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Regulations for Arkansas Lakes

Regulations for Arkansas Lakes

Regulations in this section are those that differ from statewide regulations. Refer to statewide regulations and length limit information on smallmouth bass.

Amon’s (Baxter County – Mountain Home Community Lake)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Apple (Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA – Monroe County)

Closed to access for Nov. 1-Feb. 15.

Arkansas State University Campus Pond (Craighead County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Armory Pond SAU Campus – Magnolia (Columbia County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disabled fishing (either a 3-year or combination) disability license. one properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Ashbaugh (Dave Donaldson/Black River WMA – Greene County)

Black bass daily limit is 6. No limit on white bass.

Atalanta (Benton County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped accessible fishing jetty is available. Catfish daily limit is 5. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Atkins (Pope County)

Largemouth bass from 16 inches to 21 inches must be released immediately. Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, of which 1 may be over 21 inches. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Austell (Cross County)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, of which 1 may be over 20 inches. Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Waters open to trolling motors only.

Bailey (Conway County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Bald Knob Community Pond (White County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Barnett (White County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Bear Creek (Lee County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Boat motors may not exceed 9.9 horsepower on USDA Forest Service lakes.

Beaver (Benton, Carroll, Washington counties)

Largemouth and smallmouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (up to 6 may be smallmouth bass. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Crappie (black and white) combined daily limit is 15. Striped and hybrid striped bass combined daily limit is 3 and striped bass must be at least 20 inches or longer to keep. Walleye daily limit for Beaver Lake and its tributaries is 4 and must be at least 18 inches long to keep. No limit on white bass for Beaver Lake and its tributaries including Lake Sequoyah. Legal to take game fish (except largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass) with spear guns during season. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available at Hickory Creek and Prairie Creek. Game fish may be snagged from the bank below Beaver Dam, from the Corps of Engineers “No fishing beyond this point” sign, downstream to the first Corps of Engineers boat ramp on the left descending bank from April 15-June 15 only.

Beaverfork (Faulkner County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Bennett (Faulkner County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Bentonville (Benton County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Big Lake(NWR) (Mississippi County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Blue Mountain (Logan, Yell counties)

Largemouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Crappie must be 9 inches or longer to keep. Crappie daily limit is 20. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.

Blytheville City Parks (Mississippi County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

Bob Kidd (Washington County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. No limit on white bass. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Bois d’Arc (Bois d’Arc WMA – Hempstead County)

See Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d’Arc.

Brewer (Conway County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately.

Bull Shoals (Marion, Baxter, Boone counties)

Crappie, black and white, combined daily limit is 15. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Largemouth and smallmouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Spotted bass must be at least 12 inches long to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (up to 6 may be smallmouth bass. Walleye must be at least 18 inches long to keep. Walleye daily limit is 4. Legal to take game fish (except largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass) with spear guns during season. The White River Border Lakes License entitles the holder to fish in the Missouri portion of Bull Shoals Lake without buying a Missouri nonresident license. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available at the Bull Shoals Recreation Area.

Burnt Cane (St. Francis County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Cabot Community Pond (Lonoke County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout.

Cambadelle (Crawford County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Camp Ferncliff (Pulaski County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

Cane Creek (Lincoln County)

Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Crappie daily limit is 15. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Cargile (Ed Gordon/Pt. Remove WMA – Conway County)

Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Carol Ann Cross Pond (Sebastian County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3.

Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Catherine (Hot Spring, Garland counties)

Smallmouth bass must be released immediately. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Cave City (Sharp County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

Charles (Lawrence County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. There is no daily limit on crappie. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Cherrywood (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Chicot (Chicot County)[includes Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam and Ditch Bayou downstream to Ditch Bayou Dam]

Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Crappie daily limit is 20. No limit on channel catfish. Largemouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Largemouth daily limit is 10. Open to skiing and personal watercraft. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Clear (Clark County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Clubhouse (Petit Jean WMA -Yell County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

Columbia (Columbia County)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, of which only 1 may be longer than 20 inches. Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat flathead catfish, pickerel, gar, bowfin or largemouth bass (over 16 inches long) because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat flathead catfish, gar, bowfin or pickerel and should not eat more than two meals per month of largemouth bass over 16 inches long. Largemouth bass shorter than 16 inches and other species of fish may be eaten without restriction. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited. Harvest of grass carp prohibited.

Community Center Pond (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Conway Station Park Pond (Faulkner County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout . Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Cove Creek (Perry County)

Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 12 inches because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat largemouth bass longer than 16 inches or more than two meals per month of largemouth bass 12 inches to 16 inches long. Other fish may be eaten without restriction. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Cox Creek (Grant County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Cox Cypress (Bayou Meto WMA – Arkansas County)

Boat motors larger than 25 horsepower are not allowed. No boat motors are allowed on the area from 1 p.m. until 4 a.m. during waterfowl season, except they may be used all day during the last 3 days of the last waterfowl season.

Craig D. Campbell Lake Conway Reservoir (Faulkner County)

Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately including: Gold Creek downstream of the Sturgis Road Bridge, Stone Dam Creek downstream of the I-40 Bridge, Caney Creek/Little Creek downstream of the Highway 286 Bridge, and Palarm Creek downstream of the Highway 286 Bridge. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Craighead Forest Park Youth Fishing Pond (Craighead County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. 1 properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Crowley’s Ridge (Greene County – Crowley’s Ridge State Park)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Crown (Izard County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Crystal (Benton County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Cypress Bayou WMA (Lonoke County)

Ponds open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Dagmar (Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA – Monroe County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Dardanelle (Arkansas River impoundment – Franklin, Pope, Johnson, Logan, Yell counties)

Largemouth bass must be at least 14 inches long to keep. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Dardanelle City Park Ponds (Yell County)

Only hand-held rod or pole allowed. Largemouth bass catch-and-release only. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

DeGray (Clark, Hot Spring counties)

Largemouth bass must be 13 inches or longer to keep. Smallmouth bass must be 12 inches or longer to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (only 2 of which may be smallmouth bass. In addition to the combined daily bass limit, 10 spotted bass may be taken. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.

De Queen (Sevier County)

Legal to spearfish in season.

Des Arc (Prairie County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

DeWitt City (Arkansas County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Devil’s Den State Park (Washington County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Dierks (Howard, Sevier counties)

Legal to spearfish in season.

Dieffenbacher (Miller County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d’Arc (Bois d’Arc WMA – Hempstead County)

The crappie daily limit is half the statewide daily limit. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Donald Branch Fishing Pond (Monroe County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Dry Fork (Perry County)

Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 16 inches because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat more than two meals per month of largemouth bass longer than 16 inches. Other fish may be eaten without restriction. For more information on mercury contamination.

Dunn (Cross County)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, of which 1 may be over 20 inches. Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Waters open to trolling motors only.

Elmdale (Washington County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

England Community Pond (Lonoke County)

See Mike Freeze Community Fishing Pond.

Entergy Park Pond (Garland County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Enterprise (Ashley County)

Ski zone open to skiing and personal watercraft. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Erling (Lafayette County)

No limit on channel catfish. 10 blue catfish may be taken in addition to the combined daily limit of catfish. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.

Family Park Pond (Garland County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Catfish daily limit is 3. Waters open to electric trolling motors only. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Largemouth bass must be released immediately.

Fayetteville (Washington County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge (Ashley, Bradley, Union counties)

Largemouth bass must be 13 inches or longer to keep, except in the following ponds:

  • Woodland Trail Pond at the Felsenthal NWR Headquarters on U.S. Highway 82 (Ashley County.
  • Locust Ridge Pond at Locust Ridge on U.S. Highway 82 (Union County.
  • Eagle Lake Pond north of Eagle Lake on Bradley County Road 53 (Bradley County.
  • Shallow Lake Field Pond west of Shallow Lake (Union County.

Person(s) keeping largemouth bass less than 13 inches from these waters must exit the NWR boundaries immediately upon leaving these ponds and may not enter NWR campgrounds or fish other NWR waters with largemouth bass less than 13 inches.

First Old River Lake (Miller County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply,.

Forrest City Park (St. Francis County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Fort Smith (Crawford County)

Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding and children under the age of 7 should not eat black bass (16 inches or longer) because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat black bass over 20 inches in length and limit their consumption of black bass 16-20 inches in length to two meals a month.

Frierson (Greene County)

Largemouth or spotted bass must be 12 inches or longer to keep. No limit on crappie. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Georgia Pacific (Ashley County)

Largemouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep.

Gillham (Howard, Polk counties)

Smallmouth bass daily limit is 2 and each must be 12 inches or longer to keep. Legal to spearfish in season. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Glenwood Pond (Pike County)

See John Benjamin Glenwood Community Pond.

Grampus (Ashley County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Grand (Chicot County)

No limit on catfish. Open to skiing and personal watercraft. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Gray’s (Cleveland County)

Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat flathead catfish (26 inches or longer), largemouth bass (13 inches or longer) gar, bowfin or pickerel because of mercury contamination. Others should limit their consumption of flathead catfish (26 inches or longer), largemouth bass (13-16 inches in length), pickerel, gar or bowfin to two meals per month and not eat largemouth bass over 16 inches long. Other fish may be eaten without restriction.

Greenlee (Monroe County)

See Marion McCollum Lake.

Greers Ferry (Cleburne, Van Buren counties)

Largemouth and smallmouth bass must be 12 inches or longer to keep. Smallmouth bass daily limit is 6. Walleye less than 14 inches in length must be released immediately in Greers Ferry and its tributaries. No limit on white bass for Greers Ferry Lake and its tributaries. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.

Greeson (Pike County)

Smallmouth bass must be 12 inches or longer to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 10 (only 2 of which may be smallmouth bass. In addition to the combined daily bass limit, 10 spotted bass may be taken. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout.

Gulf Mountain Ponds (Gulf Mountain WMA -Van Buren County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Gunner Pool (Stone County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Gurdon (Clark County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Crappie daily limit is 15. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Hamilton (Garland County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Harris Brake (Harris Brake WMA – Perry County)

Crappie must be at least 10 inches long to keep. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Hayden Bend Pond (Stone County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Heritage Park (Clay County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Hickson (Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA – Monroe County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Hidden (Carroll County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Hindsville (Madison County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Hinkle (Scott County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Hogue (Earl Buss/Bayou DeView WMA – Poinsett County)

No limit on crappie. Upper Lake Hogue: open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Horsehead (Johnson County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Horseshoe (Crittenden County)

Crappie, black and white, combined daily limit is 30.

Horseshoe Bend Pool

See Strawberry River.

Hubble (Dave Donaldson/Black River WMA – Clay County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Irons Fork (Polk County)

Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Jack Nolen (Sebastian County)

Black bass daily limit is 6. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

John Benjamin Glenwood Community Pond (Pike County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

June (Lafayette County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Largemouth bass must be 16 inches or longer to keep. Largemouth bass daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Keeland (Petit Jean WMA – Yell County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Keith (Benton County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25.

Kingfisher (Petit Jean WMA – Yell County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Largemouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Lake Village Community Fishing Pond (Chicot County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a hand-held rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under age 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disabled fishing (either a 3-year or combination) disability license. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Leatherwood (Carroll County)

Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Lee Creek Reservoir (Crawford County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Little Rock Air Force Base (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Little Rock City Park Ponds (Pulaski County – Boyle Park, Conner Park, Hindman Park, MacArthur Park, Rock Creek in Boyle Park and War Memorial Park)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Lou Emma (Crawford County)

Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 5. Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Ludwig (Johnson County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Mallard (Big Lake WMA – Mississippi County)

Largemouth bass from 14 inches to 17 inches long must be released immediately. Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, one of which may be over 17 inches. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Mammoth Pond (Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMA – Prairie County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Fish daily limit is 5.

Marion City Park (Crittenden County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Marion McCollum Greenlee (Monroe County)

No limit on channel catfish. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Martin Luther King Jr. Park Pond (Jefferson County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Mattocks Park – El Dorado (Union County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a hand-held rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Maumelle (Pulaski County)

Boats must be at least 14 feet long. As a municipal water supply, Lake Maumelle has many special regulations, call 501-868-4391 or visit for information.

Mellwood (Phillips County)

Water skiing is not allowed north of the Mellwood Old River Ski Club Landing.

Mercer Bayou (Sulphur River WMA – Miller County)

All game fish must be released immediately.

Mike Freeze England Community Fishing Pond (Lonoke County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMA (Prairie County)

Ponds and lakes (except oxbow lakes) open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Mike and Janet Huckabee Youth Fishing Pond (Hempstead County)

Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Other species are restricted to one-half the statewide daily limit. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited. Family and Community Fishing rules apply only to that portion of the lake restricted to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Millwood (Little River, Howard, Sevier, Hempstead counties)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 6. Spearfishing allowed during season.

Mirror (Blanchard Springs)(Stone County)

A trout permit is required to keep trout. Daily limit of 5 trout. Anglers may use no more than 2 fishing rods or poles at a time and must attend them at all times. No other devices may be used to catch fish, except bait tackle to catch baitfish. A handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available at Mirror Lake.

Mom’s (Clay County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Monticello (Drew County)

During December, January and February, the minimum-length limit for crappie is waived on Lake Monticello and the harvest is regulated by a 20-fish daily bag limit. The first 20 crappie caught, regardless of size, must be retained: culling is not permitted. From March through November, harvest is controlled by a 10-inch minimum length, 20-fish daily bag limit. Largemouth bass 19 to 22 inches must be released immediately. Largemouth bass daily limit is 8, of which only one largemouth over 22 inches can be kept. No limit on white bass and hybrid striped bass. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Monticello High School Pond (Drew County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a hand-held rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing.

Morgan Point Bendway (Desha County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Moss Creek Pond (Yell County)

Largemouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep.

Murphy Park Fishing Pond (Murphy Park, Washington County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Newark City (Independence County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

Newport City (Jackson County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Nimrod (Yell County)

Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Do not eat more than two meals per month of largemouth bass longer than 16 inches because of mercury contamination. Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under age 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 16 inches. Other fish may be eaten without restriction. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Norfork (Baxter County)

Crappie, black and white, combined daily limit is 15. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Largemouth and smallmouth bass must be 15 inches or longer to keep. Spotted bass must be at least 12 inches long to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (up to 6 may be smallmouth bass. Striped bass must be 20 inches or longer to keep. Striped and hybrid bass combined daily limit is 3. Walleye must be at least 18 inches long to keep. Walleye daily limit is 4. Legal to take game fish (except largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass) with spear guns during season. The White River Border Lakes License entitles the holder to fish in the Missouri portion of Norfork Lake without buying a Missouri nonresident license. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available at the Cranfield Recreation Area.

North Fork (Montgomery County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

North Little Rock City Park (Pulaski County – Burns Park)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Old Davidsonville (Randolph County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Old Town (Phillips County)

On AGFC access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Ouachita (Montgomery, Garland counties)

Largemouth bass must be at least 13 inches or longer to keep. Smallmouth bass must be at least 12 inches to keep. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (only 2 of which may be smallmouth bass. In addition to the combined daily bass limit, 10 spotted bass may be taken. Striped bass daily limit is 3. No fishing in the Jim Collins Net Pen area. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season. Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 13 inches or striped bass longer than 25 inches because of mercury contamination. Others should limit their consumption of largemouth bass (13 inches or longer), white bass (13 inches or longer) or striped bass (25 inches or longer) to two meals per month. Other fish may be eaten without restriction.

Overcup (Conway County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Crappie must be at least 10 inches long to keep. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Ozark (Arkansas River impoundment – Crawford, Franklin, Sebastian counties)

Largemouth bass must be at least 14 inches long to keep. Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.

Paradise (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Paris (Logan County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Pickthorne (Holland Bottoms WMA – Lonoke County)

See Tommy L. Sproles/Pickthorne Lake.

Pine Bluff (Jefferson County)

See Saracen.

Pinnacle Mountain State Park (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Pleasant View Park (Pope County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Poinsett (Poinsett County)

All game fish must be released except for catfish and bream. Bream daily limit is 25. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Pullen Pond (Petit Jean WMA – Yell County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Ramsey Slough (Independence County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA (Woodruff County)

Ponds open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Reynolds Park (Greene County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMA South Fork (Hempstead County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMA Terre Noire (Hempstead County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Daily limit of all fish is half the statewide daily limit. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Roosevelt (Petit Jean State Park – Conway County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Rowe (Batesville – Independence County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Salem City (Fulton County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Saracen (Jefferson County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Buffalo fish should not be consumed due to PCB contamination. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Searcy City (White County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Sequoyah (Washington County)

No daily limit on white bass for Beaver Lake and its tributaries, including Lake Sequoyah.

Shady (Polk County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Sherwood Municipal City Pond (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Shirey Bay (Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake WMA – Lawrence County)

See wildlife management area regulations.

Spring (Yell County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 16 inches because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat more than two meals per month of largemouth bass longer than 16 inches. Other fish may be eaten without restriction.

Spring River (Fulton County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Springdale (Benton County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Storm Creek (Phillips County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Boat motors may not exceed 9.9 horsepower on USDA Forest Service lakes.

Sugarloaf (Sebastian County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Sunset (Saline County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

SWEPCO (Benton County)

Largemouth bass statewide daily limit (10) applies of which only 1 may exceed 18 inches.

Sylvia (Perry County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Largemouth bass daily limit is 5. Lake Sylvia campground and parking area closes Oct.10-May 5. Lake access remains open unless otherwise posted. Call 501-321-5202 for more information. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass 16 inches or longer because of mercury contamination. Others should not eat more than two meals per month of largemouth bass 16 inches or longer. Other fish may be eaten without restriction.

Table Rock (Carroll, Boone counties)

Smallmouth or largemouth bass must be at least 15 inches long to keep. Spotted bass must be at least 12 inches long to keep. Smallmouth bass daily limit is 6. Crappie, black and white, combined daily limit is 15. Crappie shorter than 10 inches must be released immediately. Walleye caught in Table Rock Lake and its tributaries must be at least 18 inches long to keep with a daily limit of 4. Legal to take game fish (except largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass) with spear guns during season. The White River Border Lakes license entitles the holder to fish in the Missouri portion of Table Rock Lake without buying a Missouri nonresident license. These regulations apply to the waters from Beaver Lake Dam to Table Rock Dam. Check for additional regulations if fishing the White River below Beaver Lake Dam to the Houseman Access.

Tilden Rodgers Park Pond (Crittenden County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Catfish daily limit is 3. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout.

Tom’s (White County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Tommy L. Sproles/Pickthorne (Holland Bottoms WMA – Lonoke County)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 2, only one of which may exceed 21 inches. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Handicapped-accessible fishing piers are available.

Tri-County (Calhoun County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Truman Baker (Scott County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Twin Lakes A and B (Pulaski County)

Catfish daily limit is 5.

U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA (St. Francis County)

Ponds open to fishing with rod or pole only.

USDA Forest Service Ponds (where posted)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

Valencia (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Van Buren Municipal Park Pond (Crawford County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Victory (Clay County)

Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Wallace (Drew, Chicot counties)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply.

Walnut Ridge City (Lawrence County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Lake open to electric trolling motors only. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available.

Ward City Park (Lonoke County)

Catfish daily limit is 5. Open to fishing with rod or pole only.

War Memorial Park Pond (Pulaski County)

Fishing open only to persons under 16 or over 65 using a handheld rod or pole. Properly licensed persons between 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under 16 who is actively fishing. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. Fishing open to holders of a disability license (either a 3-year or combination. One properly licensed person may assist and fish with the disabled fishing license holder who must be actively fishing. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Webb (Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMA – Prairie County)

See for wildlife management area regulations.

Wells (Ft. Chaffee – Sebastian County)

Only one handheld rod or pole allowed. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

White Hall Community Pond (Jefferson County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Trout daily limit is 5. A trout permit is required to keep trout. Waters open to electrictrolling motors only.

White Oak, Lower (Ouachita County)

Largemouth bass daily limit is 10, one of which may be over 20 inches. Snagging is prohibited below the dam separating Upper and Lower White Oak lakes. On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

White Oak, Upper (Ouachita County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Wilhelmina (Polk County)

Largemouth bass from 13 inches to 16 inches long must be released immediately. Handicapped-accessible fishing pier is available. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Willow Beach Park Pond (Pulaski County)

Open to fishing with rod or pole only. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.

Wilson (Washington County)

On AGFC lakes and access areas, special rules apply. Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Winona (Saline County)

All black bass (largemouth, smallmouth, spotted) exceeding 16 inches must be released immediately because of mercury contamination. Boats must be at least 12 feet long. Other fish may be eaten without restriction.

Yell County Wildlife Federation Pond (Yell County)

Only handheld rod or pole allowed. Largemouth bass must be released immediately. Catfish daily limit is 3. Bream daily limit is 25. Waters open to electric trolling motors only.