Fishways: No person is allowed to take finfish in fishways nor allowed in or on a fishway without permission. The waters surrounding any dam containing a fishway are closed to all fishing, except eels may be taken by traps, pots or spears within the tidal portions from June 15 – October 1:
Area |
Restriction(s) |
Cocheco River |
- Closed from the upstream side of Central Ave. Bridge to Cocheco Falls Dam (head-of-tide) in Dover
- Closed to the taking of river herring by any method from the head-of-tide dam in Dover to the confluence of the Piscataqua River
Exeter River (downtown) |
- Closed from the upstream side of High Street (Great) Bridge to downstream side of Chestnut Street (String) Bridge (on Squamscott River) in Exeter
Lamprey River |
- No person shall use any type of net or weir for the taking of finfish from the downstream side of the Macallen Dam to a line perpendicular with the two riverbanks from the north side of the Newmarket boat launch ramp
- Closed from upstream side of Rte 108 Bridge to 275 feet below the downstream side of Macallen Dam (tidal water) in Newmarket
- In the Lamprey River, use of nets, except weirs, shall be restricted to the period of sunrise to sunset
Oyster River |
- Closed from the upstream side of dam and fishway, including a 50 ft. radius in front of the fishway, to the downstream side of Rte. 108 bridge in Durham
- Closed to the taking of river herring by any method from the head-of-tide dam in Durham to the river mouth at Wagon Hill Farm and Durham Point
Piscataqua River |
- Including Great Bay estuary and tributaries inland of Memorial Bridge, closed to the use of gill nets with mesh larger than 3 inches
Salmon Falls River |
- Closed from the upstream side of the Route 4 Bridge to 150 feet downstream of South Berwick Dam
Squamscott River |
River herring: Squamscott River and its tributaries from the 108 bridge to the Great Dam in Exeter –
- Open Mondays and Saturdays only from April 1–June 30.
- Daily limit of 1 “tote” per person.
- Tote container that measures 31.5" X 18" X 11.5".
- Tote shall have the harvester’s permit number plainly visible on the outside of the tote.
Taylor River |
- Closed from the upstream side of fishway and dams, including a 50ft. radius in front of the fishway on the upstream side, to a line perpendicular to south end of south overflow culvert at Rte. 95 to opposite side of river (east)
- Closed to the taking of river herring by any method from the head-of-tide dam in Hampton to the railroad bridge
Winnicut River |
- Closed to all fishing within a 25-foot radius of the downstream portion of the fishway and a 6-foot radius of the upstream portion of the fishway.
- Closed to the taking of all fish, except by angling, from the south side of the Boston and Maine Railroad bridge to the Route 33 bridge.