anglers are required to report the harvest of any paddlefish within 48 hours of harvest.
- Reporting options include on-site at fisheries check station or roving crews, phone hotline (1-877-FWP-WILD or 406-444-0356), or online at myfwp.mt.gov.
- Anglers reporting a harvested paddlefish will provide the following information: Angler tag number, jaw tag number (if present),length (eye- tail fork), sex, date of harvest and harvest location. Additional information that may be collected on-site includes weight and age structure (jaw section).
- Anglers not reporting a harvested paddlefish will not be eligible to purchase a paddlefish tag the following year.
- It is unlawful to possess an untagged paddlefish or part of one. If anglers fillet a paddlefish, they must keep the part of the fish backand dorsal fin (back fin) where the tag is attached and sealed to the fish.
- Angler tag must remain with processed fish until consumed.
- It is unlawful for an individual to sell any portion of a paddlefish including eggs (processed or unprocessed) as prescribed by the Fish & Wildlife Commission.
Standard Paddlefish Regulations
Daily and Possession Limits and Tags: One paddlefish per season per angler. Anglers may select only one of the following three areas, and may only fish in the area selected:
- Missouri River upstream from Fort Peck Dam to Fort Benton (White Tag) Upper Missouri paddlefish Drawing: paddlefishharvest tags will be available via lottery draw for the Upper Missouri River paddlefish season (White Tag). Anglers need to apply individually or as a party (up to five people). Applications can be submitted either on-line at fwp.mt.gov or at an FWP office. You may purchase one bonus point per year; either at the time of application or between July 1 and Sept. 30 of the current year. If you do choose to purchase a bonus point at the time of application, you may not purchase one from July - September.
- Applications must be received by FWP no later than 5:00 p.m. March 23, 2023.
- Unsuccessful applicants can still catch-and-release paddlefish with their Conservation, Fishing and Paddlefish Licenses.
- Paddlefish Snagging: open May 1 to June 15 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (MST) daily.
- Catch-and-release snagging: open May 1 to June 15 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Proof of purchase of a white (or Upper Missouri River) paddlefish License is required for catch-and-release fishing.
- All paddlefish caught while catch-and-release fishing must be released immediately, may not be gaffed, and must remain at least partially submerged in water at all times (to avoid injury to the fish).
- Fort Peck Dredge Cuts (west of Park Grove Bridge and Nelson Dredge) (Blue Tag)
- Bow and Arrow: open July 1 through Aug. 31 for paddlefish. One paddlefish per angler. An unused blue paddlefish tag is required to fish for paddlefish.
- Snagging: no snagging allowed, this is an archery only season.
- Yellowstone River from Bighorn River confluence to Intake Dam (not including Intake Fishing Access Site), downstream ofIntake Fishing Access Site to North Dakota state line, Powder River downstream of Highway 10 bridge, and Missouri Riverdownstream of Fort Peck Dam (Yellow Tag)
- Fishery is managed under a harvest target so annual harvest will not exceed 1,000 paddlefish. FWP will announce a 24-hour closure of the harvest season through a public news release. Closure can be immediate at Intake FAS (Intake Dam to ½ mile downstream) to prevent exceeding the estimated harvest target. Other yellow tag areas will close as noted in the 24-hour notice.For current information on harvest status call the Miles City FWP office at 406-234-0900.
- Following announcement of the harvest closure, catch-and-release snagging will be allowed, at Intake Fishing Access Site only, for 10 consecutive calendar days or through June 30, whichever comes first.
- Paddlefish Harvest Days: open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from May 15 through June 30 from 6:00 a.m. to9:00 p.m. (MST) daily, unless closed earlier by FWP.
- It is unlawful to release a paddlefish on a harvest day during the paddlefish season.
- An unused yellow paddlefish tag is required to fish for paddlefish. The tag must be properly placed on the first paddlefish caughtand landed.
- Paddlefishing closed Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays (see exception under Intake Fishing Access Site below).
Intake Fishing Access Site (Intake Dam to ½ mile downstream)
- Paddlefish Catch-and-Release Days: open Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays from May 15 through June 30 from 6:00 a.m. to9:00 p.m. (MST) daily, unless closed earlier by FWP.
- All paddlefish caught on catch-and-release days must be released immediately, may not be gaffed, and must remain at least partially submerged in water at all times (to avoid injury to the fish).
- Evidence of purchasing a current year yellow paddlefish tag must be in possession to catch-and-release snag for paddlefish.
- Bow and arrow fishing unlawful on catch-and-release days.
- Paddlefish Harvest Days: open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from May 15 through June 30 from 6:00 a.m. to9:00 p.m. (MST) daily, unless closed to harvest earlier by FWP.
- It is unlawful to release a paddlefish on a harvest day during the paddlefish season.
- An unused yellow paddlefish tag is required to fish for paddlefish. The tag must be properly placed on the first paddlefish caughtand landed.
- Closed to fishing, snagging, or landing paddlefish from boats/vessels during the open paddlefish season (i.e. May 15 through June 30 or earlier as posted on site).
Paddlefish snagging is prohibited within entire length (2.0 miles) of the Intake Bypass Channel (closure defined as sections ofthe bypass channel with streambanks on both sides).
Eastern District Standard Daily and Possession Limits
Each angler may take all of the limits listed in the chart, unless otherwise noted in the Eastern District Exceptions. For species not listed,there are no limits on the number of fish that may be taken or possessed.
Anglers who move from one fishing water to another may possess the limit of fish allowed only for the water on which they are currentlyfishing.
Species | Daily and Possession Limits | |
T R O U T | Brook Trout | 10 daily and in possession. |
Combined Trout includes brown trout, rainbow trout, golden trout, and arctic grayling | Lakes/Reservoirs: 5 daily and 10 in possession, includes cutthroat trout. Rivers/Streams: 5 daily and in possession. | |
Cutthroat Trout | Lakes/Reservoirs: included in the “Combinedtrout” daily and possession limit. Rivers/Streams: all cutthroat trout must be released immediately. | |
Lake Trout | 3 daily and 6 in possession. | |
Bass | 5 daily and in possession. | |
Burbot (Ling) | 5 daily and in possession. | |
Channel Catfish | 10 daily and 20 in possession. | |
Crappie | 15 daily and 30 in possession. | |
Northern Pike | 10 daily and in possession. | |
Paddlefish | 1 per season and in possession. Tag required. | |
Pallid Sturgeon | None - this is an endangered species and all fish must be released promptly, with little or no delay. All waters are closed to fishing for pallid sturgeon. | |
Salmon (Kokanee & Chinook) | 5 daily and 10 in possession. | |
Sauger/Walleye | 5 daily and 10 in possession. | |
Shovelnose Sturgeon | 5 daily and in possession, none over 40 inches. | |
Tiger Muskie | 1 daily and in possession, must be over 40 inches. | |
Whitefish | 20 daily and 40 in possession. |
Eastern District Exceptions To Standard Regulations
Check the following list of waters for the body of water you intend to fish in the Eastern District. If the body of water is notfound in the listing of Exceptions, all of the Eastern District standard seasons, daily/possession limits, and statewide regulations apply. Standard regulations apply for species not listed in the exceptions.
Waterbody/Section Exceptions to Standard Regulations
BIGHORN RIVER (east of Billings) AIS
Entire river
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily, only 2 may be sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
BOXELDER RESERVOIR aka Bolster Dam (Sheridan County) AIS
Yellow perch: 25 daily and 50 in possession.
FORT PECK DREDGE CUTS (west of Park Grove Bridge and Nelson Dredge) AIS
- Bow and Arrow: open July 1 through Aug. 31 for paddlefish. 1 per season and in possession. An unused blue paddlefish tag is required to fish for paddlefish.
- Combined trout: 2 trout daily and in possession.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line on open water and 6 lines with 6 hooks per line through the ice.
- Snagging: no snagging allowed.
Fort Peck Dam to Beauchamp Creek and CMR Trail 837
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily, only 2 may be sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
- Spearing: chinook salmon and lake trout may be taken by spear or gig through the ice Dec. 1 through March 31.
- Snagging: allowed only for chinook salmon from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30.
- Open to fishing for anglers 14 years of age or younger only. One rod per child.
JUDITH RIVER (from Hwy 81 downstream to mouth)
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily, only 2 may be sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
- Bow and arrow fishing prohibited.
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily only 2 may be a sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches.
- Refuge open to fishing year-round.
- Consult refuge specific regulations available at the office, informational kiosks, or online: fws.gov/refuge/Medicine_Lake/visit/rules_and_regulations
Entire river
- Snagging: it is unlawful to snag for fish other than paddlefish on the Missouri River downstream from Fort Benton; any fish other than paddlefish must be immediately released alive.
Upstream from Fort Peck Dam to Fort Benton
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily, only 2 may be a sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
Fort Peck Dam to the mouth of the Milk River
- Combined trout: 2 trout daily and in possession.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line on open water and 6 lines with 6 hooks per line through the ice.
Downstream from Fort Peck Dam near Duck Island as posted
- Closed from March 1 through July 31 to fishing and wading as posted.

Downstream from where North and South forks meet to confluence with Fort Peck
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily, only 2 may be sauger. Possession limit is 10, only 4 may be sauger.
- Channel catfish: 10 daily and in possession.
Downstream from Highway 10 Bridge
- Snagging: unlawful to snag for fish other than paddlefish; any fish other than paddlefish must be immediately released alive.
ROSS RESERVOIR (Blaine County)
- Open third Saturday in May through Nov. 30.
- 5 daily and in possession, any combination of species.
Tongue River Reservoir to Wyoming State Border
- Fish species allowed for use as live bait are: fathead minnow, flathead chub, longnose dace, lake chub, creek chub, white sucker, and longnose sucker.
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily only 1 may be sauger and 10 in possession only 2 may be sauger.
Twelve Mile Dam Fishing Access Site (T&Y Dam)
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line all year.
- Fish species allowed for use as live bait are: fathead minnow, flathead chub, longnose dace, lake chub, creek chub, white sucker, and longnose sucker.
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily only 1 may be a sauger and 10 in possession only 2 may be sauger.
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 6 lines with 6 hooks per line through the ice.
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches.
WIND CREEK (Blaine County)
- Closed entire year from Clear Creek road crossing to Ross Reservoir Dam.

Springdale Bridge FAS to the North Dakota Border
- Smallmouth bass: 10 daily and in possession.
I-90 Bridge at Billings to the mouth of the Bighorn River
- Combined trout: 5 daily and in possession, only 1 over 18 inches, all may be cutthroat trout.
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily only 2 may be sauger and 10 in possession only 4 may be sauger.
Mouth of the Bighorn River to Cartersville Diversion Dam at Forsyth
- Sauger/walleye: 5 daily only 2 may be sauger and 10 in possession only 4 may be sauger.
Downstream from the mouth of the Bighorn River, not including Intake Fishing Access Site
- Snagging: unlawful to snag for fish other than paddlefish; any fish other than paddlefish must be immediately released alive.
Intake Fishing Access Site
- Hook and Line/Setlines: 2 lines with 2 hooks per line all year.
Intake Bypass Channel
- Paddlefish snagging is prohibited within entire length (2.0 miles) of the Intake Bypass Channel (closure defined as sections of the bypass channel with streambanks on both sides).