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Licenses, Tags and Permits

Licenses, Tags and Permits

To hunt and fish in Idaho you will need a license, and you may need a tag or permit, as well. Below is a full list of licenses, tags and permits and how much they cost for a resident of Idaho.

To Buy a License, Tag or Permit

  • Go to Idaho Fish and Game’s online licensing site at
  • Download the “Go Outdoors Idaho” mobile app directly on your smart phone.
  • Dial 1-800-554-8685. Outside the U.S., use the internet or mail.
  • Commercial licenses and tags, duplicate tags, documents that require proof of disability, lifetime licenses, and bear-baiting permits can only be purchased at Fish and Game offices.

A credit card fee is added for online and telephone transactions.

For an overview of all license buying options, go online to Idaho Fish and Game's website at

When purchasing over the telephone the buyer should ensure they have a valild email address on file to receive their purchase confirmation. Tags and/or permits that require notching must be physically received in the mail. A confirmation email cannot be used in lieu of a tag or some permits.

Licenses purchased online must be printed from the buyer’s computer, or downloaded to the Go Outdoors Idaho mobile app; they will not be mailed without an additional fee. However, all tags and notchable permits will be mailed. A confirmation email may not be used in lieu of a tag or salmon/steelhead permit or Upland Game Bird Permits. Purchasers must wait until tags or permits arrive in the mail.

Electronic copies of licenses can be used in the field. This includes licenses downloaded directly to the Go Outdoors Idaho mobile app, or an email copy of the license.

Licenses, permits, and tags purchased online and over the phone can be paid for using a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card, and are subject to a credit card fee of 3% of the transaction plus $3.50 for online sales (unless requesting a license be mailed then $4.50) and $6.50 for phone sales.

Any license, tag or permit that is defaced or altered is invalid from the date and time of issue. It is unlawful to use or attempt to use any license that has been defaced or altered.

Sale Dates: Most licenses, permits, and tags go on sale December 1, for the upcoming year; but resident deer and elk tags are not available until after the deer and elk controlled hunt drawings are done in early July. Sage Grouse and Sandhill Crane tags go on sale August 1. Most licenses are valid only for the calendar year for which they are issued.

Hunter and Bowhunter Education

  • To buy a hunting license, all hunters must show proof that they have completed a hunter education course if they were born on or after January 1, 1975, unless they have held a valid hunting license from Idaho or another state.
  • To buy an archery permit, all bowhunters must possess a valid hunting license and show proof they have completed an approved bowhunter education course or show evidence of having been licensed for an archery-only hunt in Idaho or another state, or complete an affidavit to that effect. Hunters submitting an archery affidavit or approved education course certification should allow Fish and Game staff 3 - 5 business days to process the documentation, and should not submit the affidavit immediately preceding a tag sale.
  • Course and registration information can be found on Fish and Game’s website at or by contacting any Fish and Game office.
  • Individuals planning to participate in fall hunts are encouraged to enroll in a course before June 30, as the number of courses offered becomes very limited closer to fall hunting seasons.
  • Prospective hunters have two course options to receive their certification: Instructor-led Course – 12 to 18 class hours plus an outdoor field day and final written exam.

Online Course – A self-paced, online instruction and an online exam. An additional outdoor field day may be required for hunter certification, check

Refund Policy

No refunds will be made on resident licenses, tags or permits. No refunds will be made on fishing licenses. Nonresident hunting licenses and tags may be refunded less issuance fees and a $50 processing fee, in the event of:

  • Illness or injury that disables a license holder for the entire applicable hunting season.
  • Military deployment of license holder due to armed conflict.
  • Death of the licensee.

Tags and license must be returned with proof (death certificate, obituary, written justification by a licensed medical doctor, or copy of military orders). Hunting license fees will not be refunded after the license is used to apply for a controlled hunt or to buy a turkey, mountain lion or bear tag. The request must be postmarked by December 31 of the year in which the license was valid, except for “event of death” refund, which must be submitted within 1 year of the death.

Hunting license and/or tags fees will not be refunded if the license and/or tag has been used for hunting in any capacity.

A controlled hunt tag may be made available in the same hunt for purchase by an immediate family member of a person who died before using his or her tag. Contact Licenses at (208) 334-2592.

If a refund is requested for any other reason, only the tag fees (not the license or permit fee) may be refunded at the following sliding scale rate:

  • Postmarked before April 1 – 75 percent refund.
  • Postmarked April 1 through June 30 – 50 percent refund.
  • Postmarked July 1 through August 31 – 25 percent refund.
  • Postmarked September 1 through December 31 – No refund. For more information please visit refund-information.

Resident Disabled Licenses

Any resident certified as permanently disabled or eligible for federal supplemental income (SSI), social security disability income (SSDI), railroad retirement board disability, a nonservice- connected veteran’s pension, or a service-connected veteran’s disability benefit with 40 percent or more combined/overall disability rating, may qualify for a “disabled” license. An applicant must provide either a benefit verification letter from the Social Security Administration in their name showing they are receiving SSI or SSDI benefits for the current year, or a letter from the Railroad Retirement board verifying disability status and being dated within 3 years preceding application for a license, or an official identification card issued by the U.S. Department of Defense, or a letter of any date from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs verifying a service-connected disability rating of 40% or greater, or a current year’s letter from the Veteran Affairs office showing the applicant is receiving a nonservice-connected pension, or a form prescribed by the department that certifies permanent physical disability. A physically disabled person means a person who has lost the use of one (1) or both lower extremities or both hands, or is unable to walk 200 feet or more unassisted by another person or without the aid of a walker, cane, crutches, braces, prosthetic device or a wheelchair, or is unable to walk 200 feet or more without great difficulty or discomfort due to one or more of the following impairments: neurological, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiac, arthritic disorder, blindness (a medically documented loss or impairment of vision and includes any person whose visual acuity with correcting lens does not exceed 20/20 in the better eye, or whose vision in the better eye is restricted to a field which subtends an angle of not greater than 20 degrees), or the loss of function or absence of a limb.

An applicant may present a valid Idaho driver's license if the holder meets disability requirements or section 49-117(7)(b), Idaho Code, and license is marked as disabled.

Disabled licenses may be purchased at Fish and Game offices, selected license vendors (see website at for list), and through the mail.

Disabled Hunter/Companion

The rules for a companion assisting a disabled hunter allow the companion to take an animal that has been wounded by the disabled hunter and to place and validate the disabled hunter’s tag on the animal.

The rules apply for disabled hunters who possess a valid disability license, disabled archery permit, a disabled hunt-from-a-motor- vehicle permit and a valid tag, or a disabled veteran participating in a hunt as provided in section 36-408(7), Idaho Code, and has a valid tag or permit.

The companion is not required to have a tag or controlled hunt permit to assist a disabled hunter. However, the companion must have a valid license and applicable special weapon permit (i.e. – for an archery only hunt, the companion would need an archery permit) when assisting a disabled hunter.

The companion must have a written statement of designation from the disabled hunter while hunting with the disabled hunter or assisting them with taking and tagging their harvested animal. The statement must include the disabled hunters name, address, hunting license, big game tag number and the dates of the designation as a companion.

The companion must accompany the disabled hunter while hunting and they are required to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices.

For more information about the rules for a companion to a disabled hunter, please contact your local Fish and Game office, see page 4.

Resident Lifetime License Certificates

The purchase of a lifetime certificate could be the best investment you ever make. Lifetime certificates authorize all privileges associated with a corresponding annual license, are valid for the life of the certificate holder and are available to Idaho residents. The lifetime certificate does not include tags and permits. If a lifetime certificate holder moves out of Idaho, they will continue to receive an annual license, but will pay nonresident tag and permit fees. Lifetime certificates can be purchased at Idaho Fish and Game offices only.





0 - 1 year




2 - 50 years




51 and older




Idaho Residency Requirements

Proof of residency is required to buy any resident license. A previous year’s license is not proof of residency.

1. Drivers must present: A valid Idaho driver’s license and must have been domiciled in the state of Idaho for the last six months immediately prior to purchasing a resident license, tag or permit. Owning real property or paying property taxes within the state of Idaho does not in itself establish residency. You cannot claim resident privileges in any other state or country if you intend to claim residency and purchase resident licenses in the state of Idaho.

2. Non-drivers must present: An Idaho identification card issued by the Department of Transportation; or a combination of two documents bearing your name and address but not issued by yourself.

    Examples include:

    • Home utility bills for the previous six months.
    • Rent receipts or mortgage statements for the previous six months.
    • Notarized statement from an employer on business letterhead.
    • Proof of voter registration dated six months prior.
    • For a minor child under 18, identification from a parent.
    • Important note: Idaho residents without a valid Idaho driver’s license cannot purchase resident items through the
    • online licensing system. Idaho residents with other residency qualification documentation must purchase resident items at an in-person vendor location or Idaho Fish and Game office.

    3. Military members: A member of the military service of the United States or a foreign country, state National Guard or Air National Guard, together with spouse and children under 18 years of age, residing in his/her household, who have been officially transferred, stationed, domiciled and on active duty in the state of Idaho for a period of thirty (30) days last preceding application, as long as such assignment continues, is eligible to purchase a resident license.

    To show eligibility you need: A current “Military Status and Residency Affidavit” signed by first sergeant, section commander or commander; or a current request and authorization for permanent change of station showing a ‘report no later than’ date within the last 60 days; or a combination of two documents given in number two (2) above dated thirty (30) days prior.

    This is a summary of residency requirements, for additional details see Idaho Code 36-202(S) and 36-405; online at title36 and or contact your local Idaho Fish and Game office. Persons who do not qualify as residents must purchase a nonresident license.

    Hunting Passport

    The Hunting Passport allows first-time hunters, resident or nonresident, to trial hunting with a licensed adult for only $1.75 without having to complete a hunter education course. A Hunting Passport can be purchased online at Idaho Fish and Game’s licensing site, at a regional office, or at a local vendor.

    The Hunting Passport can only be purchased once in a lifetime for individuals who have previously never held a hunting privilege in any state, (except an 8-year-old may obtain an additional passport each year until turning 10 years of age) and is valid for one calendar year, just like a hunting license, and expires on December 31 of the year in which it was obtained.

    An individual must be at least 8 years of age or older to purchase a passport. Holders of a Hunting Passport must purchase general season tags, and all permits and validations to participate in the hunt. Hunters 8 to 9 years of age can hunt game birds (except

    sandhill crane), upland game animals, turkey, furbearers, predatory or unprotected species. Hunters 10 years of age and older can hunt big game, game birds (including sandhill crane), turkey, upland game animals, furbearers, and predatory or unprotected species.

    Hunters cannot apply for a controlled hunt with a Hunting Passport.

    Hunting Passport license holders must be accompanied by an eligible adult hunting mentor.

    Responsibilities of the Hunting Mentor:

    • Mentor must be at least 18 years of age.
    • Mentor must have a valid Idaho hunting license.
    • Mentor may not accompany more than two mentored hunters at one time. Accompany means close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic.
    • No registration is required for the mentor.

    For more details and frequently asked questions about the Hunter Passport, please go to

    Nonresident Tag Information

    Nonresident general season deer and elk tags are limited in quantity. Nonresidents looking to purchase a general season tag can attempt to purchase a tag beginning on December 1st at

    10 a.m. Mountain Time for the upcoming season, and must select which Deer Unit and/or Elk Zone they are intending to purchase. Please note that because tags are limited, tags will sell out quickly, and not all nonresidents will be able to purchase a tag.

    Nonresident General Season Deer Tags and Uncapped Elk Zone Tags

    Nonresident hunters in general season deer and uncapped elk zone hunts are limited to 10 or 15 percent of the total hunters in each game management unit or elk zone. Some backcountry deer units have been limited to the five-year average number of nonresidents where overall hunter numbers have been relatively low. When purchasing a nonresident tag, the buyer must choose the Deer Unit or Elk Zone from those available.

    The statewide nonresident general season quota for elk is 12,815 and 15,500 for deer (14,000 regular deer or white-tailed deer tags and 1,500 white-tailed deer tags to be made available for sale when the initial 14,000 tags are sold out).

    Nonresident Capped Elk Zones: Tags are limited for both residents and nonresidents in capped elk zones. When caps are implemented to restrict the number of tags within a zone, the total number of tags under the new cap is distributed proportionally among resident hunters, nonresident hunters, and outfitted hunters based on historical participation in the zone. Subsequent changes to the overall cap are applied proportionately.

    Nonresident Disabled American Veteran (DAV) Deer & Elk Tags: Nonresident DAV priced tags are limited to 500 deer tags, and 300 elk tags. Once those 800 tags have been sold, DAV license holders can purchase available general nonresident tags at the nonresident price.

    Additional information and tag quantities can be found in the current Nonresident General Tags and Tags Allocated to Outfitters brochure printed annually every fall and on our website at

    Resident License, Tag and Permit Fees

    Prices listed below include prices for those who have held a valid annual/3 year license in 2021 and 2022 who areconsidered "Price Locked" and prices for those who are not price locked. To opt in to the price lock you may purchase a 3year license. See important notes below.

    Access-Depredation Fee for Adults$5.00$10.00$5.00$10.00
    Access-Depredation Fee for Jr./Sr./DAV/Furlough2424
    A license buyer is required to pay this annual fee when purchasing their first annual license of the year. It will not apply to any additional annual licenses purchased later in the year, nor is it required to purchase a daily license.
    Adult Licenses: 18 years of age and older
    Sportsman’s Package (Adult or Youth)¹$124.25N/A$144.60N/A
    Combination (Hunting & Fishing)33.59738.7597
    Disabled Combination511.55.7511.5
    Military Furlough Combination17.5N/A20.5N/A
    Daily Fishing (first day)⁸11.513.5
    Each consecutive day at initial time of purchase5N/A6N/A
    Disabled Fishing511.55.7511.5
    Military Furlough Fishing17.5N/A20.5N/A
    Trapping (expires June 30)26.75N/A29.75N/A
    Taxidermist/Fur Buyer (expires June 30)²405-yr-176.75405-yr-176.75
    Hunting Passport (8+ yrs Junior or Adult)⁶1.75N/A1.75N/A
    Youth Licenses
    Junior Combination (Hunting & Fishing, 14-17 yrs)$17.50$49.00$19.75$49.00
    Junior Hunting (10-17 yrs)⁵7.2518.258.2518.25
    Junior Fishing (14-17yrs)13.7537.751637.75
    Youth Trapping (expires June 30)7.25N/A8.25N/A
    Senior Licenses - 65 or Older
    Senior Combination (Hunting & Fishing)$11.75$31.75$13.75$31.75
    Permits and Validations
    Archery or Muzzleloader Permit$18.25$19.50
    DAV Archery or Muzzleloader Permit3.753.75
    Bear Baiting Permit²12.7515
    Hound Hunter Permit12.7515
    Upland Game Bird Permit (Department-stocked birds; 18+ yrs)23.75 ea.28.75
    Sharp-tailed Grouse Permit4.755.75
    Disabled Archery or Disabled Motor Vehicle Permit2,31.75N/A1.75N/A
    Migratory Bird (HIP) Permit1.752.75
    Salmon or Steelhead Permit12.7515.25
    Two-Pole Permit13.7515
    Adult Tags
    Adult Tags
    Bear/Second Bear and Mt. Lion/Second Mt. Lion Gray Wolf$11.50 ea.$13.75
    Gray Wolf Trapping (expires June 30) Turkey11.50 ea.13.75
    Second Turkey or Subsequent Turkey Special Unit Turkey11.50 ea.13.75
    Sage-grouse Sandhill Crane19.7522.75
    Swan12.25 ea.12.25 ea.
    5.00 ea.5.00 ea.
    22.75 ea.N/A22.75 ea.N/A
    19.75 ea.22.75 ea.
    Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat166.75199.75
    (tag only, does not include application fee)
    Youth, Senior and DAV Tags⁴
    Bear and Second Bear⁴6.75 ea.7.75
    Turkey⁴10.75 ea.12.50 ea.
    Controlled Hunt
    Application for Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bear, or Turkey$6.25 ea.$6.25 ea.
    Application for Moose, Sheep, or Mt. Goat16.75N/A16.75N/A

    Resident Notes:

    1 The sportsman’s package includes deer, elk, turkey, bear, gray wolf and mountain lion tags, and archery, muzzleloader, salmon and steelhead permits.

    2 Available only at Idaho Fish and Game offices.

    3 Disability must be certified by a medical doctor on a Fish and Game form.

    4 Must have a senior combination or hunting license, a junior combination or hunting license, a junior hunting passport, or a DAV combination or hunting license.

    5 All youth younger than twelve must be accompanied in the field by an adult license holder close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices. A 9-year old may buy a license to apply for a controlled hunt tag, but he or she must be 10 years old at the time of the hunt.

    6 Anyone hunting with this license must be accompanied in the field by an adult license holder close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices.

    7 If a 3-year resident hunting, fishing or combination license holder moves out of Idaho, the license will remain valid, but the holder will be required to purchase nonresident tags and permits.

    8 Price Lock on daily fishing is only available as long as the customer has a current year annual or a valid multiyear hunting license. Otherwise customer must pay fees in column 3.

    Nonresident License, Tag and Permit Fees

    Access-Depredation Fee for Adult $10.00 $20.00
    Access-Depredation Fee for Jr./DAV48
    A license buyer is required to pay this annual fee when purchasing their first annual license of the year. It will not apply to any additional annual licenses purchased later in the year, nor is it required to purchase a daily license.
    Adult Licenses: 18 years of age and older
    Combination Hunting & Fishing $264.00 788.50
    Hunting (includes three-day fishing license each year of license)185551.5
    Disabled American Veteran Hunting (DAV)6 (includes three-day fishing license)
    Small Game Hunting141.75N/A
    Three-Day Nonresident Small Game Hunting71.75N/A
    Nongame Hunting39N/A
    Shooting Preserve Hunting26N/A
    Daily Fishing (first day)22.75
    Each consecutive day at initial time of purchase7N/A
    Three-day Salmon/Steelhead44.75N/A
    Trapping (expires June 30)331.75N/A
    Taxidermist/Fur Buyer1 (expires June 30)187N/A
    Hunting Passport2 (8+ yrs Junior or 18+ yrs Adult)1.75N/A
    Junior Mentored & Youth Licenses
    Junior Mentored Hunting5 (10-17 yrs)
    (includes three-day fishing license) $91.75 $271.75
    Junior Fishing (under 18 yrs)23.7567.75
    Permits and Validations
    Archery or Muzzleloader Permit$81.75
    DAV Archery or Muzzleloader Permit5.75N/A
    Bear Baiting Permit134.75
    Hound Hunter Permit1301.75N/A
    Permits and Validations
    Upland Game Bird Permit (Department- $56.75 ea. stocked birds; 18+ yrs)
    Sharp-tailed Grouse Permit17.75
    Disabled Archery or Disabled Motor Vehicle Permit1,31.75N/A
    Permits and Validations
    Migratory Bird (HIP) Permit $5.00
    Salmon or Steelhead Permit28.25N/A
    Two-Pole Permit17
    Adult Tags
    Deer $351.75
    Reduced Bear and Second Bear41.75 ea
    Mountain Lion204.5
    Reduced Mountain Lion and Second Mountain Lion41.75 ea.
    Gray Wolf and Gray Wolf Trapping (expires June 30)31.75 ea.
    Turkey88.00 ea.
    Special Unit Turkey5.00 ea.
    Sage-grouse74.25 ea.N/A
    Sandhill Crane74.25
    Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat (tag only, does not include application fee)
    Junior Mentored
    Elk4 299.75
    Bear4116.75 ea.N/A
    Second Bear4 41.75 ea..
    Turkey 444.75 ea.
    Disabled American Veteran Tags
    Elk4 39.75
    Bear and Second Bear423.75 ea.N/A
    Turkey4 19.75 ea.
    Controlled Hunt
    Application for Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Bear, or Turkey$18.00 ea.
    Application for Moose, Sheep, or Mt. Goat45.75N/A

    Nonresident Notes:

    1 These licenses and permits are only available at Idaho Fish and Game offices.

    2 Anyone hunting with this license must be accompanied in the field by an adult license holder close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices.

    3 Disability must be certified by a medical doctor on a Fish and Game form.

    4 Must have a Junior Mentored Hunting license, Junior Hunting Passport, or a DAV license. Any adultaccompanying any youth possessing a Junior Mentored tag(s) must have a tag(s) for the same species. JuniorHunting Passport mentors may not accompany more than 2 mentored hunters at one time.

    5 Anyone hunting with this license must be accompanied in the field by an adult license holder close enough to be within normal conversation or hearing range without shouting or the aid of electronic devices. A 9-year old may buy a license to apply for a controlled hunt, but he or she must be 10 years old at the time of the hunt.

    6 Disability must be certified by the U.S. Department of Defense or by Veterans Affairs on their official letterhead showing combined service-connected disability rating of 40% or more


    Nonresident hunting licenses go on sale at midnight MST, Dec. 1 for the upcoming year, followed by nonresident deer and elk tags sold starting at 10am MST on Dec. 1. Nonresident tags have sold out in recent years, and they can be bought online at, at (800) 554-8685, at Fish and Game license vendors, and at regional offices during business hours.

    Additional information and tag quantities can be found in the current Nonresident General Tags and Tags Allocated toOutfitters brochure printed annually and on our website at

    Nonresident hunters should be aware

    • You do not have to buy a hunting license in advance, but you can add it when buying a tag. If a tag is not available, a license sale will not be refunded.
    • Hunters should review the most current Big Game Seasons and Rules, which are up-to-date online and know what hunting unit for a deer tag, and/or what elk zone for which you plan to buy a tag.
    • Log into your customer account at to make sure all of your customer information is correct.
    • Discounted nonresident Disabled American Veteran (DAV) tags are limited to 300 elk and 500 deer. DAV hunters must submit their qualifications to Fish and Game prior to Dec. 1. If DAV tags sell out, DAV hunters can still buy available nonresident tags at full nonresident prices.
    • If nonresident tags are sold out, nonresident hunters can still apply for controlled hunts from May 1 through June 5, but youmust buy a hunting license to apply.