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State Records

*Not currently accepting new state records for this species due to regulations

Sport Fish State Records

Rules and Procedures

The department maintains sport fish state records and awards a plaque to an angler whose catch exceeds the current state record or establishes a new species category. Positive identification of the species of fish is mandatory for consideration of state record applications. The catch must be inspected in person by a department fisheries biologist. Immerse the fish in ice water until it can be weighed in order to preserve the weight.

Call 443-569-1398 or 410-260-8300 to report a potential state record catch. You must submit a state record application within two weeks of the date you catch the fish.

State record fish are determined by weight. Most fishing tackle shops do not have certified scales, so call ahead. Other establishments that sell products by weight such as a grocery, deli or shipping store may have a certified scale and be willing to help.

Except for fish in the Invasive Division, all fish must be legally caught with rod and reel during its open season. From the time that a fish strikes or takes a bait or lure, the angler must hook and fight the fish without the aid of any other person. The reel must be operated manually. Once the leader is brought to the rod tip, more than one person is permitted to help land the fish.

Fish designated as eligible for the Invasive Division (currently northern snakehead, blue catfish and flathead catfish) can be caught and kept by all legal recreational fishing gear including rod and reel, bow and spear.

Fish caught from privately-owned fee fishing waters are not eligible for record consideration.

The fish must be considered trophy sized, commonly available and sought after for the department to consider opening a new species category for recognition. Thresholds for trophy size are established by the department using the best data available to create a benchmark weight.

The department reserves the right to investigate the methods used in catching the fish and the accuracy of measuring and weighing. It also reserves the right to reject any application based on the results of the investigation.

State records

All potential state record fish will be reviewed under the official rules. For state records rules and procedures, go to: