Natural Baits Other Than Baitfish
Salamanders and snakes
Native salamanders and snakes cannot be collected or used as bait.
Aquatic insects
No aquatic insect (or any insect that lives in the water during any of its life stages) shall be taken from waters inhabited by trout, or from the banks of those waters at any time.
Rusty crayfish
- Rusty crayfish may not be purchased and/or transported to a waterbody for use as bait or to be released.
- Rusty crayfish may not be transported away from or within a waterbody.
Fish eggs
- No person shall possess more than one quart total of fish eggs from ⊲ Trout, ⊲ Lake trout, or ⊲ Atlantic salmon while on the waters of the state or the shores thereof. Fish eggs which are still inside the carcass of an intact, legally caught and possessed fish shall not be counted towards the one-quart total.
- No person shall take or attempt to take any fish by means of chummingwith fish eggs
- Commercially packaged trout eggs produced in a hatchery under permit from the DEC may be used as bait. The trout eggs must be packaged in a container that clearly indicates the name of the producer and name of the hatchery where the trout eggs were produced.
Taking and possession of frogs
- Any person who has a hunting or fishing license or is entitled to fish without a license may take frogs with a spear, club, hook, or by hand.
- A small game hunting license is required to take frogs with a gun or a longbow.
- Frogs may be taken in any number and at any time from June 15–Sept 30, except that no person shall use a gun to take frogs between sunset to sunrise.
- Frogs may be imported, bought, and sold at any time. An importer must keep a record of names and addresses of buyers and sellers.
Exception: Leopard frogs may not be taken in NYC, Nassau County, or Suffolk County. Northern cricket frogs or eastern spadefoot toads may not be taken anywhere in New York State.