Georgia Saltwater Fish
Fish identification pictures by: Duane Raver
Atlantic Croaker

Black Sea bass

Black Drum (Young)
- Loses vertical bars with age

Weakfish (Summer Trout)


Southern Kingfish (Whiting)

- Keeps vertical bars throughout life
Red Drum

Spotted Seatrout

King Mackerel
- Up to 60 lbs.
Spanish Mackerel
- Averages 2–4 lbs.

- Color dark to bluish-grey with a Z-shaped pattern
- Harvest prohibited
- Color brownish-grey above white below
Sand Tiger
- Harvest prohibited
Shark Anatomy
(view from above)

Sharks Found in Georgia Waters that can be Harvested (not including small shark composite above) |
Blacknose |
Blacktip |
Bull |
Finetooth |
Lemon |
Nurse |
Scalloped Hammerhead |
Smooth Hammerhead |
Thresher |
Tiger (has interdorsal ridge) |
Most sharks with an interdorsal ridge caught in Georgia waters will be included in the “prohibited” or “no harvest” categories. If you are not sure of the species and whether you may keep it, release it. |
See the complete Finfish Seasons, Limits, Sizes. |