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Game Bird Hunting

Game Bird Hunting

Western Washington Goose Management Areas

Mandatory Bird Authorizations & Harvest Record Cards

Mandatory Harvest Reporting Deadlines:

Band-tailed Pigeon

September 30

Brant, Sea Duck, Harlequin Duck Permit

February 15

SW Canada Goose (GMA 2), Snow Goose (GMA 1)

March 20

To improve management of certain limited migratory bird species, you are required to possess a Migratory Bird Authorization and Harvest Record Card(s) if you are hunting those species (see License Fees & Information).

Immediately after taking a band-tailed pigeon, brant, sea duck (scoters, long-tailed duck, goldeneyes) in western Washington, Harlequin duck, snow goose (Goose Management Area 1) or any goose in Goose Management Area 2 – Coast & Inland into possession, you must fill out the required harvest record card information in ink within the designated spaces provided.

You must report hunting activity on your harvest record cards to WDFW using the online reporting system at:

Please note that you must comply with these reporting requirements or you will be required to pay a $10 administrative fee before obtaining a harvest record card the next year.