Fishing Rules 2022–2024
- Panhandle Region: Pend Oreille River and Lake Pend Oreille boundary modifications
- Southwest Region: several alpine lakes changed to general rules, Dick Knox Pond new trophy bass regulations
- Magic Valley Region: Anderson Ranch Reservoir kokanee limit now 15/day, Baker Lake simplified 2-trout bag limit
- Southeast Region: Blackfoot Reservoir - bass restrictions removed, Bannock Reservoir, Edson Fichter, and Montpelier Rearing Ponds adopt general rules
- Southeast Region: Bear Lake - harvest of wild (unmarked) or hatchery Cutthroat Trout (adipose clipped) now allowed. Snake River - simplified seasons, limits, and gear restrictions from Eagle Rock to American Falls Dam.
- Upper Snake Region: Henrys Lake harvest season and new catch-and-release season added
- Salmon Region: Lemhi and Pahsimeroi rivers - trout length limits changed to general rules. Stanley Lake - trout limit may include only 2 Lake Trout per day
- Clearwater River and Lower Snake River: new steelhead seasons and bag limits for 2022-2024
- Fall Chinook and Coho salmon seasons and bag limits now included in this book
Who needs a license to fish in Idaho:
- Any person 14 years of age or older is required to purchase a fishing license
- Resident children under 14:
- do NOT need to purchase a fishing license
- can keep their own daily bag limit
- may purchase a salmon/steelhead permit to keep their own limit of salmon/steelhead
- may purchase a 2-pole permit
- Nonresident children under 14 years of age:
- must be accompanied by the holder of a valid Idaho fishing license, and
- their harvested catch must be included in the license holder’s limit
- OR, they may purchase a nonresident license and have their own limit.
- Any license, tag or permit which is defaced, altered or tampered with shall be invalid from the date and time of issuance.
- Fishing on Indian reservations may require tribal licenses and following tribal regulations. Please consult respective tribes.
Idaho Fish and Game reminds all anglers to review Idaho’s fishing seasons and rules and act within the law. Here are common fishing violations, and how to avoid them:
- Fishing without a valid license: Any person 14 years or older must have a valid Idaho fishing license or permit to fish for fish, bullfrogs or crayfish. Anglers can buy a license at vendors, Fish and Game offices, by phone at (800) 554-8685 or at
- Fishing with a barbed hook where prohibited: Barbless hook may be required for certain waters and for certain species, including salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and some trout fishing. Check the Special Rule Waters for each region.
- Exceeding the legal number of poles: Anglers are limited to one pole per person unless a person has a two-pole permit. Anglers may fish up to five lines while ice fishing.
- Fishing without your license in possession: You must have a printed license, or electronic version with you while fishing. If you buy online, save a copy to your smartphone, and you can also use a photo of your printed license. But you must possess printed copies of salmon/steelhead tags.
- Fishing during a closed season: Many waters, or fish species, are closed part of the year. Check the General Fishing Seasons for the region you are fishing in, and also check the Special Rule Waters for that region. Salmon and steelhead seasons frequently change, so check for their current status.
Have a question about fishing seasons and bag limits? Call any Fish and Game office
General Fishing Season for the Panhandle Region
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Panhandle Region Special Rule Waters.
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Panhandle Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Panhandle Region except as modified in Panhandle Region Special Rule Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- Bass limit is 6, both species combined
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Burbot limit is 6
Chinook Salmon (land-locked)
- Chinook Salmon limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- Kokanee limit is 15
- Fishing for or targeting sturgeon in the Kootenai River is illegal
- Sturgeon limit is 0
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Brown Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Golden Trout, Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Splake, Arctic Grayling, trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined
Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Check for potential fish consumption advisories.
Special Rule Waters for the Panhandle Region
For waters not listed below, for fishing season, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Panhandle Region.
Anderson Lake (includes the channel to the Coeur d’Alene River)
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
Antelope Lake - Electric motors only
Avondale Lake - Electric motors only
Blue Lake (Priest River drainage) - Electric motors only
Blue Lake (Coeur d’Alene drainage; includes the channel to the Coeur d’Alene River)
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
Bonner Lake - Electric motors only
Brush Lake - Electric motors only
Chase Lake - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
Clark Fork River
Section: Entire river upstream of a straight line extending north of county boat dock (near mouth of Johnson Creek) to Bear Paw Point (southwest tip of Denton Slough)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Rainbow Trout catch-and-release December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend
- No limit on lake trout
Clark Fork River tributaries (includes Lightning Creek and tributaries)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Rainbow Trout catch-and-release December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend
- No bait allowed Dec. 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend
Clearwater River, Little North Fork and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
Coeur d’Alene Lake (includes Benewah and Chatcolet lakes, Coeur d’Alene River “Chain Lakes” and all tributaries to Coeur d’Alene Lake)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Lake Creek and tributaries, closed to fishing
Coeur d’Alene River and tributaries
Section: From the mouth to the confluence of the North Fork and South Fork
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
Coeur d’Alene River, Little North Fork and tributaries
Section: From the mouth upstream to Laverne Creek
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
Section: From and including Laverne Creek upstream
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Coeur d’Alene River, North Fork and tributaries
Section: From the confluence of the North Fork and South Fork upstream to Yellow Dog Creek
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
Section: From and including Yellow Dog Creek upstream
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Coeur d’Alene River, South Fork and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation - Contact the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Office
Dawson Lake - Electric motors only
Deep Creek and tributaries
- Rainbow Trout catch-and-release December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend
Freeman Lake - Electric motors only
Gamble (Gamlin) Lake - Electric motors only
Gold Creek (Pend Oreille Lake; includes North and South Gold creeks and tributaries) • Closed to fishing
Granite Creek and tributaries (Pend Oreille Lake)
- Closed to fishing
Granite Lake - Electric motors only
Hayden Creek and tributaries
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
Hayden Lake
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 20 inches
- Crappie limit is 6, none under 10 inches
Jewel Lake - Electric motors only
Kelso Lake - Electric motors only
Kootenai River
- Trout limit is 2, no Rainbow or Cutthroat Trout under 16 inches
- Sturgeon - Fishing for or targeting sturgeon in the Kootenai River is illegal
Lake Pend Oreille (includes Sand, Strong, Riser, Bayview, and Mirror creeks and their tributaries)
- No limit on the number of fishing rods per angler while fishing from a boat
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
- No limit on Lake Trout, Lake Trout can be possessed in the field or in transit with head removed
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout • Rainbow Trout limit is 2, only 1 over 20 inches
Lower Glidden Lake - Electric motors only
Mirror Lake - Electric motors only
Moyie River
- Trout limit is 2
Pack River and tributaries from the railroad bridge near the mouth upstream; includes Grouse Creek and tributaries and Rapid Lightning Creek and tributaries)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Rainbow Trout catch-and-release December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend
- No bait allowed December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend • Fishing closed 100 yards upstream and downstream of Grouse Creek Falls (on Grouse Creek)
Pend Oreille River (from Highway 95 bridge at Sandpoint downstream to IdahoWashington border, including tributaries and sloughs to the edge of flat water)
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Perkins Lake - Electric motors only
Priest Lake and tributaries (including Thorofare)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout • Kokanee limit is 6
Priest River and tributaries (from its mouth to Priest Lake)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Robinson Lake - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
Roman Nose Lake #3 - Electric motors only
Round Lake (Bonner County) - Electric motors only
St. Joe River and tributaries (except St. Maries River)
Section: From Coeur d’Alene Lake upstream to and including the North Fork St. Joe River
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
Section: From the North Fork St. Joe River upstream
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
St. Maries River and tributaries
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 2, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2
Shepherd Lake - Electric motors only
Sinclair Lake - Electric motors only
Smith Lake - Electric motors only
Spirit Lake • Kokanee limit is 25
Spokane River and tributaries
Section: From state line upstream to Post Falls Dam
- Trout limit is 2
Section: From Post Falls Dam upstream to Coeur d’Alene Lake
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Trestle Creek and tributaries
- Closed to fishing
Upper Priest Lake and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No limit on Lake Trout
- Kokanee limit is 6
Washington / Idaho Fishing In Boundary Waters
The Snake River between Idaho, Oregon, or Washington: The holder of a valid Idaho fishing license and salmon or steelhead permit may fish for those species provided the season is open in the Snake River where it forms the boundary between the states of Idaho and Oregon or Washington, subject to the fish and game laws of Idaho, but may not fish from the shoreline, including wading, and may not fish in sloughs or tributaries on the Oregon or Washington side. Any Oregon or Washington license holder has the same rights and restrictions with reference to the Idaho side. Any angler who fishes on the Snake River or any other water forming an Idaho boundary is entitled to have in possession only the limit allowed by one license regardless of the number of licenses in possession.
Special Restrictions – North Fork Clearwater River
General Fishing Season for the Clearwater Region
All Waters.
Except as modified in Clearwater Region Special Rule Waters
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Clearwater Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Clearwater Region except as modified in Clearwater Region Special Rule Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- In rivers and streams, no bag, size or possession limits • In lakes and reservoirs, limit is 6, both species combined Brook Trout •
Brook Trout limit is 25
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Kokanee limit is 25
- Spring and summer Chinook Salmon seasons and limits are set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission and issued in separate brochures
- Seasons and limits for fall Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon can be found bellow
- Sockeye Salmon limit is 0 and fishing for or targeting Sockeye Salmon is illegal
- Fishing for or targeting salmon is prohibited unless a salmon season is specifically opened for that water
Steelhead (ocean-going)
- Defined as Rainbow Trout longer than twenty (20) inches in length in the Snake River drainage below Hells Canyon Dam, the Salmon River drainage (excluding lakes and reservoirs), and the Clearwater River drainage (excluding that portion above Dworshak Dam, and lakes)
- Seasons and limits for steelhead can be found below
- Fishing for or targeting steelhead is prohibited unless a steelhead season is specifically opened for that water
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device is required.
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
- Trout includes Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, and trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- In rivers and streams, trout limit is 2, all species combined • In lakes, reservoirs, ditches and canals, trout limit is 6, all species combined Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25
Protected Nongame Fish includes Pacific Lamprey and Sand Roller
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Clearwater Region
For waters not listed below, see above for fishing season, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Clearwater Region.
Clearwater River
Section: From the mouth upstream to the Clearwater River Bridge at Orofino
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Fishing between posted boundaries 100 yards upstream and downstream from the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Ladder (near Cherry Lane Bridge) and extending into the river channel 50 yards is prohibited
- Fishing from the shoreline or wading along the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is prohibited
Section: From the Clearwater River Bridge at Orofino upstream to the confluence of the South Fork and Middle Fork Clearwater rivers
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- September 1 through April 30 - No motors allowed
Clearwater River, Middle Fork
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches • September 1 through April 30 - No motors allowed
Clearwater River, North Fork
Section: From the mouth upstream to Dworshak Dam
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- When fishing from Ahsahka Highway 7 Bridge, it is illegal to take or attempt to take any fish downstream of the railroad bridge; fishing from the railroad bridge is prohibited
- Fishing from any watercraft or wading is prohibited between the posted line approximately 150 yards upstream from the mouth of the North Fork Clearwater River and the Ahsahka Highway 7 Bridge
- Fishing from the shoreline or wading along the perimeter of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is prohibited
Section: From the upper end of flat water of Dworshak Reservoir upstream
- Barbless hooks required
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed except maggots
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 2, no Cutthroat Trout under 14 inches, no bait allowed
Clearwater River, South Fork
- Cutthroat Trout limit is 0, catch and release only
- Single-pointed barbless hooks are required while fishing for steelhead and salmon
Crooked Fork (tributary to Lochsa River)
Section: From the mouth to Brushy Fork
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Section: From Brushy Fork upstream - Clearwater Region general rules apply
Deer Creek Reservoir
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Tiger Trout, no Tiger Trout under 14 inches
Deyo Reservoir
- Bass limit is 2, none under 16 inches
Dworshak Reservoir
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout, no Cutthroat Trout under 14 inches
Elk Creek and tributaries (tributary to Dworshak Reservoir)
- Trout limit is 6, Brook Trout must be counted in trout limit
Elk Creek Reservoir
- Trout limit is 6, Brook Trout must be counted in trout limit
Kelly Creek and tributaries
Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release • No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Lochsa River
Section: From the mouth upstream to Wilderness Gateway Campground Motor Bridge, near Highway 12 milepost 122
- Barbless hooks required
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed except maggots
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches, no bait allowed
Section: From Wilderness Gateway Campground Motor Bridge upstream to the confluence of Colt Killed Creek and Crooked Fork Creek
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Mann Lake - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 2, none under 16 inches
Moose Creek Reservoir - Electric motors only
Salmon River
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Salmon River tributaries
Section: Those tributaries from the mouth of the Salmon River upstream to the Middle Fork Salmon River, except Little Salmon River and South Fork Salmon River.
- Trout limit is 2
Section: Those tributaries upstream from the mouth of the Middle Fork Salmon River - See below, Salmon River tributaries, Special Rule Waters
Selway River
Section: From the mouth upstream to Selway Falls cable car
- Barbless hooks required
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed except maggots
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches, no bait allowed
Section: From Selway Falls cable car upstream to Selway Falls Bridge at Meadow Creek • Closed to fishing Section: From Selway Falls Bridge at Meadow Creek upstream • Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release • No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Snake River (ID/WA border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam)
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Spring Valley Reservoir - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 2, none under 16 inches
Winchester Lake - Electric motors only
General Fishing Season for the Southwest Region (includes McCall Sub-Region)
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Southwest Region Special Rule Waters
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Southwest Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Southwest Region except as modified in Southwest Region Special Rule Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- Bass limit is 6, both species combined
- None under 12 inches
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook Trout
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Kokanee limit is 6
- Spring and summer Chinook Salmon seasons and limits are set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission and issued in separate brochures
- Seasons and limits for fall Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon can be found below
- Sockeye Salmon limit is 0 and fishing for or targeting Sockeye Salmon is illegal
- Fishing for or targeting salmon is prohibited unless a salmon season is specifically opened for that water
Steelhead (ocean-going)
- Defined as Rainbow Trout longer than twenty (20) inches in length in the Salmon River drainage (excluding lakes and reservoirs). Between Hells Canyon Dam and Oxbow Dam and the Boise River from its mouth upstream to Barber Dam during steelhead seasons, steelhead are Rainbow Trout over twenty (20) inches in length with the adipose fin clipped (as evidenced by a healed scar)
- Fishing for or targeting steelhead is prohibited unless a steelhead season is specifically opened for that water
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device is required.
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Golden Trout, Arctic Grayling, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, land-locked Chinook and Coho Salmon, trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined
Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish
Protected Nongame Fish includes Pacific Lamprey
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Southwest Region
For waters not listed below, see above for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Southwest Region.
Ben Ross Reservoir
- Bass limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Big Creek
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Boise River from the mouth upstream to Lucky Peak Dam (lower Boise River)
Section: From the downstream side of the East Parkcenter Bridge to the upstream side of the West Parkcenter Bridge
- Trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches
All other sections of the lower Boise River - Southwest Region general rules apply
Boise River, Middle Fork
Section: From the confluence of the North Fork upstream to Atlanta Dam
- Trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
All other sections of the Boise River, Middle Fork - Southwest Region general rules apply
Boise River, South Fork
Section: From Neal Bridge (Forest Road 189) upstream to Anderson Ranch Dam
- No bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly or lure
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit 2, none under 20 inches
Section: Boise River, South Fork upstream of Anderson Ranch Dam; see Magic Valley Region rules
Brundage Reservoir and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2, none over 14 inches
- No bait allowed
Cascade Aquarium Pond
- Closed to fishing
Chamberlain Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
Crane Falls Lake - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Deadwood Reservoir
- Kokanee limit is 15
Deadwood Reservoir tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
- Kokanee limit is 15
Dick Knox Pond
- Bass limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Duck Valley Indian Reservation contact the Duck Valley Indian Tribal Office
Lake Lowell
- January 1 to June 30 - bass limit is 0, catch-andrelease
- July 1 to December 31- bass limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Little Payette Lake
- Bass limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- Kokanee limit is 25
Little Salmon River
- Southwest Region general rules apply
Louie Lake (an alpine lake in the Boulder Creek drainage)
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required McDevitt Pond
- Trout limit is 2
Middle Fork Salmon River (see Salmon River, Middle Fork and tributaries)
M.K. Nature Center
- Closed to fishing
Owyhee River and tributaries
- Bass limit is 6, any size
Oxbow Reservoir (between Brownlee Dam and Oxbow Dam)
- Bass limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Parkcenter Pond
- Trout limit is 2
Payette River, North Fork
Section: From Payette Lake upstream, including tributaries
- Kokanee limit is 0, catch-and-release
Section: From Smylie Bridge (Hartsell) to Payette Lake
- December 1 to Friday of Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
All other sections of the Payette River, North Fork - Southwest Region general rules apply
Payette River, South Fork and tributaries (except the Middle Fork Payette drainage)
- Trout limit is 2
Rapid River and tributaries (tributary to the Little Salmon River)
- Trout limit is 2
Roosevelt Lake
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Sage Hen Reservoir tributaries
- December 1 through June 15 - closed to fishing
- June 16 through November 30 - trout limit is 2
Salmon River
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept; no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No bag, size or possession limits on bass
Salmon River tributaries
- No bag, size or possession limits on bass Section: Those tributaries from the mouth of the Salmon River upstream to the mouth of the Middle Fork Salmon River (except Little Salmon River and South Fork Salmon River)
- Trout limit is 2 Section: Those tributaries upstream of the mouth of Middle Fork Salmon River -See below, Salmon River tributaries, Special Rule Waters.
Salmon River, Middle Fork and tributaries (includes: Bear Valley, Big, Camas, Elk, Loon, Marsh, Sulphur creeks, and tributaries)
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
- No bag, size or possession limits on bass
Salmon River, South Fork and tributaries (includes: Johnson Creek, East Fork South Fork Salmon River, Secesh River, Lake Creek, Summit Creek and tributaries)
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
- No bag, size or possession limits on bass
Squaw Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
Stibnite Pond (Glory Hole)
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Warren Creek
- Trout limit is 2
Weiser Community Pond
- Trout limit is 2
Wilson Springs Ponds (all waters within the Wilson Springs access area including Wilson Drain)
- Trout limit is 2
General Fishing Season for the Magic Valley Region
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in the Magic Valley Region Special Rule Waters
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Magic Valley Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Magic Valley Region except as modified in Magic Valley Region Special Rule
Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- Bass limit is 6, both species combined
- None under 12 inches
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook Trout
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Kokanee limit is 6
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device is required.
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Golden Trout, Arctic Grayling, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, land-locked Chinook and Coho Salmon, trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined
- In rivers and streams, only 2 of the 6 trout may be Cutthroat Trout
Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Walleye limit is 6
- Whitefish limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish
Protected Nongame Fish includes Norhern Leatherside Chub, Shoshone Sculpin, Wood River Sculpin, and Bluehead Sucker (also know as Green Sucker)
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Magic Valley Region
For waters not listed below, for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Magic Valley Region.
Anderson Ranch Reservoir
- Kokanee limit is 15 per day
Baker Lake (an alpine lake in Blaine County)
- Trout limit is 2
Bell Rapids (See Snake River)
Big Wood River
Section: From the Richfield Canal Diversion upstream to Magic Dam
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through
March 31 – trout limit is 6
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Bass limit is 6, any size
Section: From the posted boundary about 700 yards east of Hot Springs Landing upstream to Glendale Road Bridge
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6
Section: From Glendale Road Bridge upstream to the Highway 75 Bridge near milepost 122.2
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Section: From Highway 75 Bridge near milepost 122.2 upstream to Highway 75 Bridge near milepost 136.2
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly or lure
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
Section: From the Highway 75 Bridge near milepost 136.2 upstream to the headwaters of the Big Wood River
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6
All other sections of the Big Wood River – Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Big Wood River Tributaries (upstream of Magic Reservoir)
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6
Billingsley Creek
Section: From Tupper Grade upstream to Vader Grade
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 6, fly-fishing only, no bait allowed
All other sections of Billingsley Creek - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Boise River, South Fork (upstream of Anderson Ranch Reservoir, see Southwest Region for information downstream from Anderson Ranch Dam)
Section: From the mouth of Beaver Creek upstream to the mouth of Big Smoky Creek
- Trout limit is 2, none under 14 inches
- No bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly or lure
All other sections of the Boise River, South Fork upstream Anderson Ranch Dam - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Box Canyon Creek
- Trout limit is 2
Bruneau Dunes State Park - Electric motors only
- Bass limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Carey Lake - Electric motors only
Devils Corral Creek
- Trout limit is 2
Empire Rapids Ponds (Clear Lakes Grade-Niagara Springs WMA)
- Trout limit is 2
Sixmile Reservoir (Gunnel)
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2
Hagerman Wildlife Management Area - No motors
Section: The four Anderson Ponds, the Bass Ponds, Goose Pond, and the West Highway Pond (Highway 30)
- November 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing
Section: Oster Lakes, Riley Pond, and the Settling Pond
- November 1 through the last day of February – closed to fishing
Section: Riley Creek from the Falls upstream to the State Fish Hatchery Diversion
- November 1 through the last day of February – closed to fishing
All other sections of Riley Creek - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Jarbidge River and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
Lake Walcott
Section: From the downstream side of the Gifford Springs boat fishing zone (western boundary in Minnidoka NWR) upstream to Eagle Rock
- Bass limit is 2, any size
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
Little Wood River
Section: From the downstream end of the Taylor “Bear Tracks” Williams State Recreation Area near Highway 93 milepost 190, to the upstream end of the Recreation Area near Highway 93 milepost 192.5, as posted
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Fly-fishing only, barbless hooks required
Section: From Baugh Creek upstream (including tributaries)
- Trout limit is 2
All other sections of the Little Wood River - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Magic Reservoir (from Magic Dam to the posted boundary about 700 yards east of Hot Springs Landing)
- Bass limit is 6, any size
Malad River
Section: From its mouth upstream to the Interstate 84 bridge at Malad Gorge
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and- release
Niagara Springs Creek
Section: From the Niagara Springs Steelhead Hatchery intake pool (above the lowest fall) upstream to the spring sources as posted
- Closed to fishing
All other sections of Niagara Springs Creek - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area – except Snake River
- Trout limit is 2
Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir
- Walleye limit is 6, only 1 over 20 inches
Silver Creek - No motors. All diversion ponds have the same rules as the connected stream.
Section: From its mouth upstream to Highway 93 - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Section: From Highway 93 upstream to the North Picabo Road bridge
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6
Section: From the North Picabo Road bridge upstream to the bridge near milepost 187.2 on Highway 20 west of Picabo
- December 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Section: From the bridge near milepost 187.2 on Highway 20 west of Picabo upstream to the road right- of-way fence on the west side of Kilpatrick Bridge
- No fishing from rafts or boats; float tubes are allowed
- April 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through March 31 - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, fly-fishing only, no bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly
Section: From the road right-of-way on the west side of Kilpartick Bridge upstream to the confluence of Grove Creek and Stalker Creek
- No fishing from rafts or boats; float tubes are allowed
- December 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, fly-fishing only, no bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly
Silver Creek tributaries - No motors. All diversion ponds have the same rules as the connected stream
Section: All tributaries within the Nature Conservancy Silver Creek Preserve property
- No fishing from rafts or boats; float tubes are allowed
- December 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend—closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30—trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, fly-fishing only, no bait allowed, one barbless hook per fly
Section: All tributaries except those within the Nature Conservancy Silver Creek Preserve and posted Hayspur Fish Hatchery waters
- December 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2
Section: The posted sections of Loving and Butte creeks on Hayspur Fish Hatchery property
- December 1 through the Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30—trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Snake River
Section: From Lower Salmon Falls Dam (Bell Rapids area) upstream to Upper Salmon Falls Dam (0.3 miles below Owsley Bridge)
- January 1 through June 30 - bass limit is 0, catch- and-release
- July 1 through December 31 - bass limit is 2, none between 12 and 16 inches
Section: From the downstream side of the Gifford Springs boat fishing zone (western boundary in Minnidoka NWR) upstream to Eagle Rock
- Bass limit is 2, any size
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
All other sections of the Snake River including reservoirs within the Magic Valley Region - Magic Valley Region general rules apply
Sublett Reservoir (see also Sublett Reservoir tributaries)
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 6
Sublett Reservoir tributaries
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 2
Trinity Lakes - No motors
Vineyard Creek
- November 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through October 31 - trout limit is 2
Willow Creek (tributary to Camas Creek)
- Trout limit is 2
General Fishing Season for the Southeast Region
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Southeast Region Special Rule Waters.
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Southwest Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Southeast Region except as modified in Southeast Region Special Rule Waters below. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- Bass limit is 6, both species combined
- None under 14 inches
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook Trout
Cisco (Bear Lake only)
- Cisco limit is 30
- Kokanee limit is 6
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device is required.
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, and trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout).
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined
- In rivers and streams, only 2 of the 6 trout may be Cutthroat Trout
Does not include Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish
Protected Nongame Fish includes Northern Leatherside Chub, Bear Lake Sculpin, and Bluehead Sucker (also know as Green Sucker)
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Southeast Region
For waters not listed below, for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Southeast Region.
American Falls Reservoir
- Bass limit is 2, any size
Bear Lake
- From the mouth of St. Charles Creek (Little Creek) for a radius of 300 yards into the lake is closed to fishing from April 16 through June 30
- Not more than 2 baited hooks, flies, or lures per line
- One line only when ice fishing. Two lines permitted when ice fishing with a two-pole permit
- Trout limit is 2
- Cisco limit is 30; dip-netting permitted January 1 through February 15. Dip nets may not exceed 18 inches in any dimension. Any size hole may be cut through the ice to catch cisco
- Whitefish limit is 10
Bear River
Section: From the Utah state line upstream to Oneida Narrows Dam
- Trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Bass limit is 6, any size
Section: From the confluence with Oneida Narrows Reservoir upstream to the Wyoming state line
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Bear River tributaries (all tributaries including the Cub River and Thomas Fork Bear River)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Blackfoot Reservoir
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No size, bag, or possession limits on bass
Blackfoot River and tributaries
Section: From the confluence with the Snake River upstream to Blackfoot Dam (Government Dam) - Southeast Region general rules apply
Upstream from Blackfoot Reservoir (includes: Diamond Creek, Lanes Creek, Slug Creek and tributaries)
- December 1 through June 30 - closed to fishing
- July 1 through November 30 - trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout, no bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Chesterfield Reservoir
- Trout limit is 2
Condie Reservoir
- Bass limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Daniels Reservoir
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- One line only when ice fishing
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Deep Creek Reservoir
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
- No size, bag or possession limits on Bass
Fish Haven Creek
Section: From the confluence with Bear Lake upstream to the Caribou-Targhee National Forest boundary
- December 1 through June 30 - closed to fishing
- July 1 through November 30 - Southeast Region general rules apply
Section: Fish Haven Creek upstream of the Caribou- Targhee National Forest boundary - Southeast Region general rules apply
First Creek (tributary to Deep Creek Reservoir)
- December 1 through June 14 - closed to fishing
- June 15 through November 30 - Southeast Region general rules apply
Fort Hall Indian Reservation - contact Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Office
Glendale Reservoir
- Bass limit is 2, none under 16 inches
Little Blackfoot River and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
McCoy Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Montpelier Reservoir - Electric motors only
Oneida Narrows Reservoir
- Walleye limit is 6
- Bass limit is 6, any size
Portneuf River
Section: From above the East Main Street bridge in Lava Hot Springs upstream to Chesterfield Reservoir
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed, barbless hooksrequired
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Section: From the Fort Hall Indian Reservation boundary upstream to the East Main Street bridge in Lava Hot Springs
- Southeast Region general rules apply
All sections within the Fort Hall Indian Reservation – contact Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Office.
St. Charles Creek
Section: St. Charles Creek (including both lower forks) upstream tothe Caribou-Targhee National Forest boundary
- December 1 through June 30 - closed to fishing
- July 1 through November 30 - Southeast Region general rules apply
Section: St. Charles Creek upstream of Caribou- Targhee National Forest boundary - Southeast Region general rules apply
Snake River
Section: From the downstream side of the Gifford Springs boat fishing zone (western boundary in Minnidoka NWR) upstream to Eagle Rock
- Bass limit is 2, any size
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
Section: From Eagle Rock upstream to American Falls Dam
- October 16 – Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend – October 15 – trout limit is 2
Section: From American Falls Reservoir upstream to Gem Lake dam
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
- Bass limit is 2, any size
Springfield Reservoir
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- One line only when ice fishing
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Treasureton Reservoir
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- No size, bag or possession limits on bass
- One line only when ice fishing
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Twenty-Four Mile Reservoir - No motors
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
- One line only when ice fishing
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
General Fishing Season for the Upper Snake Region
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Upper Snake Region Special Rule Waters.
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Upper Snake Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Upper Snake Region except as modified in Upper Snake Region Special Rule Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- Bass limit is 6, both species combined
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook Trout
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Kokanee limit is 15
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device are required
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Brown Trout, Golden Trout, Lake Trout, Splake, Arctic Grayling, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, and trout hy- brids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25 – see Big Lost River exception
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish
Protected Nongame Fish including Northern Leatherside Chub and Bluehead Sucker (also know as Green Sucker)
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Upper Snake Region
For waters not listed below,for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Upper Snake Region.
Beaver Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Becker Pond (Ryder Park Pond)
- 2 fish any species
Big Lost River and tributaries
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release; whitefish limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6; whitefish limit is 0, catch-and-release
Dry Beds (Snake River)
Section: From the Highway 48 bridge upstream to the Great Feeder irrigation diversion headgate
- May 1 through March 31 – Upper Snake Region general rules apply
- April 1 through April 30 – it is legal to take fish with dip nets, by snagging or by hand – Upper Snake Region bag limits apply
Fall River and tributaries
- Limit is 2 trout, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Fish Creek (Harriman State Park)
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Fly-fishing only
Golden Lake (Harriman State Park)
- Closed to fishing
Henrys Fork (Snake River, North Fork) Section: South Fork Snake River/Henrys Fork confluence upstream to Vernon Bridge
- Trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Section: From Vernon Bridge upstream to Ashton Dam
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0; catch-and-release only
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Section: From Highway 20 bridge upstream to the posted boundary upstream of Riverside Campground
- Trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Section: From the posted boundary upstream of the Riverside Campground upstream to the lower Harriman State Park boundary
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, no bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Section: From the lower Harriman State Park boundary upstream to the upper Harriman State Park boundary (Harriman Ranch)
- December 1 through June 14 – closed to fishing
- June 15 through November 30 – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release, fly fishing only, barbless hooks required
Section: From the upper Harriman State Park boundary to Island Park Dam
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Section: From McCrea Bridge upstream to the Henrys Lake Outlet
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and- release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout, no Cutthroat Trout under 16 inches
Section: From Henrys Lake Outlet upstream to the head of Big Springs
- Closed to fishing
All other sections of Henrys Fork including Ashton and Island Park Reservoirs – Upper Snake Region general rules apply
Henrys Fork tributaries (except Warm River, Fall River, and Thurmon Creek)
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and- release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Henrys Lake
Section: Those portions of the lake within the posted boundaries of Staley Springs and within 100 yards of Hatchery Creek
- Closed to fishing
Remainder of Henrys Lake
- February 15 through Friday before Memorial Day Weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and- release
- Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend through February 14 - trout limit is 2, Brook Trout counted in the trout limit
- Fishing must cease after the 2-trout daily bag limit has been retained
Henrys Lake Outlet
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and- release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout, no Cutthroat Trout under 16 inches
Henrys Lake tributaries
- July 1 through March 31 – no harvest of Cutthroat Trout; Brook Trout limit is 25, only 2 Brook Trout over 16 inches
- April 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing
- Hatchery Creek – closed to fishing
Horseshoe Lake (Fremont County) - no motors
- Trout limit is 2
Jim Moore Pond
- Trout limit is 2
Little Lost River and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2
Long Lake (an alpine lake in Custer County)
- Trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches
Market Lake Wildlife Management Area
- March 1 through July 15 – no boats, rafts or float tubes
McCoy Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Medicine Lodge Creek and tributaries
- Trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Mud Lake (west of the posted boundary which runs north and south from McKenzie Point)
- March 1 through July 15 – no boats, rafts or float tubes
Palisades Reservoir tributaries
- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No harvest of kokanee
Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through July 15 – no boats, rafts or float tubes
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – motorized watercraft prohibited
Additional closures to protect wildlife may be in effect. Call the Upper Snake Regional Office at 208-525-7290 for the latest information.
Silver Lake (Harriman State Park)
- Closed to fishing
Snake River
Section: Gem Lake Dam to Osgood Diversion Dam
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Cutthroat Trout
Section: Osgood Diversion Dam upstream to the confluence of Henrys Fork (North and South Fork)
- Trout limit is 2, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
South Fork Snake River
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- Brown Trout limit is 2
- No limit on Rainbow Trout or trout hybrids
South Fork Snake River tributaries
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No limit on Rainbow Trout or trout hybrids
- June 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing
Teardrop Lake (Snow Creek Pond)
- Trout limit is 2
Teton River
- No limit on Rainbow Trout or hybrids
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Teton River tributaries
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No limit on Rainbow Trout or hybrids
- June 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing
Thurmon Creek (Harriman State Park)
- Closed to fishing
Warm River and tributaries
Section: Within the posted boundaries from the state highway 47 bridge downstream (approx. 350 yards) to the next bridge near the mouth of Robinson Creek
- Closed to fishing
All other sections of the Warm River
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend, trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Willow Creek
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Willow Creek tributaries
- No harvest of Cutthroat Trout
- No limit on Rainbow Trout or hybrids
- June 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing
General Fishing Season for the Salmon Region
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Salmon Region Special Rule Waters.
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits for the Salmon Region
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Salmon Region except as modified in Salmon Region Special Rule Waters. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth)
- No bag, size or possession limits
Brook Trout
- Brook Trout limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook Trout
Bull Trout
- Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Kokanee limit is 25
- Spring and summer Chinook Salmon seasons and limits are set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission and issued in separate brochures
- Seasons and limits for fall Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon can be found below
- Sockeye Salmon limit is 0 and fishing for or targeting Sockeye Salmon is illegal
- Fishing for or targeting salmon is prohibited unless a salmon season is specifically opened for that water
Steelhead (ocean-going)
- Defined as Rainbow Trout longer than twenty (20) inches in length in the Salmon River drainage (excluding the Lemhi and Pahsimeroi rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and ponds)
- Fishing for or targeting steelhead is prohibited unless a steelhead season is specifically opened for that water (see steelhead seasons/limits below
- Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing
- Barbless hooks are required
- Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device is required.
Tiger Muskie
- Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches
Trout includes Lake Trout, Golden Trout, Arctic Grayling, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, Sunapee Trout and trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout)
- Trout limit is 6, all species combined
- Chinook Salmon and steelhead placed in ponds are counted in the trout bag limit Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are listed separately
- Whitefish limit is 25
- Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish
Protected Nongame Fish including Pacific Lamprey
- May not be harvested or possessed
All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish
- No bag, size or possession limit
Special Rule Waters for the Salmon Region
For waters not listed below, for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Salmon Region.
East Fork Salmon River (see Salmon River, East Fork)
Herd Lake
- Trout limit is 25
Jimmy Smith Lake
- Trout limit is 25
Lake Creek and tributaries (above Williams Lake)
- December 1 through June 30 - closed to fishing upstream from the posted boundary at Williams Lake
- July 1 through November 30 - Salmon Region general rules apply
Lemhi River
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Lemhi River tributaries
- Salmon Region general rules apply
Middle Fork Salmon River (see Salmon River, Middle Fork and tributaries)
North Fork Salmon River (see Salmon River, North Fork)
Pahsimeroi River
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Pahsimeroi River tributaries
- Salmon Region general rules apply
Redfish Lake
- January 1 through August 7 - Salmon Region general rules apply
- August 8 through December 31 - kokanee limit is 0, catch-and-release
Salmon River
- Trout limit is 6; only trout with a clipped adipose fin, as evidenced by a healed scar, may be kept, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Salmon River tributaries
Section: Those tributaries from the mouth of the Salmon River upstream to the Middle Fork Salmon River, except Little Salmon River and South Fork Salmon River.
- Trout limit is 2
Section: Those tributaries from the mouth of the Middle Fork Salmon River upstream (except: North Fork Salmon River, Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, East Fork Salmon River, and Yankee Fork Salmon River)
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - Salmon Region general rules apply
Salmon River, East Fork
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout Salmon River, East Fork tributaries • Salmon Region general rules apply
Salmon River, Middle Fork and all tributaries (includes: Bear Valley, Big, Camas, Elk, Loon, Marsh, Sulphur creeks, and tributaries)
- Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- No bait allowed, barbless hooks required
Salmon River, North Fork
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend – trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Salmon River, North Fork tributaries
- Salmon Region general rules apply
Salmon River, Yankee Fork and West Fork Yankee Fork
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - trout limit is 0, catch-and-release
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 – trout limit is 6, no harvest of Cutthroat Trout
Salmon River, Yankee Fork tributaries
- Salmon Region general rules apply
Stanley Lake
- Trout limit is 6, only 2 may be Lake Trout
Wallace Lake
- Trout limit is 2
Yankee Fork Salmon River Dredge Ponds
- December 1 through Friday before Memorial Day weekend - closed to fishing
- Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30 - Salmon Region general rules apply
Yankee Fork Salmon River (see Salmon River, Yankee Fork)
Anyone fishing for anadromous (ocean-run) salmon and/or steelhead, except those expressly exempt, must have a valid fishing license and salmon and/or steelhead permit(s) on their person. These license and permit requirements also apply when fishing for hatchery salmon or steelhead stocked by Idaho Fish and Game in the Boise River or Hells Canyon Reservoir.
Any person who does not qualify as a resident must purchase either a nonresident season fishing license and a fullseason salmon and/or steelhead permit or a nonresident 3-day salmon/steelhead license/permit.
Children (including nonresident children) under the age of 14 are exempt from purchasing salmon and steelhead permits. They may fish without permits if they are accompanied by a valid permit holder, provided that any fish caught must be recorded on the permit holder’s card and counted in the permit holder’s legal bag, possession and season limits. A resident child under 14 may purchase permits without a license so that they may catch their own limit(s) of salmon and/or steelhead.
Any nonresident under the age of 18 may purchase a junior nonresident fishing license and appropriate permit so they may catch their own limit of salmon or steelhead.
Methods of Take
- Any angler, who has attained the bag, possession, or season limit on those waters with salmon or steelhead limits, must cease fishing for salmon or steelhead including catch-and-release fishing.
- Only single-pointed barbless hooks are allowed when fishing for salmon or steelhead in the South Fork Clearwater River.
- Only barbless hooks with a maximum 5/8 inch gap between shank and point may be used when fishing for salmon or steelhead in the Salmon and Clearwater river drainages and the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam. Bending the barb(s) down to the shank of a single, double, or treble hook will meet this requirement.
- Salmon and steelhead may be taken with barbed hooks in the Boise River and the Snake River between Hells Canyon and Oxbow dams.
- No person shall kill or retain in possession any salmon or steelhead which has been hooked other than in the mouth or jaw. Any salmon or steelhead hooked other than in the mouth or jaw must be released. See snagging definition.
Please Note
- Fishing for or targeting salmon or steelhead is prohibited unless a season is specifically opened for the species on that water.
- Steelhead with an intact adipose fin cannot be reduced to possession and must be released.
- Any anadromous (ocean-run) salmon or steelhead that is being reduced to possession must be killed immediately. Otherwise, the fish must be released upon landing.
- All fish that are hooked, landed, and reduced to possession shall be counted in the limit of the person hooking the fish.
- No person shall have in the field or in transit any salmon or steelhead from which the head or tail has been removed unless: 1) the angler is ashore and done fishing for the day; 2) the salmon or steelhead is properly recorded on the anglers permit; and 3) the fish is processed or packaged with the skin naturally attached to the flesh including a portion with a healed, clipped adipose fin scar or the adipose fin. The fish must be processed or packaged in a manner that the number of fish harvested can be readily determined. Processed salmon and steelhead cannot be transported by boat.
- Steelhead harvest and angler participation are estimated by surveys conducted within three months after the season closes. You may be contacted and asked about your effort and success. Please save your permit until three months after the season has closed or until you Barbless hook are contacted by Idaho Fish and Game.
River Location Code Map
River Location Codes
Snake River
- Snake River, downstream from Salmon River - 01
- Snake River, from Salmon River to Hells Canyon Dam - 02
- Snake River, Hells Canyon Dam to Oxbow Dam - 27
Clearwater River
- Clearwater River, downstream from Orofino Bridge - 03
- Clearwater River, upstream from Orofino Bridge - 04
- North Fork Clearwater River - 05
- Middle Fork Clearwater River - 06
- South Fork Clearwater River - 07
- Lochsa River - 08
Salmon River
- Salmon River, downstream from Whitebird Creek - 10
- Salmon River, Whitebird Creek to Little Salmon - 11
- Salmon River, Little Salmon to Vinegar Creek - 12
- Salmon River, Vinegar Creek to South Fork - 3
- Salmon River, South Fork to Middle Fork - 14
- Salmon River, Middle Fork to North Fork - 15
- Salmon River, North Fork to Lemhi River - 16
- Salmon River, Lemhi River to Pahsimeroi River - 17
- Salmon River, Pahsimeroi River to East Fork - 18
- Salmon River, upstream from the East Fork - 19
- Little Salmon River - 20
- South Fork Salmon River - 21
- Panther Creek - 24
- Boise River - 28
Permit Validation
When an adult Chinook Salmon (24 or more inches in length), adult Coho Salmon (20 or more inches in length), or steelhead has been hooked, landed and reduced to possession (must be killed immediately), the angler hooking the fish must immediately: 1. Completely remove one numbered notch from their steelhead or salmon permit, depending on which species was caught. 2. Enter the month and day the fish was harvested. 3. Look up the number code from the River Location Code list and write it in the space provided.
For example: an adult fall Chinook Salmon kept from the Clearwater River downstream Orofino Bridge on September 6 would be entered as:
When a salmon or steelhead is released rather than reduced to possession, the angler should not make an entry on the permit.
Unless otherwise stipulated by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Commission, jack Chinook Salmon (less than 24 inches in length) and jack Coho Salmon (less than 20 inches in length) are not included in an angler’s season limit and need not be entered on their permit. Anglers can record Coho Salmon and Chinook Salmon on the same permit.
Unclipped Adipose Fin
Steelhead with an unclipped adipose fin must be released. Fall Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon with an unclipped adipose fish can be kept. Spring and summer Chinook Salmon seasons are set annually and anglers should refer to season proclamations to determine if spring and summer Chinook Salmon with an unclipped adipose fin can be retained.
Clipped Adipose Fin
Hatchery steelhead or salmon may be kept if the adipose fin has been clipped as evidenced by a healed scar.
Please help ensure the survival of released wild salmon and steelhead by:
- Using proper-sized gear and keeping fight time to a minimum
- Not pulling fish onto rock, sand, or dirt banks—instead, use a net or "tail" the fish
- Minimizing the time out of water • Not handling the fish by the gills
- Reviving the fish by gently holding it in the water, if necessary
Anadromous Steelhead and Salmon Rules
Steelhead Seasons and Limits | ||||||||||||||||
River Section | Spring Season (20 fish per season) Possession limit 3-times daily bag limit | Fall Season (20 fish per season) Possession limit 3-times daily bag limit | ||||||||||||||
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||||
Snake River | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Jul 1 - Aug 31 catch-and-release | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | ||||||||||||
Clearwater River - lower | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Jul 1 - Aug 31 catch-and-release | Sep 1 - Dec 31 2 fish per day | ||||||||||||
Clearwater River - upper* | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Jul 1 - Sep 9 catch-and-release | Sep 10 - Oct 14 2 fish per day | Oct 15 - Nov 9 catch-and-release | Nov 10 - Dec 31 2 fish per day | ||||||||||
North Fork Clearwater River* | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Sep 1 - Dec 31 2 fish per day | |||||||||||||
South Fork Clearwater River* | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Jul 1 - Sep 9 catch-and-release | Sep 10 - Oct 14 2 fish per day | Oct 15 - Nov 9 catch-and-release | Nov 10 - Dec 31 2 fish per day | ||||||||||
Salmon River - lower | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Aug 1 - Aug 31 catch-and-release | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | ||||||||||||
Salmon River - middle | Jan 1 - Mar 31 3 fish per day | Closed | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | |||||||||||||
Salmon River - upper | Jan 1 - Apr 30 3 fish per day | Closed | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | |||||||||||||
Little Salmon River | Jan 1 - May 15 3 fish per day | Closed | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | |||||||||||||
Hells Canyon Reservoir | Jan 1 - May 31 3 fish per day | Closed | Sep 1 - Dec 31 3 fish per day | |||||||||||||
Boise River | Open when steelhead are present 2 fish per day | |||||||||||||||
River Boundary Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||
Snake River: from the ID/WA border upstream to Hells Canyon Dam | ||||||||||||||||
Clearwater River - lower: from the mouth upstream to the Memorial Bridge of U.S. Highway 12 at Lewiston | ||||||||||||||||
Clearwater River - upper: from the Memorial Bridge of U.S. Highway 12 at Lewiston upstream to Clear Creek on the Middle Fork Clearwater River | ||||||||||||||||
North Fork Clearwater River: from the mouth upstream to Dworshak Dam | ||||||||||||||||
South Fork Clearwater River: from the mouth upstream to the confluence of American and Red rivers | ||||||||||||||||
Salmon River - lower: from the mouth upstream to the Lake Creek Bridge (about 6 miles upstream from the mouth of the Little Salmon River) | ||||||||||||||||
Salmon River - middle: from the Lake Creek Bridge upstream to Long Tom Creek (3/4 mile upstream from the Middle Fork Salmon River) | ||||||||||||||||
Salmon River - upper: from Long Tom Creek (3/4 mile upstream from the Middle Fork Salmon River) upstream to posted boundary 100 yards downstream of Sawtooth Hatchery | ||||||||||||||||
Little Salmon River: from the mouth upstream to the U.S. Highway 95 bridge near Smokey Boulder Road | ||||||||||||||||
Hells Canyon Reservoir: from Hells Canyon Dam upstream to Oxbow Dam |
Coho Salmon Seasons and Limits | ||||||||
River Section | Bag/Possession Limits Daily limit is 2 adult Coho Salmon (greater than or equal to 20 inches length), no limit on jacks (less than 20 inches length). Adipose clipped or unclipped fish may be kept. Possession limit is 3-times daily bag limit. | |||||||
Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||||
Clearwater River: Mouth to confluence of South Fork and Middle Fork Clearwater rivers North Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Dworshak Dam Middle Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Clear Creek South Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Red River Snake River: ID/WA border to Hells Canyon Dam | Sep 1 - Dec 31 | |||||||
Fall Chinook Salmon Seasons and Limits | ||||||||
River Section | Bag/Possession Limits Daily limit is 3 adult fall Chinook Salmon (greater than or equal to 24 inches length), no limit on jacks (less than 24 inches length). Adipose clipped or unclipped fish may be kept. Possession limit is 3-times daily bag limit. | |||||||
Aug | Sept | Oct | ||||||
Clearwater River: Mouth to Memorial Bridge | Closed | Aug 18 - Oct 31 | ||||||
Clearwater River: Memorial Bridge to Orofino Bridge | Aug 18 - Oct 14 | Closed Oct 15 | ||||||
Clearwater River: Orofino Bridge to South Fork Clearwater River | Aug 18 - Oct 31 | |||||||
North Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Dworshak Dam | Closed | Sept 1 - Oct 31 | ||||||
Middle Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Clear Creek South Fork Clearwater River: Mouth to Red River Snake River: ID/WA border to Hells Canyon Dam Salmon River: Mouth to Little Salmon River | Closed | Aug 18 - Oct 31 |
NOTE: Salmon and steelhead seasons and bag limits may be changed by Commission or Director action. Please see, license vendors, or regional offices for changes to rules published in this document.
Below are several terms, rules, and definitions used in this booklet. Please consult the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act webpage or Title 36 of the Idaho Code for more detail at or idfg.
Methods of Fishing and Equipment
Archery and Spear Fishing: Fishing with a bow and arrow, crossbow, spear or mechanical device, excluding firearms. This type of fishing is permitted only in the taking of bullfrogs and unprotected nongame fish and only in those waters during the season set for the taking of game fish.
Artificial Fly: Any fly made entirely of rubber, wood, metal, glass, feather, fiber or plastic by the method known as fly tying.
Artificial Lure: Any device made entirely of rubber, wood, metal, glass, feather, fiber, or plastic with hook or hooks attached. Bait of any kind may not be used with artificial lures when fishing artificial flies and lures-only waters.
Attendance of Fishing Gear: You must attend to your fishing gear while fishing. This means being able to watch your rod at all times and be able to react to a potential strike.
Bait: Organic substances, other than rubber, wood feather, fiber, or plastic, attached to a hook to attract fish. Bait includes insects, insect larvae, worms, dead fish, fish parts, any other animal or vegetable matter, or scented synthetic materials. Note: Use of live fish, leeches, frogs, salamanders, waterdogs or shrimp as bait is prohibited in Idaho, except that live crayfish may be used if caught on the body of water being fished.
Bait Fishing: Fishing with any organic substance defined as “bait.”
Barbless Hook: A fish hook without barbs or on which barbs have been bent completely closed (point of barbed area touches the body of the hook).
Catch-and-Release Fishing: Effort, by permitted methods, to catch or attempt to catch a fish or species of fish is legal, with the restriction that any fish or species of fish so caught must be released immediately, unharmed back to the water. Catch-andrelease fishing is only allowed when a fishing season is open for that particular fish species. Note: Species of fish not specifically listed as catch-and-release may be harvested under their appropriate limits.
Chumming: The use of any substance not attached to a hook that is intended to attract fish. It is illegal to chum while fishing in Idaho.
Closed to Fishing: No fishing of any type is allowed in the water body.
Disturbing Traps or Fishing Gear Belonging to Others: It is illegal to destroy, disturb, or remove any traps belonging to others.
Electric Motor Only: When fishing waters listed “electric motors only,” gas (internal combustion) motors may be attached to the boat; but use of the gas motor is prohibited
Fishing: Any effort made to take, kill, injure, capture, or catch any fish, crayfish, or bullfrog. All fishing in Idaho requires a valid fishing license except fishing in a private pond where the owner has a valid Private Pond Permit from Fish and Game.
Fishing Gear: It is unlawful to fish in any waters of Idaho with more than one (1) handline or pole with a line attached, except a person with a two (2) pole permit may use two (2) poles; or with more than five (5) lines while ice fishing; or by archery, spearfishing, snagging, hands, and netting except as permitted. Not more than five (5) hooks may be attached per line. The line or lines must be attended by the person fishing.
Fishing License: You must have in your possession a valid Idaho fishing license to fish in Idaho. You must produce your license or fish upon request of an agent of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Fishing Shelter: Any enclosure or shelter used for fishing. If left unattended overnight on the ice of any water statewide, it shall have the owners’ name, telephone number, and current address legibly marked on two opposing sides of the enclosure or shelter. Fly-Fishing: Fishing with a fly rod, fly reel, fly line, and artificial flies.
Float Tube: A floating device which suspends a single occupant, from the seat down, in the water, and is not propelled by oars, paddles or motor.
Gaff Hook: A pointed device designed to pierce a fish for the purpose of reducing the fish to possession. It is illegal to land fish of any species with a gaff hook except through a hole cut or broken in the ice in waters which have no length restrictions or harvest closures for that species or when landing non-game fish taken with archery equipment.
Hands, Use of for Fishing: The only fish you can legally catch and harvest using your hands are crayfish and bullfrogs. You must use fishing gear to harvest all other fish species.
Hook: A bent wire device, for the catching of fish, to which one, two, or three points may be attached to a single shank. Up to five (5) hooks per line may be used, except where specifically prohibited. When fishing for salmon or steelhead, the gap between the point and shank cannot be greater than 5/8 inch. A single-pointed hook has one shank and one point.
Ice Fishing: Fishing through an opening, broken or cut, through the ice. You may fish with a maximum of five (5) lines per angler. The opening in the ice may not exceed 10 inches in diameter except on Bear Lake while fishing for cisco. Note: two-pole permits do not entitle the angler to exceed the five pole limit for ice fishing.
Illegal Fishing Methods: It is illegal to use chemicals, poisons, electric current, or explosives for fishing.
Maggot: An unhatched fly larva.
Molesting Fish: It is illegal to molest any fish by shooting at it with a firearm or pellet gun, striking at it with a club, hands, rocks, or other objects, building obstructions for catching fish, or chasing fish up or downstream in any manner.
Motor: Includes electric and internal combustion motors.
No Motor: Fishing from a watercraft with a motor attached is prohibited.
Sliding Sinker for Sturgeon: A method of attaching a sinker to a device that slides freely on the main line. When fishing for sturgeon, a person must use a sliding sinker and a lighter test line to attach the weight to the main line (the line attached to the reel). See Sturgeon Fishing Rules.
Snagging: Taking or attempting to take a fish by use of a hook or lure in any manner or method other than enticing or attracting a fish to strike with, and become hooked in, its mouth or jaw. Game fish cannot be harvested unless hooked in the mouth or jaw. Snag fishing is illegal except where allowed by special rule. Snagging of unprotected nongame fish species is permitted.
Tagging/Marking Fish: It is illegal to mark, scar, tag or mutilate fish without a Scientific Collecting permit.
Trapping or Seining Minnows and Crayfish: All game fish (except yellow perch) and protected nongame fish incidentally taken while trapping or seining must be immediately released alive. Nongame fish (minnows), yellow perch, and crayfish may be taken only in waters open to fishing; provided the seine or net does not exceed ten (10) feet in length or width, and nets and seines must have three-eighths (3/8) inch square or smaller mesh; and the minnow or crayfish trap does not exceed two (2) feet in length, width or height. If the trap is of irregular dimension, but its volume does not exceed the volume of an eight (8) cubic foot trap, it is also legal to use. Nets and seines may not be left unattended. Traps must be checked at least every forty-eight (48) hours. All traps must have a tag attached bearing the owner’s name and address. All fish so taken must immediately be killed except where stated otherwise. Crayfish may be kept alive to be used as bait only on the water where captured. Nongame fish and crayfish may only be taken during the season set for the taking of game fish in those waters. Only five (5) crayfish traps can be fished with a valid fishing license. If more than five traps are used at one time, you must obtain a Commercial Fishing License and trap tags. It is illegal to destroy, disturb, or remove any traps belonging to others.
Two-Pole Permit: A person who has a valid resident or nonresident fishing license may purchase a two-pole permit. This permit authorizes the license holder to use two poles or rods at the same time on waters and during seasons specified by Commission Rule. Valid for all open water and salmon and steelhead fishing.
Watercraft: Those devices designed as a means of transportation on water.
Fish Terms and Limits
Bag Limit: The maximum number of fish that may be legally harvested by any one person in one day. The term “bag limit” shall be construed to be an individual, independent effort and shall not be interpreted in any manner as to allow one individual to harvest more fish than their “bag limit” or help the “bag limit” of another. It is illegal to fish in waters having special bag or species limits while in possession of fish in excess of those limits.
Clipped Adipose Fin: The adipose fin must be missing or nearly missing with a healed scar where the adipose fin is supposed to be located.
Game Fish: Brook, Brown, Bull, Cutthroat, Golden, Lake (Mackinaw), Rainbow (including Steelhead), Splake and Sunapee Trout; trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout); Atlantic, Chinook, Coho, Kokanee, and Sockeye Salmon; Arctic Grayling; Whitefish; Cisco; Crappie; Perch; Bass; Catfish; Bullhead; Sunfish; White Sturgeon; Northern Pike; Tiger Muskie; Walleye and Sauger; and Burbot (Ling). Crayfish are also defined as game fish.
General Rules: The seasons, gear, and bag limits adopted for the region where you are fishing.
Harvest: Reduce a fish to possession.
Hybrid Fish: The offspring of two different species.
Limit is 0: Catch-and-release fishing is allowed but the fish species listed in the rule must be released after landing and may not be reduced to possession.
Nongame Fish: Any fish not specifically defined as a “game fish.” Protected nongame fish are Bear Lake, Shoshone and Wood River Sculpin; Sand Roller, Northern Leatherside Chub, Bluehead Sucker (also referred to as Green Sucker), and Pacific lamprey.
Possession Limit: Maximum number of fish that may be lawfully in possession of any person. Possession limit shall apply to fish while in the field or being transported. All fish hooked, landed and not immediately released shall be counted in the possession limit of the person hooking the fish. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Salmon, Chinook: Anadromous (ocean-run) salmon of the species Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in the Snake River drainage below Hells Canyon Dam, the Salmon River drainage, and the Clearwater drainage (excluding lakes, reservoirs and the North Fork of the Clearwater River above Dworshak Dam), and the Boise River, when stocked.
Salmon, Coho: Anadromous (ocean run) salmon of the species Oncorhynchus kisutch in the Snake River drainage below Hells Canyon Dam, the Salmon River drainage, and Clearwater River drainage (excluding lakes, reservoirs and the North Fork of the Clearwater River above Dworshak Dam).
Season Limit: The maximum number of fish that may be legally taken in any declared season.
Special Rule Waters: Any water with a gear, season, or bag limit rule that is different from the general rule.
Steelhead: Rainbow trout longer than 20 inches in length in the Snake River drainage below Hells Canyon Dam, the Salmon River drainage (excluding lakes and the Lemhi and Pahsimeroi rivers), and the Clearwater river drainage (excluding that portion above Dworshak Dam, and lakes). Rainbow trout longer than 20 inches in length with a clipped adipose fin (as evidenced by a healed scar) are defined as steelhead in the Snake River from Hells Canyon Dam upstream to Oxbow Dam, and in the Boise River from its mouth upstream to Barber Dam.
Fish Length: The length as measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.
Boundary and Water Definitions
Confluence of a River or Stream: The point where two rivers or streams come together.
Diversion: A man-made structure designed to change the direction of flowing water in a stream.
Diversion Pond: A man-made pond holding water taken from a stream or reservoir. The diversion pond may be connected to the stream or reservoir by an open ditch or pipe.
Drainage: All water flowing into a common river or stream system, either above or below ground, due to area geography.
Fish Trap: Any man-made structure designed to capture fish.
Fish Weir: Any man-made structure placed in a water body to delay or divert migrating fish.
Flat Water: Water where there is no observable direction of flow.
Milepost: An official state highway marker which denotes a mile location. Milepost markers are typically found at onemile intervals on Idaho highways.
Mouth of a River or Stream: The place where a river or stream enters a larger body of water.
Private Pond: A man-made, off-channel pond on private property. The owner may only stock the pond with fish after obtaining a private Pond Permit from Fish and Game.
Reservoir: The flat water level existing at any time within a reservoir basin. Unless noted otherwise, a stream flowing through the drawn down portion of a reservoir is not considered part of the reservoir.
Section: An area of river, stream, or reservoir between specific boundary locations.
Tributary: A stream flowing into a larger stream or lake.
Upstream: Moving from a lower elevation point in a stream towards a higher elevation point in the same stream.
Tournament/ Fishing Contests
An organized event based on the capture of individual fish where there is: a) a live fish weigh-in; or b) awards cash or prizes valued at $1,000 or more based on number, size or species of fish captured; or c) is expected to draw 20 or more anglers. Contests for participants under the age of 14 are exempt. Any person or entity that participates or conducts a fishing contest must first obtain a fishing contest permit from IDFG. The Department will not issue a permit for a harvest contest for wild native trout or sturgeon in rivers or streams. The Director may issue a permit for a catch-and-release contest for these species if he determines there will be no harm to that fishery resource in the particular water where the contest is to take place. No harvest tournaments on native fish will be allowed. Applications can be obtained at any IDFG Office or from our website at Allow a minimum of 30 days for processing.
Transport, Release, and Possession of Fish
Check Stations: Idaho Law authorizes IDFG to use wildlife check stations to collect biological and harvest data from fish and wildlife, receive public input, and enforce Commission seasons and rules. Anyone hunting, fishing or trapping is required to stop if they encounter a check station that requires all hunters, anglers, and trappers to stop, even if the hunting, fishing or trapping activity occurred outside of Idaho and even if individuals do not possess any fish or wildlife.
Fish Possessed from State and Federal Fish Hatcheries: Fish can only be taken from a state or federal fish hatchery when given a written receipt for those fish or as allowed by posted signage.
Head and Tail Removal: While in transit it is illegal to remove heads or tails from any trout, kokanee, bass, tiger muskie, steelhead or salmon unless the following conditions are met: 1) the angler is ashore and done fishing for the day; 2) the fish is processed or packaged with the skin naturally attached to the flesh; 3) the fish must be processed or packaged in a manner that the number of fish harvested can be readily determined. Processed fish species listed above cannot be transported by boat.
Holding Live Fish: No permit is required to keep game fish alive that have legally been reduced to possession, in a livewell, net or on a stringer while at the body of water from which they were taken. All fish must be killed or released prior to leaving the water body. However, anadromous salmon and steelhead must either be killed or released after landing.
Private Fish Pond: You are required to have a private pond permit from Fish and Game to own a private pond stocked with game fish. Permit applications are available on Fish and Game’s website or at regional offices.
Proxy Statement for Fish Transport or Gift: You must have a proxy statement to transport fish for another person or accept as a gift any game fish. See above for a proxy statement form. It must be signed by the taker, show the number and kind of fish, the date taken, the taker’s address, and fishing license number. No person may claim ownership of more fish than allowed by the possession limit.
Sale of Fish: Fish harvested by anglers cannot be bought or sold without a commercial license except as provided by Idaho code.
Shipment of Fish: No person shall ship legally harvested fish unless the package is marked on the outside with: the name, address and fishing license number of the person who caught the fish, the name and address of the person to whom the fish are being shipped with or sent to, and the number of fish, by species, contained in the package.
Waste of Game Fish: It is illegal through carelessness, neglect or otherwise to allow or cause the waste of edible portions of any game fish including the fillets of fish and tails of crayfish.
Salvage of Fish
Fish salvage may be authorized when fish populations are threatened by water shortages or other causes. No salvage of fish from public waters will be allowed without Fish and Game authorization. When salvage is allowed, fish may be taken by snagging, spearing, archery, dip netting, seining, or by hand. Bag limits are typically removed. Use of toxic chemicals explosives, firearms, or electric current is prohibited. A valid fishing license is required. Anglers are reminded that access along canal banks and salvage fishing in most canals and ditches requires prior permission from irrigation companies. Transport and Introduction of Live Fish: It is illegal to transport or allow the release of any species of live fish (including crayfish and bullfrogs), or fish eggs, in the state of Idaho without a permit from the director of Fish and Game. If you illegally introduce fish into a water body without a permit, you could be held financially liable for restoration costs.
Fishing in Boundary Waters
Bear Lake between Idaho and Utah:
The holder of a valid Idaho or Utah fishing license may fish all of Bear Lake except in areas closed to all fishing by the respective states. Anglers are subject to the rules and regulations of the state in which they are fishing.
Snake River between Idaho and Oregon or Washington:
The holder of a valid Idaho fishing license may fish the Snake River where it forms the boundary between the states of Idaho and Oregon or Washington, subject to the fish and game laws of Idaho but may not fish from the shore including wading, and may not fish in sloughs or tributaries on the Oregon or Washington side. An Oregon or Washington license holder has the same rights and restrictions with reference to the Idaho side. Any angler who fishes on the Snake River or any other water forming an Idaho boundary is entitled to have in possession only the limit allowed by one license regardless of the number of licenses in possession.
Releasing Fish
Releasing fish may be a good way to help maintain healthy populations and quality fisheries where angling effort is high. To ensure released fish survive, we recommend the following practices: You can do your part to increase fish survival by following these stress reducing practices:
- Use the proper size tackle to land the fish quickly, which can help minimize stress.
- Use barbless hooks to ease hook removal and minimize damage to the fish.
- Do not squeeze the fish.
- Do not touch or hold fish by the gills, gill covers, or the eyes.
- Be cognizant of the amount of time fish are held out of water while removing the hook; holding fish upside down in the water often makes them easier to handle.
- If the hook is too deep to be easily removed, cut the line. This will give the fish the best chance to survive.
Taking Photographs
Photographs of a trophy catch can provide priceless memories of a great fishing trip, but anglers should use care to take the photo responsibly. Here are things you can do to capture that special image and allow the fish to fight another day (remember – sturgeon can’t be removed from the water):
- Have the camera ready and the shot framed before removing the fish from the water.
- When lifting a fish from the water, support the fish with both hands as you gently lift it from the water.
- Strive to hold the fish over the water so if it struggles from your hands it will fall back in the water and not onto a hard surface such as a rock or a boat floor.
- Hold the fish out of the water only as long as it takes to take a picture.
Reasons for Special Size and Bag Limits
Harvest restrictions help maintain the overall numbers and size of fish in a lake or stream, and also ensure “fair share” so every angler has a chance to catch or harvest fish. Restrictive harvest rules are sometimes used simply to provide a different type of fishing experience or to maximize the size of fish available.
Idaho Fish and Game manages recreational fisheries to provide a variety of experiences using different combinations of size, gear, and bag limits. The range of harvest rules includes:
- General bag and size limits apply in typical harvest oriented fishing waters without gear or bait restrictions. Many of these waters are stocked with harvestable-sized hatchery trout.
- Wild trout management focuses on sustaining naturallyreproducing wild populations without hatchery stocking. In certain instances, lower bag limits, size limits, or gear and bait restrictions may be applied to keep populations healthy.
- Special size limits are used where the goal is to catch more and larger fish by giving up some harvest opportunity. A bag limit of 2 fish (trout or bass) and various size limits such as a 14 or 16–inch minimum or a 12 to 16–inch protected range are common.
- Trophy fish or large trout management may require more restrictive limits. For example, this could include catchand-release rules or a bag limit of 2 fish (for both trout and bass) combined with length restrictions. Gear or bait restrictions may apply.
- Special Cutthroat Trout rules are implemented across most of the state to protect our state fish. Cutthroat Trout are easily overfished, so various special rules are used to protect them from excess harvest. Many waters throughout the state have catch-and-release, restrictive bag or length limits, or other rules to protect Cutthroat Trout.
The White Sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in North America. To reach their maximum adult size of 8 to 10 feet or more, sturgeon must survive for many years. Unintentional deaths result in fewer fish living the 25-65 years of age necessary to reach large sizes. Research has found that baited hooks, fishing line and swivels, broken off by anglers, may be ingested by sturgeon, and in rare instances cause death. Because of this, IDFG adopted rules designed to reduce the amount of tackle lost by anglers (see diagram below) with the overarching goal of reducing unintentional sturgeon deaths. Specifically, these rules increase an angler’s chance of retrieving their hook, leader and swivel when snagged (in most instances the weight breaks off and the rig is retrieved). If the hook does break off, these rules will help increase the likelihood that the weight and hook separate, reducing the chance of “ghost gear”. In addition, the following tips were developed for sturgeon anglers to assist them in catching fish and releasing them successfully.
If You Catch a Sturgeon
- Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing.
- Sturgeon can be rolled onto their backs in the water before removing the hook. This generally calms the fish down making it easier to remove the hook.
- Do not grasp a sturgeon by the gills. Gills are the lungs of a fish and can be easily damaged. If you need to keep a sturgeon in place, you can easily hold onto its lower lip while it is upside down.
- Do not mark, scar, or put a tail rope on sturgeon.
- If fishing from a boat and you snag the bottom, back over the snagged hook/weight and pull from different angles to try and dislodge them. This will increase your odds of retrieving your setup/rigging.
- If fishing from shore and you become snagged try repeatedly giving the line slack and then quickly pull back. If this does not work, retrieve as much line as possible and pull from different angles to try and dislodge your hook/ weight.
- Do not leave discarded line on shore or in the water. It is a hazard to both fish and wildlife.
Sturgeon Fishing Setup/Rigging (also see diagram below) • When fishing for White Sturgeon, anglers are required to use barbless hooks, a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a lighter test line to secure a weight to the sliding swivel or other device. • We recommend a minimum of 50 pound test monofilament line on your reel. This greatly reduces the chances of breaking off your main line either with a fish on or when snagged.
Record Fish Program Guidelines
Only fish caught in publicly accessible waters with legal fishing methods during an open season are eligible for State Records. All applicants must have a valid Idaho fishing license at the time the fish was caught. No records will be awarded for fish caught during salvage seasons or at private pay-to-fish facilities. Catch/release records must be released. See tips on safely releasing fish in this booklet!
- Catch/release White Sturgeon records (Catch and Release only) must be broken by a minimum of 2 inches. Catch/Release records for all other species must be broken by a minimum of ½ inch.
- All applications must be submitted within 30 days of the catch date.
How to Apply For a Record
Complete program information and the Record Fish Application form are available online at:
Certified Weight Records applications need:
- A receipt from the certified scale documenting the weight (typically be found at grocery stores or US Post Offices), verification of species from an IDFG office.
- At least one photo of the fish and a witness to the weight.
Catch and Release Record applications need:
- Fish length - from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail. Sturgeon should be measured upside down along the belly from the snout to tip of the upper lobe of the tail.
- Salmon, Steelhead, Bull Trout and White Sturgeon must be measured and photographed in the water.
- Photos: (1) of the fish directly next to a ruler/tape measure or object of known verifiable length and (2) a photo of the angler with the fish.
- At least one witness to the measurement and release