Where to Hunt in New Jersey
National Wildlife Refuges: 2024–25 Hunting Seasons
Hunting on National Wildlife Refuges is not permitted unless specifically opened as listed below. Baiting and Sunday hunting are prohibited on all National Wildlife Refuges. Visit the refuge website to confirm that access is open. In addition to required state licenses, hunters must purchase a Refuge hunt permit(s) at https://wallkillriver.recaccess.com (Discounts for Senior, Golden Age, Access, or Golden Access pass and youths with a valid New Jersey youth hunting license).
Cape May NWR
24 Kimbles Beach Rd., Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
(609) 463-0994; www.fws.gov/refuge/cape_may/
- Deer—Contact Cape May NWR.
- Migratory game birds on refuge lands north of Rt. 550 or west of Rt. 47
- Turkey, rabbit, and squirrel hunting in select areas only.
Special hunting conditions apply. Contact refuge office for information.
Great Swamp NWR
32 Pleasant Plains Rd., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
- Deer—See Special Areas Information; Deer Special Areas Information.
- Only non-toxic shot is permitted for migratory game bird, upland game bird, small game, and turkey.
Edwin B. Forsythe NWR
800 Great Creek Rd., Oceanville, NJ 08231-0072; (609) 652-1665; www.fws.gov/refuge/edwin_b_forsythe/
- Deer—Contact Edwin B. Forsythe NWR.
- Waterfowl and rail.
- Spring Turkey and squirrel hunting in select areas only.
Information can be obtained at the refuge, at dispensers, at the headquarters, on the refuge website, or through the mail. An Annual Refuge Hunting Permit is required to hunt all seasons. Go to https://forsythe.recaccess.com/# to buy a permit. Interactive and hard copy maps and information can be obtained on the refuge website.
Supawna Meadows NWR
c/o Cape May NWR, 24 Kimbles Beach Rd., Cape May Court House, NJ 08210, (609) 463-0994; www.fws.gov/refuge/supawna_meadows/
- Deer—Contact Supawna Meadows NWR.
- Migratory Birds
- Small Game
Special hunting conditions apply. Contact refuge office for information.
- Only non-toxic shot is permitted for migratory game bird, upland game bird, small game, and turkey.
Wallkill River NWR
1547 County Rt. 565, Sussex, NJ 07461-4013; (413) 468-0457;
- Deer—Contact Wallkill River NWR.
- Migratory Birds
- Turkey, spring and fall (THA 5)
- Small game—squirrel and rabbit only
- Additional hunting opportunities
- Hunters with Disabling Conditions: A Disabled Hunter Area exists at 119 Owens Station Rd. Sussex, NJ (see map on Refuge website). Hunters must possess a valid NJ Permit to Hunt or Shoot from a Stationary Vehicle in addition to the Disabled Refuge Hunt Permit.
- Mentored Hunts: The refuge and partners will host mentored hunts. Registration is required and space is limited. Contact the refuge for dates and details.
Hunting & Trapping Explorer!
Before heading to your hunting location, use the online Hunting & Trapping Explorer to confirm zone boundaries and to determine your hunting zone/area, unit, township and county. This will speed your harvest reporting after a successful hunt!
It's easy, fast and accurate! See Deer Hunting Regulations for harvest reporting details.
Hunting & Trapping Explorer
Scan this code or visit NJFishandWildlife.com/hunt.

Public Hunting Lands
To find endless statewide hunting opportunities for small game, deer, turkey, pheasant, migratory birds and more, check this link!
For additional NJ public hunting lands, turn to these Digest pages:
Public Deer Hunting Lands, Public Deer Hunting Land
Public Turkey Hunting Lands, Turkey Hunting