Western Region Regulations
Note: Changes to regulations are marked in blue.
The Western Region includes the nine counties of northwestern Nevada: Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Humboldt, Lyon, Mineral, Pershing, Storey and Washoe. Several popular fishing waters are located within this region including Lake Tahoe, Topaz Lake, Knott Creek Reservoir, Pyramid Lake, and the Truckee, Carson and Walker River systems. Pyramid Lake is managed by Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Please contact the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe for regulations and license requirements pertaining to Pyramid Lake. Waters that are popular for warmwater species are Lahontan, Chimney and Rye Patch reservoirs, Humboldt River, Washoe Lake, Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area and several canals and drains in the Lahontan Valley. The Western Region office is located at 1100 Valley Road, Reno, NV 89512, (775) 688-1506.
Important Note: Within the Western Region the general fishing seasons, hours, limits, and regulations apply to all waters EXCEPT those listed under “Western Region Special Regulations.” If the water in which you intend to fish is not listed under the Region’s Special Regulations, then the General Regulations shall apply.
All game fish must be dead before being transported away from the body of water where caught.
Western Region General Regulations
Open year around, any hour of the day or night.
An AIS Decal is not required for California registered watercraft on Topaz Lake or Lake Tahoe. All Nevada registered motorized and non-motorized vessels must display a current Nevada AIS Decal.
Interstate Waters Fishing License Information
Lake Tahoe and Topaz Lake: Persons under 16 years of age are not required to have a fishing license. Persons 16 years of age or older must have either a Nevada fishing license or a Nevada Interstate Boundary Waters license; a Nevada short-term fishing permit or a California fishing license.
Western Region Daily Limits
Except as noted under “Special Regulations” the daily limits are as follows:
Carson City, Churchill County, Douglas County, Lyon County, Humbolt County, Mineral County, Pershing County, Storey County and Washoe County: The limit is 5 trout, 5 mountain whitefish and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass and 5 may be walleye.
Possession Limits
The possession limit is two times the daily limit for the water in which the fish are caught. Possession limits apply to both general and special regulation waters.
Artificial Lure Waters
See General Statewide Regulations.
Bait Regulations
See Fishing with Bait Fish for regulations on the use of baitfish in the western region.
All Regulations are applicable to CR 23-15
Western Region Special Regulations |
Area |
Season and hours |
Daily Limit |
Carson City |
Baily Fishing Pond |
Year round; hours are when the park is open to public use. |
3 game fish. |
Lake Tahoe |
Special Regulations: Persons under 16 years of age are not required to have a fishing license. Persons 16 years of age or older must have either a Nevada fishing license or a Nevada Interstate Boundary Waters license; a Nevada short-term fishing permit or a California fishing license. |
Lake Tahoe and Tributaries |
Year round; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset, except for the following closed areas: within a 200 yard radius of the mouths of Third, Incline and Wood Creeks; 500 yard radius from Sand Harbor Boat Ramp; and within the boat launch area inside the jetty at Cave Rock Boat Ramp. |
5 game fish. |
Churchill County |
Lahontan Reservoir |
Year round; any hour of the day or night except for the Lahontan Dam spilling pool (bowl) which is closed to fishing. |
15 game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass, 5 may be walleye, and 2 may be white bass or white bass hybrids (wiper) 15 inches total length or longer. White bass or white bass hybrids (wiper) under 15 inches may be included in the 15 game fish limit. |
Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of any fish from the Carson River from Dayton to Lahontan Dam and all waters in Lahontan Valley due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. |
Carson River below Lahontan Reservoir and all waters in Lahontan Valley |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
25 game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass and 5 may be walleye. |
Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of any fish from the Carson River from Dayton to Lahontan Dam and all waters in Lahontan Valley due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. |
Liberty Pond |
Year round; hours are when the park is open to public use. |
3 game fish. |
CHURCHILL COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: Lahontan Dam spilling pool (bowl) on the Carson River below Lahontan Dam. All waters within the boundaries of the Stillwater NWR. |
Douglas County |
Lake Tahoe and Tributaries |
See Carson City. |
Mitch Park Pond, Lampe Parke Pond, Martin Slough Pond, Seeman Pond, Mountain View Park Pond |
Year round; hours are when the park is open to public use. |
3 game fish. |
Spooner Lake |
Year round; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. |
5 trout. |
Topaz Lake |
Year round; one hour before sunrise to two hours after sunset, except for the area within the jetties of Topaz Marina which is closed to fishing. |
5 trout, 5 mountain whitefish, and 25 warmwater game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass. |
Special Regulations: There is no chumming at Topaz Lake (see General Statewide Regulations). |
DOUGLAS COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: Lake Tahoe within the boat launch area, inside the jetty at the Cave Rock boat ramp, north end. Glenbrook Creek from Lake Tahoe to Hwy 50. Topaz Lake within the jetties of Topaz Marina. |
Humboldt County |
Bilk Creek Reservoir |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
5 game fish. |
Chimney Reservoir |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
15 gamefish of which not more than 5 may be black bass, 5 may be walleye, 2 may be white bass hybrid (wiper) and zero (0) may be tiger muskie (catch and release only). |
Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of walleye from Chimney Reservoir due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. |
James Kinney Pond |
Year round; during the hours the park is open to the public. |
3 game fish. |
Knott Creek Reservoir including inlet and outlet streams |
Season is open year round; any hour of the day or night. |
1 trout |
Special Regulations: Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. Only boats without motors or boats with electric motors are permitted. |
HUMBOLDT COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: All tributaries to Summit Lake. All waters of the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (within Humboldt County) except Big Springs Reservoir and Dufurrena Ponds. Crowley Creek in the Montana Mountains. Eightmile Creek in the Santa Rosa Range. Donnelly Creek in the Calico Range. |
Lyon County |
East Walker River |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
5 trout, 10 mountain whitefish and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass. |
Special Regulations: Except in that portion of the East Walker River which is from ¼ mile above the confluence of the East Walker River and Sweetwater Creek downstream to ½ mile below the confluence of the East Walker River and Red Wash Creek, which is catch and release fishing only. Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. |
Lahontan Reservoir |
See Churchill County. |
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area Fort Churchill Cooling Pond Cooperative Management Area |
Season is open the second Saturday in February through September 30; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. |
5 trout and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 2 may be black bass. Minimum size for black bass is 14 inches total length. |
Special Regulations: Fishing is prohibited from the center dike and posted areas. Wading or the use of boats and other floating devices is prohibited. |
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area |
Season is open the second Saturday in February through September 30; any hour of the day or night on the following waters: Bass, Crappie, North Pond, Beaver Slough and that portion of the Walker River within the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area. |
5 trout and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 2 may be black bass. Minimum size for black bass is 14 inches total length. |
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area Hinkson Slough |
Same season as above. |
2 trout and 15 warmwater gamefish of which not more than 2 may be black bass. Minimum size for trout is 16 inches total length. Minimum size for black bass is 14 inches total length. |
Special Regulations: Artificial lures only (see General Statewide Regulations). |
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area Eastside Waterfowl Series Ponds |
Season is open Aug. 16 through Sept. 30; any hour of the day or night. |
5 trout and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 2 may be black bass. Minimum size for black bass is 14 inches total length. |
Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area Kuenzli Pond, Hatchery Outpond 1, Hatchery Outpond 2, and Hatchery Outpond 3 |
Season is open on the first Saturday in May, from 8 a.m. to sunset. |
3 game fish of which not more than 1 may be black bass. |
Note: These ponds are open for one day only. |
Mountain View Park Pond |
Year round; hours are when the park is open to public use. |
3 game fish. |
LYON COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: All waters within the Mason Valley Wildlife Management Area except for those listed above. |
Mineral County |
Rose Creek Reservoir |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
3 game fish. |
Note: Anglers must obtain permission from the Hawthorne Army Depot at (775) 945-7101 or (775) 945-7601. Anglers can also email [email protected] for the forms and information. |
MINERAL COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: Rose Creek Confluence from the diversion pipe downstream to Walker Lake and Walker Lake within a 100-yard radius of the inflow. |
Pershing County |
Rye Patch Reservoir and Humboldt River |
Year round; any hour of the day or night. |
25 game fish of which not more than 5 may be trout, 5 may be walleye, 5 may be black bass and 2 may be white bass or white bass hybrids over 15 inches total length or longer. White bass or white bass hybrids under 15 inches total length may be included in the 25 game fish limit. |
Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of wipers and walleye and no more than one eight-ounce meal per week of any other fish from Rye Patch Reservoir due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. |
Storey County |
Truckee River |
Year round; any hour of the day or night, except in that portion from Derby Dam downstream 1,000 feet, which is closed to fishing. |
3 game fish except in that section from E Mustang Road bridge (I-80 Exit 23) downstream to Derby Dam and from 1,000 feet downstream from Derby Dam to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation boundary where the limit is three gamefish of which 1 may be trout. |
Special Regulations: In that portion from E Mustang Road bridge (I-80 Exit 23) to Derby Dam and from 1,000 feet downstream of Derby Dam to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation boundary, only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. |
STOREY COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: Five Mile Reservoir, and the Truckee River from Derby Dam downstream 1,000 feet. |
Washoe County |
Catnip Reservoir, tributaries and outlet stream |
Season open year round, any hour of the day or night. |
1 trout |
Special Regulations: Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. |
Hobart Reservoir and tributaries and Franktown Creek downstream from Hobart Reservoir to Red House |
Season open May 1 through October 31; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. |
5 trout, of which not more than 2 may be tiger trout. |
Special Regulations: Artificial lures only. |
Lake Tahoe and Tributaries |
See Carson City. |
Marlette Lake, tributaries and outlet stream |
Season is July 15 through Sept. 30; 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. |
Zero (0) fish, catch and release only. |
Special Regulations: Only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. |
Truckee River |
Year round; any hour of the day or night, except in that portion from Derby Dam downstream 1,000 feet, which is closed to fishing. |
3 game fish except in that section from E Mustang Road bridge (I-80 Exit 23) downstream to Derby Dam and from 1,000 feet downstream from Derby Dam to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation boundary where the limit is 3 gamefish of which 1 may be trout. |
Special Regulations: In that portion from E Mustang Road bridge (I-80 Exit 23) to Derby Dam and from 1,000 feet downstream of Derby Dam to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation boundary, only artificial lures with single barbless hooks may be used. |
Twelvemile Creek |
Open year round, any hour of the day or night. |
2 trout |
Washoe County Urban Ponds: Battle Born Pond, Davis Creek Park Pond, Idlewild Ponds, Marilyn’s Pond, Paradise Ponds, Rancho San Rafael Pond, Sparks Marina, Verdi Pond, Virginia Lake, and Wilson Common |
Year round; hours are when the park is open to public use. |
3 game fish. |
Washoe Lake |
Season open year around, any hour of the day or night. |
10 game fish of which not more than 5 may be catfish. |
Special Regulations: Scripps Wildlife Management Area is closed to trespass February 15 through August 15. |
Health Advisory: The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued a health advisory recommending no consumption of white bass from Little and Big Washoe Lakes due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. |
WASHOE COUNTY CLOSED WATERS: Third Creek and its tributaries from Lake Tahoe to the Mt. Rose Highway No. 431. Incline Creek and its tributaries from Lake Tahoe to Ski Way and the Mt. Rose Highway No. 431. Wood Creek from Lake Tahoe to the Mt. Rose Highway No. 431. Lake Tahoe within a 200-yard radius of the mouths of Third, Incline and Wood Creeks. A 500-yard radius from Sand Harbor boat ramp. Truckee River from Derby Dam downstream 1000 feet is closed to fishing. |
The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health has issued health advisories that recommend limited consumption of fish species due to elevated mercury levels in their flesh. For more information, go to www.ndow.org/blog/mercury-in-fish/.
Health Advisory |
Area |
Species |
Advisory |
Western Region |
Carson River from Dayton to Lahontan Dam and all waters in Lahontan Valley |
All fish |
No consumption |
Little and Big Washoe Lakes |
White Bass |
No consumption |
Rye Patch Reservoir |
Wipers and Walleye |
No Consumption |
Any fish |
No more than one eight-ounce meal per week |
Chimney Dam Reservoir |
Walleye |
No consumption |