Migratory Bird Hunting Seasons
The 2024–2025 migratory game bird seasons are scheduled as follows:
- Mourning dove: Sept. 1 to Oct. 13, Nov. 4-17, Dec. 16 to Jan. 17
- Sora and Virginia rail: Sept. 1 to Nov. 9
- Wilson’s snipe: Sept. 1 to Dec. 16
- Early Canada goose: Sept. 1-15
- Canada goose, white-fronted geese, snow and blue goose: Oct. 1-20, Nov. 11-16, Dec. 9 to Jan. 31
- Duck, coots and merganser: Oct. 1-14, Nov. 11-16, Dec. 23 to Jan. 31
- Scaup: Oct. 1-14, Nov. 11-16, Dec. 23 to Jan. 11, Jan. 12-31
- Gallinules: Oct. 1-14, Dec. 7 to Jan. 31
- Woodcock: Oct. 12 to Nov. 23 and Dec. 2-5
- Brant: Jan. 2-31
Hunters are also encouraged to take note of the two youth waterfowl season dates, which are scheduled for Sept. 21 and Nov. 9.