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Game Bird Hunting

Game Bird Hunting

Game Reserves - Closed to All Hunting

Game Reserves are CLOSED AREAS where hunting and trapping for all wild animals and wild birds is prohibited.

WAC 220-411-040 Byron Game Reserve (Yakima County). That part of the Byron Ponds segment of the Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area east of the Mabton Pressure Pipeline, legally described as the W. 1/2 of Section 12 that is north of Highway No. 22, except for the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4; the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 12; that part of Section 11 east of the Mabton pressure pipeline and north of Highway No. 22; and that part of Section 2 that is east of said pipeline; all of the above sections being in Twp. 8N., R.23E.W.M.

WAC 220-411-010 Arthur S. Coffin Game Reserve (Kittitas County). Beginning at the point where the Brewton Road crosses the south line of Section 19, Twp. 20, N., R21E.W.M.; thence northwesterly along the Brewton Road to the Colockum Pass Road in Section 13, Twp. 20N., R.20E.; thence northerly on the Colockum Pass Road to its junction with the Naneum Lookout Road in Section 13, Twp. 20N., R.20E.; thence westerly along the Naneum Lookout Road to where it crosses the Bonneville Power Line right of way in Section 16, Twp. 20N., R.20E.; thence southwesterly along the power line to the Colockum Wildlife Recreation Area boundary on the south line of Section 20, Twp. 20N., R.20E.; thence easterly along the south line of Sections 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Twp. 20N., R.20E., and Section 19, Twp. 20N., R21E.W.M. to the Brewton Road and the point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-030 Banks Lake Game Reserve (Grant County). In Township 25N, Range 28E, those parts of Sections 9, 10, and 11 and the north 1/2 of sections 14, 15, and 16, lying between State Highway 155 and the west wall of Grand Coulee.

WAC 220-411-110 Grimes Lake Game Reserve (Douglas County). Grimes Lake and all lands within one quarter mile of Grimes Lake.

WAC 220-411-150 Lewis County Game Farm Reserve. Tract A. Township 14 north, Range 3 west W.M., Sections 1 and 12. A part of the Joseph Borst Donation Land Claim described as follows: Beginning at the southwest (SW) corner of said donation land claim; thence south 78° east 1,760 feet along the south boundary of said donation land claim; thence north 1°45' east 2,230 feet to the north boundary of said donation land claim; thence west 957 feet along the north boundary of said donation land claim; thence north 88° west 766 feet to the northwest (NW) corner of said donation land claim; thence south 1°45' west 1,892 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 81.19 acres, more or less.

Tract B. Township 14 north, Range 3 west W.M., Sections 1 and 12. A part of the Sidney S. Ford Donation Land Claim described as follows: Commencing at the northwest (NW) corner of the Joseph Borst Donation Land Claim; thence west 1,122 feet; thence south 26°30' east 825 feet; thence south 972 feet; thence south 65° east to the west line of the Joseph Borst Donation Land Claim; thence north on the west line of the Joseph Borst Donation Land Claim to the point of beginning, containing 33.33 acres, more or less.

Tract C. Township 14 north, Range 3 west W.M. Section 1 Lots 2 and 4, Section 12 Lots 1, 2, and 3; containing 98.51 acres, more or less.

WAC 220-411-170 Rock Lake Game Reserve (Whitman County). On or within 1/4 mile of Rock Lake, Whitman County, except on the lower one mile and the upper one-half mile.

WAC 220-411-180 Skagit Delta Game Reserve (Skagit County). Beginning at a point on the west bank of Albert Slough at the confluence of said slough and Boom Slough; thence southwesterly along the west bank of Boom Slough to the confluence of said slough and Boom-Crooked Cutoff Slough; thence westerly along the north bank of Boom-Crooked Cutoff Slough to the confluence of said slough and Crooked Slough; thence southwesterly along the north bank of Crooked Slough to the confluence of said slough and Deepwater Slough and east Branch Freshwater-Deepwater Cutoff Slough; thence northwesterly along the north bank of east Branch Freshwater-Deepwater Cutoff Slough to the confluence of said slough and the east Branch Freshwater Slough; thence northerly along the east bank of east Branch Freshwater Slough to the confluence of said slough and Gilbert Hansen Slough; thence northeasterly along the south bank of Gilbert Hansen Slough to the confluence of said slough and Deepwater Slough; thence northeasterly along the south bank of Deepwater Slough to the confluence of said slough and Albert Slough; thence southeasterly along the west bank of Albert Slough to the point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-200 Sprague Lake Game Reserve (Adams and Lincoln counties). Beginning at the point where the easterly right of way line of Interstate Highway No. 90 crosses the Lincoln-Adams County line; thence southwesterly along the easterly right of way line of the freeway to the Keystone Rd; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Section 11 (T20N, R37E); thence southerly along the section line to Cow Creek; thence southerly along Cow Creek to Danekas Road; thence easterly and northerly along Danekas Road to the point where it crosses the Adams-Lincoln County line; thence westerly along said county line across Sprague Lake to the easterly right of way line of the freeway and point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-210 Stratford Game Reserve (Grant County). Stratford Game Reserve shall include the following described lands in Grant County: In Twp. 22N, R 28 EWM; Sec. 1 north of the Great Northern Railroad right of way; Sec. 2 north of the Great Northern Railroad right of way and State Highway No. 28; and that part of Section 3 lying north of the main canal and east of a line running north and south located 100 yards west of the Washington water power transmission line; In Twp. 23N, R. 28 EWM; all of Sections 11, 13, 14, 24, and 25; the south half of Sections 12, 10 and 9 except the north 300 feet of the S.1/2 of 9 and 10; Section 35 except that part west of north-south lying gravel road and south of cultivated lands; Sec. 36 except the east 500 feet; and those parts of Section 15, lying east of a line running north and south located 100 yards west of the Washington water power transmission line and also those portions of the north half of Sections 15 and 16 lying north of the cultivated lands; and in addition the north 500 feet of the NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 19, Twp. 23N, R. 29 EWM.

WAC 220-411-140 Lake Terrell Game Reserve (Whatcom County). All of Lake Terrell in Sections 15 and 16, Twp. 39 north, Range 1 east except that portion of the lake within 350 feet of the south line of said sections and, in addition, those uplands owned by the department in the W1/2 of the SW1/4 of said Section 15, and in the SE1/4 of NE1/4; the NW1/4 of NE1/4; the W1/2 of W1/2 of NE1/4 NE1/4; the E1/2 of the SW1/4 SW1/4; and the W1/2 of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 except the south 350 feet in Section 16, Twp. 39 north, Range 1 east.

WAC 220-411-230 (1) Toppenish Creek Game Reserve, (Cort Meyer) (Yakima County). Commencing at the NE corner of the SE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 26, Township 10, Range 20E.W.M.; thence west one and three-quarters mile to the NW corner of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 28, Township 10, Range 20; thence south one-quarter mile; thence east one quarter mile; thence south three-quarters mile to the SW corner of the NW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 34; thence east three quarters mile; thence south one-quarter mile; thence east three-quarters mile to center of Section 35; thence north one and one-quarter miles to place of beginning. All in Township 10 north, Range 20E.W.M.

WAC 220-411-240 Walla Walla River Game Reserve (Walla Walla County). A tract of land and water lying within sections 23, 24, 25, and 26 of Township 7, Range 31 E.W.M. in Walla Walla County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point where the Bonneville Power Administration power line between John Day and Lower Monumental Dams crosses the center of the main channel of the Walla Walla River, thence westerly along said center of the main channel to the easterly line of the right of way of US #12-395 Highway, thence northerly along said east line of said right of way to the southerly line of the right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad-Burlington Northern Railway joint Pendleton-Walla Walla track, thence easterly along said south line of said right of way to the center line of said Bonneville Power Administration power line, thence southerly along said center line to the center of the main channel of the Walla Walla River and the point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-260 Yakima River Game Reserve (Benton County). Beginning in Prosser at the intersection of Tenth Street and Grant Avenue; then west to the Yakima River and Prosser Dam; then west across Prosser Dam and the Yakima River to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Maintenance Road; then north to Old Inland Empire Highway; then northeasterly on Old Inland Empire Highway to Interstate I-82; then east on the south side of I-82 to the Chandler Canal; then east along the north side of the Chandler Canal to the powerline going across the Yakima River (approximately .4 Miles east of Bunn Road); then south along the powerlines and across the Yakima River to Wine Country Road; then west on Wine Country Road to Tenth Street and the point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-020 Badger Island Game Reserve (Walla Walla County). That portion of area on or within one-quarter mile of Badger Island lying in Sections 4 and 9, Township 7 north, Range 31E.W.M.

WAC 220-411-090 Foundation Island Game Reserve (Walla Walla County). That portion of area on or within one-quarter mile of Foundation Island lying in Section 24, Township 8 north, Range 30E.W.M.

WAC 220-411-160 North Potholes Game Reserve (Grant County). In T18N, R27E WM: All of Section 4, except the northernmost 250 yards and the N.W. 1/4 and the N.W. 1/4 N.E. 1/4; all of Section 3, except the northernmost 250 yards; that part of Section 10 north of the Job Corps Dike Rd; that part of Section 9 in the E 1/2 east of the fenceline, beginning at the N.W. corner of Section 9, and then following said fenceline southeasterly to the fence on the northern section line of Section 16 near Job Corps Dike; and that part of Section 15 north of Job Corps Dike Rd. All areas of North Potholes Game Reserve located in Sections 9, 10, and 15 are closed to all public access from March 15 through May 30 and from October 1 through February 1.

WAC 220-411-190 Snipes Game Reserve (Yakima County). WDFW lands within the following boundary of the Sunnyside Wildlife Area: That portion of T9N, R22E, Section 21 lying north and east of the Yakima River; the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of T9N, R22E, Section 22; and that portion of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of T9N, R22E, Section 22 lying north and east of the Yakima River.

WAC 220-411-130 Tennant Lake Game Reserve (Whatcom County). That portion of Tennant Lake in T 39N, R 2E, Section 29, and that portion north of an east to west line which lies 800 feet south of and parallel to the north line of Section 32 in the N1/2 NE1/4 in T 39N, R 2E.

WAC 220-411-250 Winchester Wasteway Game Reserve (Grant County). T18N, R25E, Section 12, and the SW 1/4 of T18N, R26E, Section 7. 800 acres.

WAC 220-411-100 Frenchmen Hills Wasteway Game Reserve (Grant County). T17N, R27E, the north 1/2 and the north 1/2 of south 1/2 of Section 17. 480 acres.

WAC 220-411-070 Duck Lake (Cormana Lake) Game Reserve (Lincoln County). T23N, R35E, Section 19.

WAC 220-411-060 Coffeepot Lake Game Reserve (Lincoln County). All portions of Coffeepot Lake and those public lands within one-quarter mile of Coffeepot Lake.

WAC 220-411-080 Fir Island Farm Game Reserve (Skagit County). In Skagit County beginning at the intersection of Fir Island Road and the west bank of Brown’s Slough (inside base of dike); then east along Fir Island Road (96 feet) to the Brown’s Slough dike; then southerly and easterly along the Brown’s Slough dike to the Fir Island Farm access road; then north along the Fir Island Farm access road to Fir Island Road; then east along Fir Island Road to the northeast corner of Section 22 (T33N, R3E); then south along the east line of Section 22 (T33N, R3E) to Dry Slough; then westerly and south along the west bank of Dry Slough to the intersection with Dike District #22 dike; then westerly along the south side (Skagit Bay side) of the Dike District #22 dike to the intersection of the Dike District #22 dike and the south line of Government Lot #5 (Section 22, T33N, R3E), then west approximately 1900 feet to the west bank of Brown’s Slough (inside base of dike), then north along the west bank of Brown’s Slough to the intersection with the Fir Island Road and the point of beginning.

WAC 220-411-120 Johnson/Debay’s Slough Game Reserve. In Skagit County, beginning at the intersection of Francis Rd and Debay's Isle Rd; then south and west along Francis Rd (3090 feet) to white corner marker; then north (1265 feet) to the middle of Debay's Slough; then westerly (2087 feet) along the channel of Debay's Slough to the western tip of the farmed portion of Debay's Island; then northerly to the south bank of the Skagit River; then easterly (3750 feet) along the south bank of the Skagit River white corner marker; then south approx. 855 feet to white corner post; then east along tree line to white post; south through trees to sough shoreline of Debay's Slough; then easterly and southerly along the west shoreline of Debay's Slough (1770 feet) to the south side of Debay's Isle Rd; then east along the south side of Debay's Isle Rd to the intersection of Francis Rd and the point of beginning.