Special Migratory Bird Closures
WAC 220-411-220 Swinomish Spit Waterfowl, Coot, and Snipe Closure (Skagit County).
It is unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe within the following described boundary November 15 through March 31, and it is unlawful to hunt brant at any time within the following described boundary: Beginning at the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the west shoreline of the Swinomish Channel to the reserve boundary sign on the northernmost sand island; thence 10,500 feet ENE to the reserve boundary sign; thence 1,800 feet SW to the reserve boundary sign; thence 7,000 feet SSW to the reserve boundary sign on the dike at the south end of Padilla Bay; thence continue westerly along said dike to the intersection of the Burlington Northern railroad tracks and the shoreline of the Swinomish Channel and the point of beginning.
WAC 220-416-070 Columbia and Snake River Waterfowl, Coot, and Snipe Closures.
Section 1. Waters and land below the mean high water mark of Bachelor Island Slough of the Columbia River in Clark County. Bachelor Island Slough is further defined as those waters starting at the south end of the slough at its confluence with the Columbia River, running north along the eastern shore of Bachelor Island to the confluence with Lake River. (Clark County)
Section 2. The Columbia River and those lands lying within one-quarter mile of the Columbia River upstream from the railroad bridge at Wishram to the U.S. Highway 97 bridge at Maryhill. (Klickitat County)
Section 3. The Columbia River and its islands between the mouth of Glade Creek (river channel marker 57) and the old town site of Paterson (river channel marker 67), except the hunting of waterfowl, coot and snipe is permitted from the main shoreline of the Columbia River in this area. (Benton County)
Section 4. The Columbia River and those lands lying within one-quarter mile of the Columbia River between the old Hanford townsite power line crossing in Section 24, T13N, R27E, to Vernita Bridge (Highway 24). (Benton, Franklin, and Grant counties)
Section 5. The Columbia River between the public boat launch at Sunland Estates (Wanapum Pool) and a point perpendicular in Kittitas County; upstream to the posted marker 200 yards north of Quilomene Bay and a point perpendicular in Grant County, including islands. (Grant and Kittitas counties)
Section 6. The Snake River and those lands within one-quarter mile of the Snake River, between the U.S. Highway 12 bridge near Burbank, upstream to a line running between shoreline navigation marker 5 at Levey Park Recreation Area and the Corps of Engineers windmill at Charbonneau Habitat Management Unit. (Franklin and Walla Walla counties)