Game Zone 1 WMAs Only

- Mountain Hunt Unit: Oconee, Pickens & Greenville counties
- Game Zone 1 consists of all properties north of the main line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad from the Georgia State line to South Carolina Highway 183 in Westminister, then north of SC Highway 183 to intersection of SC Highway 183 and the Norfolk So. Railroad main line in Greenville and then north of the main line of the Norfolk So. Railroad to the Spartanburg County line.
- All deer must be tagged with a valid deer tag as prescribed by the department before the animal is moved from the point of kill. Tag must remain attached until the deer/carcass is quartered or received by a processor. Processors see Deer Rules & Regulations.
- Statewide WMA limit for deer is two deer per day, 5 deer total, no more than two antlered deer, unless otherwise specified. Antlerless deer limit is two deer per day, unless otherwise specified.
- Feral hogs and coyotes may be taken during all hunts. No hog hunting with dogs except during special hog hunts with dogs and party dog bear hunts.
- Individual antlerless deer tags are valid on WMA lands in Game Zone 1 starting Oct. 1. For all WMAs combined in Game Zones 1, only 3 individual antlerless deer tags may be used. Use of tags does not change the type of weapon allowed during specific seasons.
SCDNR Offices
Wildlife Office
311 Natural Resources Drive, Clemson, SC 29631, 864-654-1671
Law Enforcement Office
311 Natural Resources Drive, Clemson, SC 29631, 864-654-8266
Area/ Methods |
Seasons |
Limits |
Deer — Other WMAs |
Youth Deer Hunt Day |
Jan. 4 (see Youth & Mobility Impaired Hunts for WMAs) |
2 deer total |
Deer Primitive Weapons |
Oct. 1-10 |
Statewide WMA Limits All Deer Must Be Tagged |
Archery only |
Oct. 17-30 |
Still Gun Hunts |
Oct. 11-16, Oct. 31-Jan. 1
Bear |
Still Hunt (No Dogs) |
Oct. 17-23
1 bear |
Party Dog Hunts |
Oct. 24-30
5 bears per party |
Hog |
Hog Hunts (with dogs) |
Jan. 2-Jan. 10, Mar. 20-28 Refer to reg. 2.16 on WMA Regulations. |
No Limit |
Small Game — Other WMAs |
Named WMAs |
Caesars Head/Jones Gap WMA Greenville County |
SC Dept. of Parks, Recreation and Tourism special permit required. See Game Zone 1 WMA map for more details. |
Glassy Mountain Archery Only Area — Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve (Greenville County) |
Located on the southwest side of the South Pacolet River and west of the junction of the South Pacolet River and its main tributary creek as posted. |
Deer (no dogs) |
Oct. 1-Jan. 1 Archery |
Statewide WMA Limits |
Long Creek Tract (Forest Service) Oconee County |
Game Zone 1 seasons, except small game only between Thanksgiving Day and Mar. 1. |
Mill Shoals WMA Pickens County |
Deer Archery |
Oct. 1-Jan 1 ( GZ1 deer season) |
Bear Archery |
Oct. 17-23 (GZ1 still season) |
Small Game (No hog hunts with dogs) |
WMA seasons and WMA limits |
Turkey |
Statewide WMA Season |
U.S. Forest Service WMA Lands (Sumter National Forest) Oconee County |
Deer Primitive Weapons |
Oct. 1-10 |
Statewide WMA Limits All Deer Must Be Tagged |
Deer Archery |
Oct. 17-30 |
Deer Still Gun Hunts |
Oct. 11-16, Oct 31-Jan. 1 |
Bear |
Refer to other WMAs above for seasons and limits |
Small Game |
Statewide limits |
Hog Hunts (with dogs) |
Jan 2-10, Mar. 20-28 Refer to regulation 2.16 on WMA Regulations. |
No limit |