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Game Bird Hunting

Game Bird Hunting


If a raptor captures any species of wildlife (quarry) in a closed season, the falconer must release the quarry if it is not seriously injured. If the quarry is seriously injured or killed, the quarry must be left at the site, but the raptor may feed on the kill.

If the accidentally killed wildlife is a Washington State Candidate species (including jackrabbit), the falconer must immediately record on a WDFW form or facsimile: the falconer’s name, falconry permit number, date, species and sex (if known) of the quarry, and the location of the kill (as accurately as possible).

Total accidental take of Candidate species cannot exceed 5/season; falconers must cease hunting for the day if a candidate species is taken.

A list of candidate species can be found at:

All reports of accidental take must be submitted to the WDFW falconry permit coordinator by April 1 each year.

Released quarry are not considered “take.” Federal and state laws to not permit the take of endangered, threatened, sensitive or other protected species.

For more information on Falconry, visit

2024-2025 Falconry Seasons



Season Dates (inclusive)

Daily Bag Limit

Possession Limit


Eastern Washington

Sept. 1 - Feb. 15 (falconry)

1 turkey, either sex, per turkey tag with a maximum of 2 turkeys per season

2 (tag required for each turkey)

Upland Game Birds & Forest Grouse


Aug. 1 - Mar. 15 (falconry)

2 pheasants (either sex), 6 partridge,
5 California (valley) quail or bobwhite,
2 mountain quail (W. WA only), &
3 forest grouse

Twice the daily bag

Cottontail and
Snowshoe hare


Aug. 1 - Mar. 15 (falconry)

5 cottontail or snowshoe hares, straight or mixed bag

15 straight or mixed bag

Jackrabbit, pygmy rabbit, sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, ptarmigan - Closed statewide

Mourning Dove


Sept. 1 - Dec. 16 (falconry)

3 mourning doves, straight or mixed bag with snipe, coots, ducks, and geese during established seasons

Three times the daily bag

Ducks, Coots, Snipe and Geese (except Brant)


Same season dates for each species in each area listed previously (falconry)

3, straight or mixed bag including duck, coots, snipe, geese and mourning doves during established seasons

Three times the daily bag

Ducks, Coots & Geese (extended falconry)

Western Washington

Sept. 21

3, straight or mixed bag including duck, coots, Canada and White-fronted Geese

Same as the daily bag

Eastern Washington

Sept. 28

3, straight or mixed bag including duck, coots, Canada and White-fronted Geese

Same as the daily bag


Feb. 1

3, straight or mixed bag including duck, coots and all geese

Same as the daily bag